How to Use the Glycemic Index to Lose More Weight

Archives for September 2017

Are you losing weight only to find that the pounds return, and you weigh more than you did before you started your last diet the last time?

Have you been trying all types of diet plans – low fat, high protein and nothing helps?

Lost track of how long you've been trying to release weight with no results?

I get your pain. In a world surrounded by ambiguous weight loss plans and products, losing weight can be hard. Yet, there is one golden rule you can follow for successful weight loss.

french fries glycemic index lose weightThat's right, just ONE habit to succeed in losing weight! Without further ado, I am talking about “Glycemic index” or some people call it the “Sugar Scale”.

Harvard Health Review published a research finding in 2004. It stated that it's not the high-fat foods that add pounds, but high sugary foods. The takeaway message was to watch the sugar content of the foods eaten.

Watch the Sugar Scale of your food! How do you do that? It's simple if you understand what a sugar scale actually is.

What is the “Sugar Scale” or “Glycemic Index”?

Glycemic index or GI indicates how fast or slow your food can raise your blood sugar levels after intake.

Glycemic index is the term used by health professionals. The GI of the foods you eat makes a big difference when it comes to stabilizing blood sugar levels in diabetics. It's also handy for anyone who wants to manage weight, suppress hunger and prevent disease.

How can the Glycemic Index help me with weight loss?

Studies show that when the blood sugar level is unstable 3 things happen in the body:

  • Sugar cravings: Ups and downs in blood sugar make you crave high carb and sugary foods.
  • Hunger & overeating: Unstable blood sugar leads to frequent hunger stimulation. This often causes you to overeat.
  • Insulin spike: When there is a sugar spike in your blood it calls for more insulin action. Insulin is a fat storing hormone.

When there is an excess of insulin circulating in the blood it leads to weight gain.

So now that you know why you want to eat more foods with a low glycemic index you may be wondering how to get started.

Fruit is a healthy choice but some rate higher on the sugar scale than others so you want to stick with the ones that rate lower than an 11. Foods below 11 on the GI are considered low GI foods.

This may leave you to wonder if too much fruit can make you fat? I have you covered because I wrote an article explaining that for you too!

Here are some good tips to get started.

4 Ways to Use The Glycemic Index

apples cherries and pears glycemic index lose weight1. Look for fiber: Foods with high fiber have a low glycemic index. All non-starchy vegetables, and fruits like cherries, apples, strawberries, pears etc.

2. Combine smart: Combine complex carbohydrates with protein-rich foods. This helps to lower the rate of carb digestion. Adding protein helps to slow digestion, curb hunger pangs and keep you full for longer. It's no wonder protein plays a role in weight loss.

3. Choose healthy fats: Healthy fats from coconut, ghee, and avocado have little or no carbs. This brings down the GI value of the food.

4. Stay away from: Refined carbs, white flour and processed foods, because these have high GI values. Never choose them if you're serious about weight loss. Instead, eat whole, fresh, unprocessed foods. Some examples include millets, nuts, seeds, almond flour and coconut flour.

Here's a handy list of 16 superfoods that keep blood sugar low, burn fat and prevent disease.

The sweetest news of all is, you don't really have to spend your time researching which foods are best for weight loss. I've already done all the legwork for you.

I put together my very best fat burning recipes, meal plans and workouts.

It's all online at your fingertips and you'll even get the support of thousands of people around the world who are on this journey with you!  All you have to do is Click Here to get started today.

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. If you found this useful I invite you to share it with your friends, and I want to hear from you in the comments below. Do you pay attention to the Glycemic Index of the foods you eat now?

Oregano is an essential herb in Greek and Italian kitchens.

Just a few teaspoons of the herb adds great flavor and complexity to the dish.

If you think of oregano only as a taste and flavor enhancer, think again!

This lovely herb from the mint family has more to offer than you can imagine. Here are some quick facts you should know about oregano.


4 Facts & Benefits of Oregano and Its Oiladult woman smell oregano herb benefits

1. It's a seriously nutritious herb

A teaspoon of dried herb gives you:

29 mg of calcium, 11.2 micrograms of vitamin K, 23 mg of potassium, 5 grams of magnesium and 0.8 grams of fiber

It's also a rich source of antioxidants. The key antioxidants include thymol, pinene, limonene, carvacrol, ocimene, and caryophyllene.

These active ingredients attribute to the unique and pleasant smell of oregano.

2. Oregano is a powerful antibiotic

Oregano is one of nature's best antibiotics. In many cases, it's even more powerful than modern-day antibiotics.

Studies show that oregano oil is effective against E.Coli bacteria. E.Coli is a harmful bacteria that causes food poisoning.

The essential oil contains two powerful compounds that are anti-bacterial and anti-fungal in nature. Use it in soups and broths and tomato dishes to add flavor.

3. Oregano fights cancer

Oregano is a cancer cell fighter.

One study found that oregano arrested the growth of cancer cells. The study used extracts which led to the death of colon cancer cells.

A  2011 study found that carnosol in oregano demonstrated a powerful anti-cancer effect. Carnosol is also a potent antioxidant.

4. Oregano fights inflammation

Beta-caryophyllin (E-BCP) is the active ingredient in oregano that shows anti-inflammatory effects.

BCP is also a dietary cannabinoid and it helps in pain relief.

3 Ways to Use Oregano Oil oregano oil cures foot fungus benefit

1. For foot/nail fungus: Add a few drops of oil in water and soak your feet in it. 

2. Sinus infections/colds: Use a few drops in a steam bath.

3. Skin infections: Dilute the oil and apply to the affected area. Be sure to dilute the essential oil before use. You can either use with a carrier oil, such as olive oil, or in water.

A few more tips for cooking with Oregano:

  • Use in marinades, stuffings or sprinkle over a meat dish.
  • Chop the fresh herb into fine pieces and add it to your dough to make bread or tortilla wraps.
  • Add it at the end of your cooking process for a great aroma.
  • Chopping the herb to finer pieces or grinding it releases more flavor.
  • Use small quantities, too much turns the food bitter.

QUICK FACT: A teaspoon of dried oregano is equal to one tablespoon of fresh oregano

Is Oregano safe to use every day?

Oregano in the herb form is fine for most people. If you have allergies to mint you should take precautions when taking oregano.

Pregnant women can take oregano in its fresh or dried form and it is safe. Soups, salads, eggs, meat dishes and other preparations that use oregano are safe. Yet, pregnant women should observe caution when using oregano oil. They should take it only after consulting with their doctor.

Oregano is available in the dried or fresh form in grocery stores. You can also grow it in a pot on a windowsill or balcony or in the garden.

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Please help me spread the word about the powers of oregano by sharing this with your friends. I'd love to hear more about how you use oregano or oregano oil in the comments below. Did you realize your spice cabinet could double as a medicine cabinet?

You may use an astringent to clean your face. But have you ever heard of astringent foods?

Long before scientists came up with antibiotics, people were using foods and herbs to fight off germs and sickness.

These natural cures and preventatives are even better than the drugs you get at the drug store because your body won’t build up a resistance to them.

Plus, instead of treating you once you’re feeling bad, they help keep you from getting sick in the first place.

6 Natural Antibiotics in Your Kitchen

1. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

You already knew that coconut oil is heart healthy and good for weight loss.

But did you know that it’s also great at killing fungus and germs?

There are lots of ways to add it to their diet. One of my favorites is to stir a spoonful into my Super Healthy Coffee recipe each morning. Just make sure your coffee is organic or you'll be drinking a hot cup of chemicals.

2. Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

You knew this was going to be on this list, didn’t you?

Organic apple cider vinegar (with “the mother”) is a wonder food. It’s good for whatever ails you!

When it comes to killing germs, you can’t get much better than ACV. You can even use it to disinfect and sterilize things!

3. Cabbage

Cabbage is so much more than just an ingredient in cole slaw. It has high levels of sulfur compounds that help keep cancer from developing.

It's also loaded with Vitamin C.

Just one cup of cabbage gives you 75% of your daily Vitamin C, which is well known for fighting off colds and viruses.

Eat cabbage raw to help keep your weight stable. At the same time, it will fight off illness and keep your digestive system moving.

4. Honey

Honey is sweet, but it’s also a powerful infection fighter. Ancient Romans used it to help heal wounds and keep germs from taking hold.

It also removes toxins from the blood and helps fight infection by releasing hydrogen peroxide into your bloodstream.

It can be easy to be fooled by honey labels so make sure that the honey you choose is raw and organic, because processing honey kills what makes it an effective antibiotic.

5. Garlic

Garlic may do bad things to your breath, but it’s great at fighting off infection.

In fact, it contains a compound called allicin that has been shown to be very much like penicillin! Eating raw garlic when it has been crushed or chewed has been shown to fight off viruses, germs, parasites and fungus.

And that's just the beginning. Here are 7 more reasons to love garlic and number 7 will shock you!

6. Fermented Foods

Not sure what they are? Think pickles, probiotic yogurt, sauerkraut and Korean Kimchi.

All these foods are loaded with enzymes and antioxidants that help your gut stay healthy. They boost your levels of the good bacteria in your system so you’re better able to fight off infection and illness.

Fermented foods help boost weight loss too!

You probably already have some of these in your pantry. If you don't, you may want to add them to your shopping list. One way or another, adding them to your diet will help keep you healthier!

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Please share this with your loved ones and I invite you to comment below. How many of these are in your kitchen right now?

Who doesn't love a cute little kiwi?

It’s brilliant green color and sweet citrus flavor make it a favorite.

Besides knowing it’s delicious, did you realize that eating kiwi is also a great way to help you sleep at night?

A study published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition explains that researchers asked people to eat 2 whole kiwis a night for 4 weeks.

They ate kiwis an hour before they went to bed and found that it made a big difference in how fast they fell asleep, how long they slept and how well they slept.

In fact, people slept an average of an hour longer each night. That’s a lot more sleep!

So, what is it about kiwi that had this amazing effect?

It turns out that kiwi is a superfruit. It has a ton of important nutrients, and among them are serotonin and folate.

Serotonin sends important messages between our nerve cells. It's one of the hormones that make us feel happy and relaxed. It also has been found to keep us awake during the day and sleepy at night.

Folate is also known as folic acid or Vitamin B9. Studies have shown that people who are low in this vitamin tend to have a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep.

Sleep Might be More Important than You Think

Getting at least 7 hours of sleep a night is one of the most important things you can do for your body.

Sleep gives you the energy you need to carry through your day. It helps you learn, remember and boosts your mood.

Lack of sleep has been linked to many serious health problems, including the risk of stroke, cancer and heart disease. It has also been linked to obesity.

Look for these 7 signs that you need more sleep.

When you don’t get enough sleep you are far more likely to binge on unhealthy foods and eat too much in general. When you're sleep deprived it messes with your hormone levels – you can’t recognize when you’re feeling full.

In addition to being a great sleep aid, kiwi is also a super source of vitamin C and fiber that’s smart to eat at any time of day. It’s also loaded with antioxidants that will boost your immune system and potassium to keep your heart healthy.

If you’re having a hard time falling asleep or find yourself waking up in the middle of the night, think about having kiwi as a bedtime snack.

Try a Sleepy Smoothie to Fight Insomnia

Try mixing up this kiwi smoothie before you go to sleep each night. It’s good for you for so many reasons, and the bananas and yogurt are good sleep aids too. Drinking it can make a real difference in getting the rest you need.

kiwi melon smoothie

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Please share this with the insomniacs in your life and I invite you to comment below. How many hours of sleep do you normally get?

If you eat a lot of vegetables kudos to you. You're getting tons of good vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and a full spectrum of antioxidants.

But did you know you can max out the nutrients from your veggies if you cook them the right way?! Some cooking methods undermine all the reasons you're eating veggies in the first place.

Interested? Stay with me as I break this down easy and neat.

What's the best way to cook your veggies?


This involves cooking vegetables in the hot vapors released by boiling water. The vegetables don't come in direct contact with water with this method. Steaming retains B vitamins, vitamin C as well as minerals like calcium.

For instance, broccoli retains most of its nutrition in the steaming process. While boiling or microwaving kills nutrients and reduces its cancer-fighting properties.

The best way to cook broccoli is to steam for 3 -4 minutes till it turns bright green color.


Boiling involves cooking the vegetables in water. In this method, a lot of the nutrients leach into the water. A percentage of water-soluble vitamins like vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamins B-6 and B-12, niacin and folate are lost in the water.

The percentage varies depending on the veggie, amount of water used, cook time and temperature.

For instance, most leafy greens lose 40% of their Vitamin C and 35% of their folate when boiled in water but not enough water to cover them. If you add enough water to cover them you stand to lose another 5%.

A general rule of thumb is to expect to lose 30-40% of water-soluble vitamins when you boil your veggies and the more water you use and the longer you boil them, the more vitamins you lose.

Unless you are going to use this water in stews or soups, this isn't an ideal way to cook veggies.


This involves cooking vegetables in a small amount of fat over high heat. Sauteing allows the veggies to brown or sear and keeps the moisture and texture intact.

Some veggies like eggplant are great to cook in a healthy oil because it boosts the absorption of antioxidants. Eggplant is high in phenols and carotene and sauteing keeps these nutrients. This method also keeps fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K intact.


A Spanish study found that baking retained the antioxidants in a lot of vegetables.

Asparagus, artichokes, broccoli, celery, green beans, spinach and eggplant kept their antioxidants. Yet, the study found that green peppers lost their antioxidant capacity.


This is when you cook vegetables in a pan with a flat or raised edge surface. It's a bit different that sauteeing since the veggies aren't usually immersed as deeply in the cooking oil.

The same study mentioned above found that griddling veggies with a bit of oil is a good way to preserve nutrition. Green beans, asparagus, broccoli, celery, swiss chard, onions kept their nutrition when griddled.

So, what is the absolute best method to cook vegetables?

While methods like steaming, are much better than boiling, the best way to cook really depends on the veggie.

A fool-proof way to keep most of the nutrients is to steam or saute your veggies.

6 Cooking Tips to Get the Most out of Your Veggies

1. Steam cook your vegetables to preserve the most nutrition.

2. Keep the temperature, the quantity of water used and cooking time to the least when you opt to boil.

3. If boiling your vegetables, never discard the water. Add it to soups or broth.

4. Avoid frying vegetables, it adds too many empty calories.

5. If you want to boost the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K, cook them in good fat like coconut oil or ghee.

6. Don't throw away the scraps. You'll be surprised to know what you're probably tossing out is actually the healthiest part of your veg.

All this talk about cooking veggies may make you forget that veggies are an ideal grab and go food. They're perfectly delicious and nutritious raw. 🙂

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Share this with your veggie loving friends and I welcome your feedback in the comments below. How do you usually cook your veggies?

Okay, let's be honest here, how many of you procrastinate?

We all procrastinate from time to time. It can be for mundane things like sorting your files or crucial things like exercising.

Of course, the bigger things need commitment and continuous effort. When you don't get to such tasks, it can make you feel lazy, and emotionally weigh you down.

4 Ways Procrastination Affects Your Health

1. Stress & weight gain: Putting off crucial tasks can lead to rushing before deadlines, and building stress. Stress is one of the reasons for unexplained weight gain. Stress can lead to overeating and eating to ease the sense of guilt, which can cause weight gain.

2. Increases blood pressure: Dawdling away at work, or putting off chores increases blood pressure. Researchers agree that procrastinators are likely to reach for stimulants like coffee. Some may even resort to drugs and other stimulants which disrupt health.

3. Risk of anxiety and depression: Postponing tasks can cause poor self-esteem. Studies show mood changes, increased anxiety and risk of depression are high when procrastinating.

sneezing procrastination impacts health4. Poor immune health: Research finds that procrastinators fall sick more often than non-procrastinators. The restlessness that follows procrastination can lead to poor sleep. This can also impact immune health.

There is no doubt procrastination affects your work, health, and personal life.

So, why do we procrastinate?

There are many theories as to why we may procrastinate, some of them include:

  • Fear of failure
  • Thrill of last minute rush
  • Indecisiveness
  • Poor self-discipline

Whatever the reason, there are ways to end this self-sabotage with simple rules. So, here's what you can do about it!

procrastination infographic

5 Ways to Beat Procrastination

1. Set your goals: If there is too much on your plate, rank them in the order of importance. Set a reasonable target to reach your goal. 

2. Accountability: Make a commitment to a friend and be accountable to him/her. Be sincere in your efforts and take your friend's help to get on the task.

3. Break into chunks: A huge task may seem daunting. Break them down into smaller chunks or short goals leading up to the end goal.  Set milestones as you reach your short goals.

4. Make the future seem close: Think of a deadline as the number of days rather than months. This will make the future seem immediate or coming soon.

5. Avoid distraction: Create an environment that is free of distractions. A messy room, the constant ringing of gadgets can all be a contributing factor to diminish your focus. Clean out distractions to improve your productivity.

I used to procrastinate, but I was quick to wake up. Had I given into procrastination, I may not have been able to have this platform to talk to you about this right now.

The above strategies have not failed me, and you can follow them too. You'll notice when you stop procrastinating that the world will open up to manifest your biggest goals and wildest dreams!

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Please don't put off sharing this information with your friends and I can't wait to hear from you in the comments below. What hacks have you used to stop procrastination in your own life?

Have you heard stories of young women having strokes?

The 36-year old whose stroke started as a headache in spin class?

The 26-year-old who had a stroke while having sex?

When most people think of a stroke, they picture an old person, but that’s not always the case. 

Strokes happen when the blood supply to the brain is blocked or a blood vessel in the brain bursts.

They are the 5th leading cause of death in the United States. They happen to 800,000 people each year.

A stroke is much more likely to happen to people who are over 55, but they're happening to younger people more and more. This is especially true in younger women.

Let’s look at what causes a stroke, how to prevent it, and what to watch out for to make sure that you and your loved ones are safe.

A recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows young people are accounting for more and more acute strokes. They are having the kind of stroke caused by blood being cut off from the brain.

Between 1995 and 2008 there was a 23% jump in the number of women between 15 and 34 who had strokes.

There was a 29% rise in strokes in women between 35 and 44 in this same time period.

7 Things that Put Young Women at Risk for a Stroke

1. Being obese 
2. Having high cholesterol
3. Having diabetes
4. Having high blood pressure
5. Having recently given birth
6. Being pregnant
7. An injury to the neck

Doctors aren’t sure why more young people are having strokes.

They think it may be due to more young people drinking, smoking and eating a poor diet.

According to Dr. Brett Kissela, a neurology professor at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,

“The public health story here is that we’re seeking stroke factors at much younger ages as a result of an epidemic of childhood obesity and diabetes, and high blood pressure and cholesterol that everyone is talking about.”

Silent Symptoms in Young Adults

One of the most troubling things about strokes in young people is that the signs are often missed. Here are some things to watch for:

  • Sudden unsteadiness
  • Face drooping
  • Dizziness
  • Arm Weakness
  • Severe headache
  • Neck pain
  • Fatigue
  • Slurring words

It’s key for a stroke to be diagnosed quickly. Every minute that goes by means more harm to the brain.

Knowing Risk Factors

One of the keys to protecting against stroke is to know your own risk factors. Even if you’re at a healthy weight and follow a healthy diet, you may be vulnerable to stroke.

Risk factors include:

  • Family history of stroke
  • Migraine headaches
  • Heart problems
  • Taking birth control that contains estrogen

What Can You Do to Decrease Your Risk of Stroke?

There are 3 steps you can take right away to lower your risk of stroke.

1. Start by paying attention to your blood pressure and cholesterol. If they're too high, see your doctor and adjust your lifestyle to make improvements.

2. Exercise regularly. 

3. Stick to a heart-healthy diet high in fish, nuts, and vegetables.

If you want to do even more, here are nine more ways to reduce your risk of this silent killer.

Just having awareness of the fact that a stroke can happen at any age puts you in a better position to be proactive.

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Please share this with the young women in your life to help raise awareness and I welcome your comments below. Do you know someone who suffered a stroke at an early age?

We're all Googling for answers to our questions and problems. Meanwhile, YOU already have ALL the answers within you right now!

The real question is…are you willing to listen to your inner voice? Will you take action on that tug in your mind that says reach out and ask for what you want?

Tune into this video and I'll share a story about how I listened to what my gut was telling me to do, and it's why I'm now living my dreams!

If you want to catch me live on YouTube just go to my channel and hit subscribe to be notified when I go live there!

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Please share this video with someone who needs this message today, and leave me a comment below. Has anything like this happened to you as a result of listening to your intuition?

Focusing on your overall health means paying attention to details big and small:

  • your weight
  • your blood pressure
  • how you feel
  • how you look

As for how you look, though you may opt out of fussing with frills, that doesn’t mean that things like your fingernails and hair aren’t important. In fact, they can be a key sign of good (or bad) health.

long hair and nails health

Your hair and your nails are made up of keratin. Keratin is a special protein made by cells in your skin.

When it’s made, it pushes through the skin, then dies and turns hard, turning into hair or nails.  This process is called “keratinization.”

Keratinization results in roughly 5 inches of hair growth a year and 1 ½ inches of nail growth per year.

When the process of keratinization is going well, it reflects good health. Nails and hair will be strong and smooth.

By contrast, a person who is sick will have nails that are dry and brittle. Their hair will break easily and be dull. There are other signs and symptoms your hair and nails will give you too!

The body functions that determine whether keratinization is well supported are a healthy kidney and thyroid, as well as hormones that are in balance.

To ensure that these organs and functions are well supported, there are several nutrients that you should be sure you're getting.

These include:

  • Protein: gets broken down into amino acids that build keratin
  • Vitamin A: Helps your body absorb protein
  • Vitamin C: Works with zinc to build collagen
  • Vitamin B2: Helps develop new tissue
  • Vitamin B7 (biotin): Develops stronger nails

Other nutrients that are key to growing vibrant, healthy nails and hair include vitamins D and E, iron, calcium and iodine.

To support nail and hair health, there are certain foods that will make a big difference. Eating more of these will add strength and shine:

8 Foods to Grow Gorgeous Nails and Shiny Hair

1. Protein – Adding a plant-based protein powder to your smoothie will stop hair loss.

blueberries nails and hair health 2. Blueberries – Blueberries are high in antioxidants that protect growing cells against free radical damage.

3. Almonds – Almonds are loaded with magnesium. This mineral counters stress that can cause damage to hair and nail cells. Other good sources of magnesium include cacao nibs and leafy greens. And almonds are also high in protein.

4. Beer – Not that I'm advocating alcohol but here’s one good reason to tilt a glass every now and then. Beer contains silicon, a mineral that boosts scalp circulation and hair growth.  It also fights brittleness in nails.

oysters nails and hair health5. Oysters – Oysters are the food highest in zinc. Zinc is needed to make the keratin that turns into hair and nails. Not a fan of shellfish? You can also get zinc from poultry, cereals, and baked beans.

6. Yogurt – There’s a link between losing hair and low levels of Vitamin D. Also, the calcium in dairy helps build healthy hair and nails. Just be sure you read the labels before you buy yogurt.

7. Eggs – Not only are eggs high in protein and vitamin D, they also contain biotin, which plays a key role in building keratin.

8. Salmon – Salmon contains biotin and protein, as well as omega-3 fatty acids that promote healthy skin. Since nails and hair are formed from the top layer of skin, healthy skin means healthy nails.

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Please share this with your friends and family and don't forget to leave a comment below! Have you noticed changes in your hair and nails lately?