Ask people what their least favorite body part is, and more than a few of them are likely to point to their feet.
Being self-conscious about the way our feet look has led to big spending on pedicures and foot care products.
But aside from worrying about whether our nails are polished or your toes too long or too stubby, did you know that your feet can give you valuable information about your health?
It’s true.
In fact, one of the first things that a health care practitioner will look at on an elderly patient is the condition of their feet because it can tell them so much.
Your feet do far more than carry you from place to place.
They give you a quick way of checking your overall health. They can tell you if you need more nutrients and if a serious medical condition is lurking in your body. You just need to know how to read the signs.
6 clues your feet may be giving you about your health
1. You have no hair on your feet or toes.
This may seem like a good thing from a vanity perspective, but it might mean that you have poor circulation, and maybe even a vascular disease. The same problem could make it hard to find a pulse in your feet.
Check to see if your feet are red when you’re standing but pale when they’re elevated. If they are, go see your doctor.
Tweet2. Your feet are always cold.
This happens to women more than men. It could be a sign that your thyroid isn’t working properly.
3. Your big toe has gotten huge.
This is a sign of gout, which is a kind of arthritis. It is caused by having too much uric acid in your body and can become super painful. Gout shows up in your big toe first because it is the part of your body that is farthest from your heart, and so it’s the coldest. And uric acid crystals form when it is cold.
By the way, it's important to pamper your feet any way you can! One of the ways I take care of my feet is by wearing these comfy You by
Skechers shoes. They slip on and off so quickly (my new puppy doesn't always have time to wait for me to lace up) and my feet always feel great in these shoes!
4. Your toenails have indentations like a spoon.
This is a sign of anemia, which is a serious iron deficiency. It can happen to your fingernails too. You should see your doctor to get a blood test. You can also increase your iron intake by eating foods rich in iron like spinach and eggs. Drinking more orange juice or eating grapefruit will help too, because Vitamin C helps you absorb iron more efficiently.
5. Your feet cramp a lot.
This can be quite painful, and is usually a sign of dehydration. It may also mean that you need to add calcium, magnesium or potassium to your diet. Nuts, like hazelnuts or pecans, are a good choice. So are fresh oranges.
6. You have a sore on the bottom of your foot that won’t heal.
This can be a warning sign of diabetes. It happens because your blood glucose levels are high and are causing nerve damage. This damage keeps you from knowing that you have a wound on your foot. See your physician immediately.
Yours in Health,
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