6 Simple Tricks to Skyrocket Your Metabolism

Archives for January 2017

When it comes to weight loss, metabolism is a hot topic.

People who have a hard time losing weight blame a slow metabolism. People who hope to boost their weight loss efforts want to speed up their metabolism.

Is there truth to the idea that a faster metabolism means quicker weight loss? And if so, how do you make yours faster?

When we talk about metabolism, we’re talking about what happens when our bodies change what we eat and drink into energy. The process combines calories with oxygen, and that powers our bodies.

We use energy in everything we do: sleeping and breathing, exercising and working.

The amount of energy that we use at rest is known as our Basal Metabolic Rate. That is what we are talking about when we say metabolism.

Your metabolism is the speed at which you burn calories. It's impacted by:

  • the size of your body
  • your age and your sex
  • how fast you digest your food
  • how active you are

When you increase your metabolism you will have more energy and feel better.

6 Easy and Effective Ways to Speed Up Your Metabolism

1. Eat a lot of protein

When you eat food, your metabolism increases to help your body digest and absorb it.

Protein boosts that effect because it takes more energy to digest. It also helps you feel full so that you eat less.

2. Drink a lot of water

There are plenty of good reasons for drinking water.

One of the best of these is that cold water increases your resting metabolism. In fact, a half-liter bottle of water will increase your metabolism for an hour.

If the water is ice cold, it boosts metabolism even more.

3. Build muscle

We all want to lose fat, but few know that having more muscle boosts metabolism.

One of the best ways to build muscle is to lift weights.

One study showed that women who lost weight and then did resistance training had higher metabolic rates than those that did not.

Doing high-intensity exercise is another great way to boost your metabolism. In fact, your metabolism will not only increase while you’re doing it but will stay higher for hours afterward.

4. Drink green tea and coffee

Green tea has many health benefits. One of the most important is its ability to boost metabolism by 4 to 5%. Green tea also helps the body break fat down.

Coffee has also been shown to boost fat burning by 29% and metabolism by 3-11%.

5. Eat foods that are spicy

Many studies have shown that when we eat hot peppers, our metabolism rises. That is because they contain capsaicin.

Eating peppers in a meal helps you burn an extra 10 calories.

6. Get more sleep

When you don’t get enough sleep, your metabolism drops. This is one of the reasons that sleep deprivation has been directly linked to obesity.

Any of the above are easy changes you can make to turn your body into a fat burning machine!

Yours in health,


P.S. Please spread the word by sharing this article and I always love hearing from you in the comments below.

You probably already know that tomatoes are a healthy choice. They're known for being high in vitamin C and their juicy good flavor.

You find them in soups, and as a base for other recipes, because of their versatile nature. The subtle sweetness complemented with an acidic taste brings out a mix of flavors to any dish.

What you might not know is that there is more to them than just being a ketchup or a soup base. Tomatoes can do amazing things for your health.

5 Reasons to Eat More Tomatoes

1. Heart healthy

A study found that the lycopene in tomatoes lowers high blood pressure.

According to the study, getting at least 25 mg of lycopene every day can bring your bad cholesterol down by 10%. This effect is close to taking a low dose statin! Pretty impressive.

Just half a cup of tomato sauce contains 20 mg. of lycopene.

Another heart healthy benefit is that tomatoes are a good source of betaine. Betaine converts homocysteine to methionine in your body. Studies show that high homocysteine levels cause heart conditions.

A cup of tomato sauce delivers 2.4 mg of betaine.

So, it's a good idea to eat tomato soup for dinner with plenty of other vegetables.

2. Fights cancer

Tomatoes are one of mother nature's best cancer preventing foods.

The carotenoid pigment lycopene, in tomatoes, shows strong anticancer effects. It's this pigment that gives the red color to tomatoes.

Studies show that lycopene prevents cancers of the lung, stomach and prostate.

Another key nutrient, alpha-tomatine, helps to lower the risk of prostate cancer. It caused the automatic death of prostate cancer cells and non-small cell lung cancer.

3. Powerful antioxidants

Tomatoes store a bundle of antioxidants within their fleshy internal segments. They pack both a water-soluble antioxidant vitamin C and a list of fat-soluble antioxidants.

This is a vital combination as this works to protect the water filled inside and fat soluble cell walls in a cell. Other antioxidant carotenoids in tomato are beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin.

They also contain flavonoid compounds, which includes a unique variety of phytonutrients. Naringenin, chalco-naringenin, kaempferol, rutin  and quercetin are some of them.

4. Supports bone health

You might be surprised to learn that tomatoes support bone health.

In order for your body to absorb calcium, you need certain key nutrients in your food. Tomatoes are an excellent source of those nutrients like vitamin K, chromium, molybdenum, and zinc. They're also a good source of other nutrients like copper and magnesium.

These micronutrients play a role in building strong bones. Another interesting link to bone health is the lycopene.

According to a study, lycopene had an impact on the bone health of post menopausal women. When dietary sources of lycopene were absent in their diets, bones showed unwanted changes. In four weeks, there was signs of oxidative stress and damage to bone tissue. This suggests a bone protective effect of lycopene.

5. Great for your skin

Tomato slices on your face and in your mouth can benefit your skin. These compounds help reduce the damage done by the UV rays.

The antioxidants beta-carotene and lycopene help destroy free radicals. Free radicals can cause loss of elasticity to the skin leading to wrinkles.

Tomatoes are 90% water and rich in vitamin C, two things needed for great skin care.

Choosing your tomatoes

  • Go for organic, rich colored tomatoes. Choosing tomatoes of all colors gives you a variety of antioxidants
  • Store at room temperature for best freshness
  • When buying canned tomato products choose BPA-free cans

The most delicious ones come in early summer and ripen from July through September. Now you have even more reasons to be excited about tomato season!

Yours in health,


P.S. Please share this with your tomato loving friends and I love reading your comments below! Do you grow your own?

Prepping healthy foods ahead of time can make your life so much easier and your fitness goals that much closer to attainment. This healthy meatball recipe is super delicious and easy to have as a snack or main meal.

Yummy Fat Burning




  • 2 pounds grass-fed beef or bison (I used bison)
  • 1 cup almond flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1/2 cup chopped onions (optional)
  • 2 tablespoons liquid aminos
  • 1 tablespoon minced garlic



 1. Line a pan with aluminum foil.

 2. Mix all ingredients.

 3. Mold mixture into balls.

 4. Cook at 350ºF for 18-25 minutes.


This recipe makes a double batch because I like to freeze the leftovers for later. They're great portable protein snacks. These meatballs are perfect served over a healthy pasta or greens!

Want more delicious recipes?



P.S. Please share this delicious recipe with your friends and I welcome your comments below.

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If it seems like Ginkgo Biloba is the next big thing, then we have news for you.

Researchers say that the Ginkgo Biloba tree is the oldest tree species around! It’s also one of the oldest plant extracts to be used as a medicine.

The Chinese have been using it to treat a wide range of illnesses for centuries.

So what does Ginkgo Biloba do? It’s been praised for so many things that it’s hard to know where to start.

It’s a powerful antioxidant that helps the body in platelet aggregation. It boosts the efficiency of the circulatory system and eases the effects of asthma. Most important of all, it’s been proven to improve memory, mood, and energy.

The dose you take of Ginkgo Biloba depends on why you are taking it. Let’s look at all the benefits it offers.

Top 10 Things to Know About Ginkgo Biloba

1. It can help reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. Studies have shown that adding Ginkgo Biloba in combination with other drug treatments can offer a big boost in the quality of life for people with memory loss.

2. It helps people concentrate and relieves fatigue and confusion. Scientists think it has this effect because it’s an anti-inflammatory, reducing stress and boosting circulation.

3. Relieves PMS symptoms.

Ginkgo has been shown to reduce headaches, mood swings, fatigue and pain.

4. It fights depression and worry. Research has shown that ginkgo helps cut the levels of stress hormones. It’s an adaptogen herb, which means it helps people cope with anxiety.

5. Treats ADHD. When taken with other medicines, ginkgo has been shown to improve concentration. It also reduces dyslexia symptoms. Some early studies have shown that it may also ease the behaviors seen in those on the autism spectrum.

6. Keeps your eyes healthy and your vision sharp. Ginkgo has been shown to improve blood flow to the eyes and fight damage to the cornea. It’s also been shown to lower the risk of macular degeneration.

7. It boosts libido. Ginkgo has been shown to improve hormonal balance. It can fight erectile dysfunction and low libido. It does this by dilating blood vessels.

8. Relieves symptoms of asthma. Ginkgo has been proven to lower inflammation and improve nerve function. This has helped those who suffer from asthma attacks to minimize their difficulty in breathing.

9. Gets rid of headaches, including migraines. Headaches and migraines are caused by blood vessels that contract. Ginkgo dilates blood vessels. It also combats stress that can cause headaches and migraines.

10. Helps the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a nervous system disorder that causes pain and fatigue. Ginkgo has been shown to decrease the pain and help victims sleep. It also reduces their depression.

Ginkgo Biloba is available as a tablet, a capsule, a liquid or a tea.

Dosage should be between 40 and 300 mg per day, with 40 mg best for people looking to treat pain and anxiety.

Cognitive improvements are seen at 120 mg per day. Higher levels are best for hormonal imbalances and mood disorders.

As with any herbal supplement you want to do your research and make sure you're buying from a reputable company since supplements aren't regulated for quality.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns you should always check with your doctor before taking something new.

Yours in health,


P.S. Please share this with your friends and I welcome your comments below.

Your liver probably doesn't get the recognition it deserves.

Being your body's largest gland, it plays a major role in keeping us healthy and energetic.

Yet, it does not get as much attention as the heart or brain. It's high time to show your liver some love!

Here are some of the key things your liver does for your body:

  • Helps digest fat by producing bile
  • Stores sugar (as glycogen), vitamins, and iron
  • Produces endocrine hormones responsible for growth & energy release
  • Converts stored glycogen to glucose in the absence of fuel
  • Cleanses toxic wastes from medications, alcohol and digestive byproducts

The liver works around the clock, using 1.5 quarts of blood per minute to function. A healthy liver gives you stable blood sugar, clear skin and healthy body weight. A well-functioning liver will never fail your health.

So, one of the best things you can do to help your liver help you is to eat right!

Eat right, eat clean

Choosing to eat clean, healthy foods is the first step towards a healthy liver. Your goal is to reduce the liver's daily toxic burden and make its job easier.

Overwhelming your liver with toxins can make its job a lot harder! Cut back on unwanted toxins like smoke, alcohol and drugs and choose foods that support liver health.

5 Foods for Liver Health

1. Beets

Beets contain plenty of cleansing nutrients. Betaine, betalains and pectin are only some of its important nutrients. Betaine is an amino acid that helps the liver to rid itself of toxins. Betalains are the dark pigments that give beets their color.

They're anti-inflammatory in nature and aid in the liver's detoxification process. Pectin is a soluble fiber which binds with the toxins removed by the liver and removes them from the body.

2. Lemon

Lemon is rich in phenolic compounds, vitamins, minerals, fiber, essential oils, and carotenoids. All these compounds support optimal liver function. Fresh lemon juice in a glass of warm water, on an empty stomach, is one prescription for a healthy liver.

Lemon contains limonoids, a nutrient that is a potent anti-cancer agent.

Lemon is an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps rejuvenate the liver cells. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects the liver from oxidative stress. Deficiency of vitamin C leads to poor liver function.

3. Cruciferous vegetables

Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, bok Choy etc fall under the cruciferous vegetable category. These are sulfur-containing vegetables, which are the reason for the characteristic odor when cooked. These veggies contain sulforaphane, a type of nutrient that improves liver function.

Studies show that sulforaphane increases the liver's action to remove toxins and cancer-causing agents. In particular, sulforaphane increases the action of the detoxification enzymes secreted by the liver.

4. Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice, that's a powerful anti-cancer agent. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects make it a perfect add-on to detox recipes.

Curcumin, the yellow pigment in turmeric is a powerful antioxidant and anticancer agent.

The anti-inflammatory nature of turmeric helps repair damaged liver cells. Ayurveda (an ancient science of holistic healing) uses turmeric as a key ingredient to treat liver cirrhosis.

5. Garlic

Garlic is nature's best antibiotic and an anti-infective agent. Garlic is rich in Diallyl sulfide (DAS), one of the sulfur-containing nutrients. DAS helps to activate the detoxifying enzymes in the liver.

When garlic is crushed, it releases allicin. This nutrient helps protect liver cells from damage.

3 Takeaways to Protect Your Liver

Choose organic foods: If organic produce is too expensive for you, consider growing your own chemical-free vegetables.

Rotate your greens: They are rich in chlorophyll which is another detoxifying pigment your liver loves.

Avoid environmental toxins: This includes many cosmetics, paints, air pollution, alcohol and drug overuse.

Personally, I use this all natural and gentle detox a few times a year. It renews my energy and resets my hormones. I always feel amazing after I finish a detox.

Yours in health,


P.S. Pleased share this info. with your loved ones and I welcome your comments below.

You need a combination of carbs, protein, fat, minerals and vitamins, to live a healthy lifestyle.

Carbs, protein and fat are ”Macronutrients.” Macronutrients are where we get our energy from. Vitamins and minerals are “micronutrients,” as they do not provide energy, but help in the development of our bodies.

Sounds simple right? Yet there is still a lot of confusion surrounding this.

We can thank the dietary advice of the last twenty years for the confusion! There's always some latest and greatest recommendation to eat less of one type of macronutrient. For many years it was fat that played the villain, now carbs are taking the heat.

People on this ”low carb diet” fad argue that:

  • Carbs have a high glycemic index
  • Eating carbs leads to obesity and other health conditions

On the surface, this may appear valid, but this approach is problematic.

Not all carbs are the same, your body responds to different types of carbs in different ways.

Besides, you should not avoid carbs because:

  • Carbohydrates are your body's most preferred source of fuel
  • When you eat healthy carbs, it stabilizes blood sugar and curbs cravings
  • Unprocessed carbs have plenty of fiber, and low carbohydrate density, which aids in weight loss

Understanding Carbs

Research tells us that the carb intake of the Incas, Okinawans, and Kitavans are high. Despite this, they have a lower disease rate and enjoy a healthy body weight. They get their energy by eating 65 – 70% of carbs every day.

Their food staples are things like tubers, stems, leaves, fruits and other plants. Meat made up only a small amounts of their food intake.

Based on these observations…

Here's what we've been missing about carbs all these years!

1. The type of carb is key:

Carbs are crucial for your health. Ancestral foods all over the world are heavy on cellular carbs. The majority of modern (western) diets are full of acellular carbs.

Don't worry, I'll break this down for you.

Cellular Carbs: Root tubers, shoots, leaves and fruits have their carbs packaged inside of cells. These cells have fiber, that remains intact during cooking. Due to this factor, the number of carbs you get from them is less. In other words, their carbohydrate density is low. Foods with low carb density help stabilize blood sugar and are healthy for you.

Acellular Carbs: Refined flour, white sugar, and processed grains are acellular carbs. They do not have cell walls or, have had them removed due to processing. Their carbohydrate density is high, which can lead to many health conditions.

2. The right carbs prevent diseases & weight gain:

If all carbs lead to weight gain and diseases, then many indigenous populations would have a high death rate.

Take a look at the Okinawans of Japan, 65% of their diet are carbs. Likewise, the Kitavans from Papua, New Guinea get 70% of their energy from carbs. Yet, they still have a lean body mass and a low rate of disease. The key factors here are the leptin and gut microbiota.

Leptin: Our body secretes this hormone to signal when the stomach is full. Research shows that cellular carbs help release leptin and stop overeating. While in western diets, dense acellular carbs interfere with the action of leptin. This leads to leptin resistance, metabolic syndrome and obesity.

Gut bacteria:  A healthy gut translates to a healthy body. Cellular carbs promote the growth of healthy bacteria, but acellular carbs, cause low-level inflammation.

This causes leaky gut and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). This, in turn, affects the brain's ability to process the signal of leptin. This results in overeating and weight gain.

The Bottom Line on Carbs

  • It is not the QUANTITY, but the TYPE of carbs we eat that determines our health.
  • Choose fresh, wholesome foods over processed/refined foods

Still not sure which foods have the healthy carbs? Here's a list of carbs you SHOULD eat.

Remember, cellular carbs are energy too. It's important to be active and move your body to expend this energy to stay at a healthy weight.

Yours in health,


P.S. Please help me spread the word about healthy carbs and I love hearing from you in the comments below.

More and more people today are drinking almond milk. Have you jumped on the bandwagon?

If not, then you're missing out on the many benefits it offers.

Almond milk is loaded with important nutrients that make a big difference in your overall health and on top of that, it tastes delicious!

Almond milk is made from ground almonds and water. Most include added sweeteners, so you want to make sure to look for “unsweetened” on the carton before you buy.

You may think almond milk is only for vegetarians or people who are sensitive to cow's milk, but that’s not true.

It's a great low-fat, high-energy drink, and it’s the most popular non-animal milk. Plus, it's usually fortified with nutrients like Vitamin A, E and D.

9 Ways Your Body Will Thank You for Drinking Almond Milk:

1. It’s good for your heart.

Almond milk has no cholesterol, and research shows that it may cut the risk of heart disease.

One study showed that replacing the saturated fats in cow milk with a nut milk can cut heart disease risk by 45%.

Almond milk is also high in potassium, which works to keep coronary arteries clear and reduces stress on the cardiovascular system.

2. It keeps blood pressure stable.

Almond milk is low in sodium, and its high levels of potassium and calcium can help keep blood pressure levels low.

3. It builds strong muscles.

Almond milk is high in riboflavin which regulates muscle strength and growth and helps the body repair itself. It also provides you with 4% of your daily recommended intake of iron.

4. It helps fight Alzheimer’s disease.

Almond milk is high in Vitamin D. This important nutrient has been shown to decrease the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Not to mention, Vitamin D deficiency is now so common that it's considered a global epidemic.

5. It helps fight migraine headaches.

The high levels of riboflavin in almond milk have been shown to help prevent chronic migraine headaches from occurring.

6. It's blood sugar friendly.

If you have diabetes, almond milk is a great addition to your diet. It has just 8 grams of carbohydrates and 7 of them are sugars. This is far better for you than the simple sugars found in dairy milk.

7. It builds strong bones.

One cup of almond milk contains 300 mg of calcium. That’s 30% of your daily recommended intake. Calcium builds strong teeth and bones and prevents osteoporosis.

8. It’s good for your skin.

Almond milk contains vitamin E and antioxidants, both of these help to improve the health of your skin.

9. It helps fight cancer.

A study published in 2011 said that almond milk helps suppress the growth of prostate cancer cells.

Almond milk is delicious by itself, but it is particularly tasty in smoothies. Here's one of my favorite green smoothie recipes for a delicious way to get more almond milk.Green Almond Milk Smoothie recipeYours in health,


P.S. Please help spread the word about almond milk and don't forget to leave me a comment below!

One of the best things about superfoods is that they’re not just nutritious, they’re also delicious!

Nowhere is this truer than when it comes to honey and cinnamon.

They’re two of my favorite flavors. When they’re combined they can do your body a world of good.

You may think of honey and cinnamon as a dessert or breakfast cereal flavors.

Maybe you think of honey as something to sweeten your tea. But there’s so much more to know!

The Chinese have been using cinnamon for its healing powers for over two centuries. Honey was used to clean wounds as far back as Ancient Roman times.

Want to know what kind of good honey and cinnamon can do for your body?

For starters, both are powerful anti-inflammatories. Honey is also full of nutrients, including amino acids, calcium and zinc. Cinnamon is known for helping with problems ranging from joint pain to stomach problems.

You can do yourself a lot of good by adding these two foods to your daily diet. Here are 8 more ways that they can make you feel better and give your health a boost.

1. Weight Loss

You may already sweeten your tea with honey, so this should be good news for you.

Studies have shown that when you start your day by drinking honey and cinnamon with warm water, it can help you lose weight.

That’s because it helps your body produce leptin and ghrelin. These are both hormones that impact your appetite.

Here's a 3 ingredient tonic to start your day off right!

2. Cures Acne and Fights Skin Infections

Honey is an antibacterial. When you combine it with cinnamon essential oil it’s great at keeping wounds from getting infected and for cleaning germs from the surface of your skin.

3. Reduces Joint Pain

Honey can ease the pain of arthritis because it's a powerful anti-inflammatory.

4. Boosts Your Immune System

Honey has been shown to strengthen the immune system. It boosts the strength of our white blood cells, and they are what fight off sickness and disease.

5. Helps Prevent and Cure Sinus Problems

Honey and cinnamon together break down the sticky coating that causes bacteria to gather in your sinus cavities.

Studies have shown that the two together are even better than antibiotics at providing relief.

6. Conditions Your Scalp

If you are suffering from a dry scalp, honey and cinnamon can help.

Try mixing warm olive oil with honey and cinnamon and rubbing it into the roots of your hair. It’s one of the best cures for seborrheic dermatitis that there is around.

7. Get an Energy Boost

Unlike other sweeteners, honey gives you a low-glycemic energy boost that lasts a long time. Adding cinnamon is even better, as it has been shown to regulate your insulin level.

A quick spoonful of honey and cinnamon will help you feel more vibrant and alert.

8. Live Longer

Honey and cinnamon can help you build up your immune system. It reduces pain and helps you live a healthier life.

Cinnamon and honey give you plenty of added energy, and protection from disease. Put all those things together and they add up to living a longer, happier life.

These tips will get you started but you'll want to be sure you're buying the right kind of honey and cinnamon to get the most out of this powerful combo!

Yours in health,


P.S. Please share this with your friends and I love to hear from you in the comments below.

We’ve all seen the articles that say we should drink eight glasses of water a day. Maybe you’ve seen articles that say this isn’t necessary.

Maybe you’ve seen articles that say you should drink even more!

What’s the real answer? How much water should you really drink every day, and why is it so important?

Let’s take a closer look.

First things first. We need to drink water, and probably more water than you currently are.

The amount of water that we should each be drinking depends on some individual factors. Factors like your level of activity, your specific health, and where you live.

Somebody who runs five miles every day will need to replace more water than somebody who is not as active.

Somebody who lives in a warm climate or who works outside in the heat will need to replace more fluid than somebody who lives in the cold.

We lose fluid when we sweat, when we breathe, and when we go to the bathroom. All of that needs to be replaced. Not having enough fluid in your body leads to dehydration, and that can leave you feeling tired and can impact your body’s ability to function normally.

According to the Institute of Medicine, the average man needs about 13 cups of water (or fluid) per day.

They say that women need about 9 cups of fluid per day.

It’s important to remember that all fluids count, but some fluids are better for you than others.

Some people say that you can get some of your fluid requirements from foods such as fruits and vegetables or beverages like tea or coffee. It goes without saying, water is the best fluid for you to drink.

When you drink at least 8 glasses of water per day, your body sees real benefits, including:

  • If you drink enough water, you will perform better. Your motivation will be higher, you will be less tired, and exercise will feel easier.
  • Drinking enough water benefits your brain. Dehydration can put you in a bad mood and make it harder for you to concentrate. It can also give you a headache.
  • Drinking enough water will get rid of digestive problems like constipation or hard stools.
  • People who drink plenty of water are less likely to get kidney stones.
  • Drinking water clears toxins out of your body. Your skin will be clearer and your organs will run better. Some studies have shown that drinking more water helps to protect against breast cancer and colon cancer.

Water and Weight Loss

It’s also important to remember that drinking plenty of water is a great way to help you with a weight loss program.

Studies have shown that people who drink plenty of water actually burn more calories.

On top of that, when your belly is full of water you feel more full, and eat less. Just make sure you're not making this mistake.

So what’s the bottom line on how much water you should drink?

If you're healthy and active, the 8 glass a day rule will probably work for you. But if you're overweight and trying to lose weight, you may want to drink a lot more.

There is also such a thing as too much water so don't think that just drinking all the water you can possibly stand will be the best thing either.

Drinking a gallon of water a day for 30 days will help you to clear out toxins and suppress your appetite, so drink up!

Yours in health,


P.S. Please share this with your friends and I always love reading your comments below.