8 Ways Eucalyptus Oil Heals Your Body

Archives for December 2017

Have you ever been lucky enough to walk past a eucalyptus tree? If so, you know it’s an amazing feeling. Breathing in the leaves’ fresh scent makes you feel like your lungs have been scrubbed. It puts a real pep in your step!

If you don’t have access to a live tree, we have good news for you. You can get the same effect and many more benefits by using eucalyptus oil. It does more than just smell great!

8 Reasons Your Body Loves Eucalyptus Oil

1. Heals Wounds eucalyptus leaves and oil eucalyptus oil heals body

Eucalyptus oil is an antiseptic. It kills germs and stops infections from forming.

Cleaning a cut, burn, scrape or sore with the oil will not only protect it but also help it to heal faster.

2. Eases Breathing Problems

When you’re healthy, inhaling eucalyptus oil feels great and makes you glad to be alive.

When you’re sick, it can actually help to cure what ails and make you feel better at the same time. The essential oil is used in many medicines used to treat colds, bronchitis, and sinusitis.

It's also helpful in treating asthma and a runny nose. Just put a few drops onto your chest to clear your nasal passages. It can also be mixed with warm water for a gargle to treat a sore throat.

If you suffer from seasonal allergies there are 6 essential oils that can ease your symptoms.

3. Stimulates and Energizes

Breathing in eucalyptus oil has a cool, refreshing effect that can provide a big relief for people who are feeling sluggish.

Its fresh scent is a vasodilator: this means that it relaxes the blood vessels. When blood flows more easily through your body, you have more energy and feel more awake.

Some schools even use eucalyptus oil in the classroom to help kids focus.

4. Stops Aches and Pains

If you’ve had a tough work out or injured yourself, a little eucalyptus oil where it hurts can help a lot. The oil is a natural anti-inflammatory.

For best results, rub it on the area in a circular motion.

Anytime you can fight pain the all-natural way you are doing your body a huge service!

5. Mouthwash eucalyptus oil as mouthwash eucalyptus oil heals body

The same germ fighter that makes eucalyptus oil good for cleaning wounds also makes it good for dental care.

You can make your own mouthwash by mixing it with warm water or look for a natural toothpaste that has the oil in it.

6. Cuts Risk of Diabetes Side Effects

People who have diabetes are often at risk of complications as a result of poor circulation. Eucalyptus oil can help solve this problem.

When you rub the oil onto your skin it makes your blood vessels dilate, helping circulate blood throughout your body.

7. Cools the Skin

Eucalyptus oil has been called “fever oil” for years because it can lower your body temperature.

Whether it’s a hot day, you’re struggling with hot flashes, or you have a fever, spray a little oil on your skin to feel better.

8. Aromatherapy eucalyptus oil heals body

Adding eucalyptus oil to your bath releases its fragrance into the air. It can help to refresh you and make you feel more relaxed.

So give it a try and see what you think. Be sure to shop for high-quality essential oils that are free from added chemicals.

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Please share this with your friends and I invite you to leave a comment below. Have you tried eucalyptus oil? Did it work for you?

Have you ever owned a dog or a cat? If so, I don’t have to tell you about the joy that having a fuzzy friend can provide.

There’s truly nothing like the feeling of being met at the door by a wagging tail or the love you feel when a cat weaves its way around your feet.

But did you know pets can have a huge impact on your health too?

It's true! There are studies that show having a pet lowers your risk of having heart disease and that's just the start.

4 Ways Pets Improve Your Health

1. Pet Owners Have Lower Blood Pressure woman shaking paw of golden retriever in park reasons-pet-owners-healthier

There have been many studies on the health effects of owning pets. Almost all have shown that having a cat or dog can lower blood pressure.

One study done in Australia showed that pet owners had 3% lower blood pressure than non-pet owners who had the same body mass index and background.

Another study that looked at married couples found that both partners had lower blood pressures than those without pets.

2. People Who Have Pets have Lower Triglyceride Levels

The same type of great results have been found in the blood lipid levels and average weight of pet owners.

One study showed that pet owners under the age of 60 had much lower triglyceride levels than non-owners. Their median levels were 109 versus 192 in non-pet owners.

Another study showed that pet ownership may cut the rate of obesity.

3. Pet Owners Get More Exercise man walking dog reasons-pet-owners-healthier

One of the ways that owning a pet helps to boost health is by increasing the owner’s level of activity. This is one of the best reasons for owning a dog.

Because a dog has to be walked, owners tend to get out and about much more.

A study done in Japan showed that dog owners are 54% more likely to get a healthy level of physical activity.

Another study done in Australia showed that dog owners walked and played almost an hour longer each week than people who don’t own dogs.

And a Canadian study showed dog owners walked 300 minutes per week compared with 168 minutes per week for non-dog owners.

The responsibilities of owning a dog end up helping the owner’s health. This holds true even into old age.

One study showed that older adults who owned dogs had far better mobility than those without pets.

4. Pets Help Fight Depression

Perhaps more important than the physical benefits, pets provide us with an unmatched level of unconditional love. This can fight depression and improve our overall sense of wellbeing.

Studies have shown that adult pet owners who’d had heart attacks had better one-year survival rates than those who didn’t own pets.

Their stress level was lower and their quality of life was higher.

According to Dr. Thomas Lee, Co-Editor in Chief of the Harvard Heart Letter, “The emotional benefits of having an affectionate creature are also one of the theories for why dog-lovers live longer.”

Not everybody is able to take on the responsibility of a cat or dog. Still, there are ways of getting the benefits anyway.

If you can’t adopt a pet, try volunteering at a local shelter. They will be happy to have help with walking, grooming, or feeding their residents, and you’ll be better off for it.

why pet owners are healthier

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Please share this with the animal lovers in your life and I love hearing from you in the comments below. What kind of pet do you have or have you had in the past?

Apple cider vinegar is a quick fix for household and cooking purposes. It's also the most popular vinegar among natural health practitioners.

Most of us like Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) for the many benefits it offers. But did you know you can enjoy similar benefits by using other types of vinegar too?

5 Vinegars that Stack Up to Apple Cider Vinegar

1. Coconut Vinegar coconuts on blue table alternatives apple cider vinegar

Bacteria is added to a mixture of coconut sap and yeast. This turns the mixture acidic and makes coconut vinegar.

How it stacks up against apple cider vinegar: Coconut vinegar has the same qualities as ACV. Use it to fight germs, improve weight loss and enjoy as a low glycemic food. Many people prefer its flavor to ACV.

2. Turmeric Root Vinegar

The process of making turmeric vinegar is the same as ACV. Instead of apples, fresh and tender turmeric roots are used.

How it stacks up against ACV: Turmeric vinegar carries all the benefits of turmeric root. It's antimicrobial, boosts the immune system, and a powerful antioxidant. Besides giving the same benefits of ACV, turmeric vinegar also promotes healthy gut bacteria. Use it in place of ACV.

When not to use: If you take blood thinners, or drugs that suppress the immune system avoid taking it.

3. Malt Vinegar

It's a fermented product that comes when bacteria is added to barley syrup. The fermentation process turns the sugar into an acid resulting in malt vinegar.

How it stacks up against ACV:  Like ACV malt vinegar can help improve your blood sugar levels.  Add it mixed greens, grilled salmon or boiled potato for enhanced flavor.

4. Ginger Root Vinegar ginger root alternatives apple cider vinegar

Crushed fresh ginger with vinegar yields a spicy flavored vinegar. Ginger root vinegar is antibacterial and improves digestion.

How it stacks up against ACV:  Ginger root vinegar provides polyphenolic antioxidants like ACV. It imparts spicy, pungent flavor unlike the sweet flavor of ACV.

5. Strawberry Vinegar

Crushed strawberries fermented along with vinegar gives you this antioxidant loaded vinegar. The tart flavor and natural sweetness is a good option for diabetics.

How it stacks up against ACV: Like ACV, strawberry vinegar slows the rate at which sugar rises in the blood. Strawberry vinegar is closest in flavor and taste to ACV.

Here's the recipe for strawberry vinegar:

Strawberry Vinegar

1 cup of balsamic vinegar

1.5 cups of strawberry (trimmed)

Pulse berries in a food processor until it is juicy.

Combine the mixture with vinegar and allow to stand for an hour.

Discard the solids and strain and use.

Should I stop using Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar has its own antioxidant punch and so do the rest of the vinegar types. It can be difficult to find other vinegar varieties that contain “the mother.” This is one of the reasons I recommend Apple Cider Vinegar in my programs.

Research shows small quantities of acidity from vinegar prevents indigestion, and regulate insulin levels. This also boosts weight loss.

With its many health benefits and practical uses, it is a great idea to use a variety. Combine or switch to enjoy a spectrum of antioxidants from different vinegar types.

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Please help me spread the word about ACV alternatives by sharing this with your friends. I invite you to leave a comment below too! Have you tried any of these?

Who doesn't love bananas?! Rushing out the door without breakfast? Bananas to the rescue. You already know they're good for you but there is one type of banana that stands above the bunch!

I'll tell you about that in a minute but first, let's talk about why bananas are so good for you to start with:

Top 3 Reasons Your Body Loves Bananas

1. Healthy blood pressure bananas super banana

A medium-size banana gives you more than 400 mg potassium. Potassium is an electrolyte that helps keep your blood pressure normal. Potassium's role in regulating blood pressure also promotes healthy blood circulation.

2. Loaded with nutrients

Bananas are a good source of B vitamins, vitamin B6 in particular. They also provide a good amount of manganese, vitamin C, potassium, biotin, and copper.

3. Quick energy booster

Dense in nutrition, bananas are a quick fix to fatigue and hunger. They are also low in calories which makes it a healthy snack.

Heck, even banana peels are good for you! These are just some of the great things bananas have to offer. But hold right there!

In this blog, I'm going to talk about a different type of banana called ”saging na saba”. Also known as saba banana, it's more nutritious and healthier than the regular banana.

What is a Saba Banana?

Saba bananas look like conventional bananas but they're wider. The peels have ridges and when it's ripe, the skin turns yellow. With a gentle press, they give in just like a ripe avocado. The fruit is native to the Philippines and other tropical regions. They are similar to plantains but not exactly the same.

It's a cooking banana because it tastes better cooked than raw.

What makes Saba a Super Banana? 5 Things

1. More nutritious bananas super banana

Saba plants have deeper roots when compared to conventional banana plants. Their long trunks and wider fruit size account for its nutrient density. Saba varieties have long deep running roots which help to absorb more nutrients.  

2. Good for your heart

Just like other bananas, they're low in fat. But they provide a particular type of fat called sterols.

They are sitosterol, campesterol, and stigmasterol which are cholesterol look-alikes. Because of this, they block the absorption of cholesterol from food.

This helps keep blood cholesterol levels healthy. 

3. High in fiber

Unlike the conventional bananas, saba bananas have complex carbohydrates. They are high in fiber which helps regulate blood sugar levels

4. Improves gut flora

Saba bananas are high in fructooligosaccharides (FOS). These carbs do not get digested by the digestive enzymes. When they reach the lower intestine, the good bacteria feed on them.

Thus saba bananas are an excellent prebiotic food to boost gut health

5. Boosts immunity bananas super banana

 Saba bananas provide more vitamin C than regular bananas.

Vitamin C protects the lining of the cells and acts as an antioxidant. It strengthens your body's natural fighter cells and boosts immunity.

So Where Can You Get these Super Bananas? And How do you Cook them?

You can find them in most Asian and Indian grocery markets. Check with your local natural foods store to see if they stock them too. 

Boil them and cut into bite-size cubes for a healthy snack. You can also slice and saute them in grass-fed butter to add as a side for your main course. Sliced, dehydrated banana chips are also a great way to enjoy this fruit. 

Next time be sure to add the saba banana to your grocery list. 

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Please share this with your banana loving friends and I'd love to hear from you in the comments below. Have you tried a “saba” banana?

Gallstones are tricky. They can be extremely painful, or they may exist in your gallbladder for years without causing any trouble at all.

Symptoms of gallstones are miserable! They include sudden pain in the abdomen, back pain, pain in the shoulder and nausea and vomiting.

So what causes them in the first place and can they be avoided?

Gallstones that hurt feel like they are huge, but that’s not necessarily true. They can range in size from smaller than a grain of rice to almost the size of a lemon.

This is amazing considering that they are nothing but digestive juices that have condensed and hardened.

Why they form is not clear. Some doctors think it's because of too much cholesterol in the bile. Others think it's due to a chemical that's made when blood cells break down. There's also a theory that the gallbladder isn’t emptying the way it is supposed to.

Whatever the reason, there are 4 things that have been shown to cut your risk of getting them.

4 Ways to Lower Your Risk of getting Gallstones

1. Lose some weight. lower risk gallstones woman running in park

There is no doubt that being overweight has been linked to a higher risk of gallstones forming. Obesity increases the risk even more.

The tricky thing is that you have to be smart about how you go about losing weight. If you lose weight too fast or yo-yo dieting, it can actually lead to a greater chance of sickness.

Work on losing about a pound or two each week.

2. Eat a healthy diet

There are some foods you can eat to help prevent them. Too many unhealthy fats from bad oils or fried foods are linked to a higher risk of getting gallstones.

Eating healthy fats like avocados, flaxseed and especially fish oils have been shown to lower the risk.

Other foods that are good for preventing gallstones are:

In one study, women who ate at least one serving of peanuts a day had a 20% lower chance of having their gallbladder removed compared to women who rarely ate peanuts or peanut butter.

3. Be mindful of medicines lower risk gallstones birth control pills

Because gallstones may be caused by cholesterol, drugs that lower HDL are often recommended.

There is also some evidence that women may be at risk of getting gallstones if they are on hormone therapy or high-dose birth control pills. If you're concerned about your risk, talk to your doctor about adjusting the amount of estrogen you’re taking.

4. Get some exercise

Exercise should always be at the top of your list for ways to improve your health, and that’s true when it comes to gallstones too. When you get enough exercise you help yourself lose weight.

So make sure that you are getting at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise at least five days a week.

There are some who believe that there's nothing you can do to prevent gallstones because your risk lies in your genetics. Even if that is the case, taking the steps above to lower your risks will only serve to improve your overall health. So, what do you have to lose?

I actually took it a step further and did a liver and gallbladder flush. Here's what happened.

If you think you may have gallstones, make sure you see your doctor right away. If left alone, the symptoms will get much worse and may lead to fever, yellow skin and eyes, and pain that’s so bad you can’t sit still.

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Please share this with your loved ones and I invite you to leave a comment below. Have you experienced pain from gallstones?

Everybody knows that it’s easier to lose weight when you do it with a support system. There are scientific studies that back this up. But if you’re a woman thinking about buddying up with a man to lose weight, there’s something you need to know.

Men and women differ when it comes to losing weight, and there’s a chance he’s going to be more successful than you – at least at first.

We’ve all heard about couples going on a diet together and the man losing twice as much in half the time. But dig deeper and you’ll find out that’s not the whole story.

4 Things to Know About Women & Men and Weight Loss

1. He may lose weight faster than you, but that’s a short-term result. man and woman doing push up in gym men lose weight faster women

Because men have more lean muscle tissue, when they cut the same number of calories as women, they lose more weight.

The same is true of exercise.

Men burn about 20% more calories than women do, even when they’re just sitting around.

Put a man and a woman on a treadmill and if both walk 4 miles at the same speed, the man will burn 50 more calories. When men and women who don’t work out start to, men have the fat-burning advantage because they have more muscle to begin with. As time goes by, things even out.

One study showed that though men lost 2 times more weight and 3 times more fat than women after two months. But by the time 6 months had passed, they were the same.

2. Hormones are part of the difference.

Women have estrogen, which means they are supposed to have between 6 and 11% more body fat than men. It’s part of what allows them to have children.

That additional fat is there no matter what they eat. It’s not extra and it’s not unhealthy – it’s normal.

3. Men’s and women’s brains react differently when it comes to food. snapshots of food men lose weight faster women

One study had a group of men and women fast for 20 hours. Then they were shown pictures of food that they weren’t allowed to eat.

After the pictures were taken away, men were no longer thinking about the food, but the women were.

Nobody knows why, but it probably has to do with evolution and women needing to maintain pregnancies.

4. Part of the weight loss difference has to do with where the fat is stored.

Men gain weight in their bellies, and that is easier to lose. Women’s fat is more spread out.

Doing the same amount of exercise will cut down on belly fat, but women have less of it to lose than men. The fat on hips and thighs is harder to lose and takes longer. It also shows less than losing belly fat!

It’s important to note that belly fat is tied to a higher risk of heart attack. Don’t begrudge your buddy for losing it fast – it’s a very good thing for their health.

So, don't get frustrated if your man is losing weight faster. Instead, learn from his anatomical advantages above and use these 5 steps to losing weight like a man.

For those of you who can't seem to get your spouse on board…try these 6 tricks to get your spouse to eat healthier.

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Please share this with your friends and I welcome your comments below. Do you and your significant other differ when it comes to releasing weight?

If you struggle to stay on track with your health and fitness goals during the holidays you're not alone! I have some words of wisdom for you today and you might be surprised by my advice. 🙂

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Help me get these tips out by sharing this with your friends and I invite your comments below. Do you struggle to stay on track during the Holiday Season?

Even if you LOVE the holidays, you are likely STILL feeling the pressure of juggling all the extras on your to-do list. It's a very emotional time of the year for many people too.

If you're feeling stressed, lonely, sad or just plain wondering HOW you will get it all done this year…I made this video for YOU!

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Please share this video with your loved ones and leave me a comment below. What do you do when you feel stressed out during the holidays?

It doesn't have to be flu season for you to want to amp up your immune system. I wanted to arm you with 3 of my favorite bone broth recipes!

Why Bone Broth?

Bone broth supports gut healing, joint health, boosts the immune system and many other benefits!

And Why Does Your Gut Health Matter? 

Many people don't know that:

1. 75-80% of your Immune System is in your gut!

2. 85-90% of your serotonin and serotonin receptors are in your gut!

This means that an unhealthy gut can equal:

woman sneezing into tissue bone broth recipes

  • Low immune function (getting sick easily)
  • Mood Swings
  • Increase in autoimmune symptoms
  • Depression
  • Brain Fog
  • Increased susceptibility to disease

So how do we maintain a healthy gut?

There are a number of ways but today I'll focus on one of the tastiest things you can do to boost healthy gut bacteria. TAKE BONE BROTH!

Here are a few of my favorite bone broth recipes. I usually make #2! And remember to use only bones from ORGANIC meats!! Quality & source is super important.

3 Deliciously Healing Bone Broth Recipes

Super Basic Bone Broth Recipe

Great for: Gut Healing/Immune Boosting


 Bones of choice (whole chicken carcass, or any mixture of bones from organic, grass-fed/pasture raised animals)

  Purified Water

 Optional: 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

 Sea salt & pepper to taste

bone broth recipes


Add handful of bones to a crock pot or large pot on the stove

Add water until all bones are covered


If using a crockpot, set to low and cook for 6-10 hours.

When finished, add sea salt & pepper to taste.

Let cool

Pour broth into storage (I recommend mason jars) Using a sieve or some sort of filter to separate the bones from the broth

Store in refrigerator. Pour into a mug and lightly heat on the stove when ready to drink.

Note * the cold temperature often creates a “fat layer” on top of the broth. If this happens, you can remove the fat with a spoon and use for cooking.

Bone Broth With a Boost

Great for: Anti-inflammatory 


 4-5 cloves garlic (boosts the immune system)

 1 tsp grass-fed butter, coconut or avocado oil

4 stalks celery, sliced in quarters (lowers inflammation, supports the liver)

 2 whole carrots, slices in quarters (beta-carotene and antioxidants)

½ red or white onion sliced (reduce inflammation and heal infections, vitamin c helps boost immune system)

 Knuckle of Ginger and/or Turmeric (anti-inflammatory)

Bones of choice (chicken carcass, or bones from grass-fed, pasture-raised organic sources)

4 cups water or organic chicken stock

 Salt and Pepper to taste


Melt butter or cooking oil in a large pot on low-medium heat. Once melted, add garlic and onions. Cook until softened.

Add celery, carrots and ginger/turmeric. Saute on medium until slightly cooked

Add bones and water or stock then cover with a lid.

Bring stock to a boil, then let simmer for 2-3 hours.

Let cool then pour into storage container (I recommend mason jars) using a sieve or some sort of filter to separate the bones from the broth.

Store in refrigerator. Pour into a mug and lightly heat on stove when ready to drink.

Note * the cold temperature often creates a “fat layer” on top of the broth. If this happens, you can remove the fat with a spoon and use for cooking.

When making bone broth, you can keep it SIMPLE and follow the base recipe for general gut healing.

Feel like you're coming down with a cold? Battling an infection? I recommend adding the additional ingredients to boost your immune system and support in reducing inflammation.

You may also get CREATIVE! Toss in whatever leftover veggies you have in the fridge to your broth. This will add flavor and healing benefits. I've used leftover leeks, asparagus, green onions, and broccoli.

You can make a “bone broth soup,” and enjoy the veggies with your homemade bone broth. One of my favorite recipes is listed below:

Bone Broth Soup


 1 tsp butter, coconut or avocado oil

3-4 cloves garlic, minced

1 red or white onion, sliced

1 handful kale, chopped

1 knuckle ginger, peeled and sliced

2 whole carrots, peeled and sliced

2 stalks of celery, sliced

1 small sweet potato, sliced and cubed

Option: add 1tsp onion powder, 1 tsp garlic powder, ½ tsp cayenne

2-3 cups of your homemade bone broth base (choose from 2 recipes above)


Melt butter or cooking oil in a large pot on low-medium heat. Once melted, add garlic and onions. Cook until softened.

Add kale, celery, carrots and ginger. Saute on medium until slightly cooked

Add homemade broth to pot, making sure the veggies are covered (if you don’t have enough broth, you can add chicken stock or water).

Bring to a boil then let simmer for about an hour.

Serve soup hot. Sprinkle with sea salt and pepper to taste.

These recipes not only heal your gut but they soothe your soul with every sip so ENJOY!

One last thing…If you love the idea of deliciously healing bone broth but don't have hours to spend making your own, here's the BONE BROTH CHEAT I USE to save time! Saves me a ton of time and doesn't skimp on quality!

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Please help me spread the word about the healing power of bone broth by sharing this and I invite you to comment below. Have you ever made your own bone broth?