9 Foods That You Can Eat a Lot of Without Getting Fat

Archives for December 2016

It can be challenging to get slimmer, stronger and healthier. Maybe it's hard to find time.

For some, it’s hard to find energy. And for many, it’s hard to avoid being hungry.

If you're a person who likes to eat a lot, I have some good news for you today!

There are plenty of foods that are good for you and will also make you feel full. Your best choices are foods that are high in fiber, plant-based fats, and protein.

They're the most satisfying choices for a number of reasons:

  • They move slowly through your digestive system
  • It takes your body longer to absorb their nutrients
  • They cut down on blood sugar spikes

Generally speaking, stay away from processed foods and stick with whole, nutrient-rich foods instead.

Top 9 Foods You Can Eat A Lot Of And Stay Thin

1. Pears and apples

These delicious superfruits are loaded with antioxidants and are good for you for many reasons. They also are loaded with fiber.

They cut your appetite and make you feel full.

2. Lentils and beans

Just one serving of lentils gives you 11 grams of fiber and 13 grams of protein. These and other legumes make you feel 31% more full when compared to foods like bread and pasta.

One study said that eating beans is more satisfying than eating beef.

3. Greek yogurt and cottage cheese

Dairy foods of all types are very good at keeping you feeling full. I limit dairy for a number of reasons but Greek yogurt and cottage cheese are always in my fridge.

One study showed that people who ate a high protein Greek yogurt as a snack after lunch were less hungry later than those who ate lower protein yogurt.

4. Eggs

Eating two eggs gives you 12 grams of complete protein and loads of essential amino acids that your body needs.

One study showed that people who ate eggs at breakfast had stable blood sugar levels and felt less hungry for a full day after.

5. Beef

Just 4 ounces of lean beef has 32 grams of protein and plenty of amino acids. Just make sure you know how to shop for healthy beef.

You don’t want to eat too much of it, but when you do it's sure to keep you feeling full.

6. Broth-based soups

Soups that are broth based are high in both protein and water. Those 2 things together combine to make you feel full.

A pot of soup loaded with vegetables, lentils, or chicken can keep you feeling full for a long time.

Need a good soup recipe? Here are FIVE great soup recipes!

7. Hot Oatmeal

Studies say that part of the magic is in the warmth of the meal. This is because when you heat up oatmeal in coconut or almond milk, it has a higher level of thickness, and that makes you feel full.

8. Avocado

Avocado is a perfect example of a plant-based fat that will keep you feeling full.

One study showed that half of an avocado increased satisfaction by 26% and reduced hunger by 40% for 3 hours.

9. Quinoa

Quinoa is a complete protein that has TWICE the fiber of brown rice. It will tamp down hunger for a long time while providing lots of great nutrition.

One of my favorite ways to enjoy quinoa is in my Zesty Mexican Quinoa Skillet. You'll love how easy this delicious one pan recipe is to throw together.

Yours in Health,

P.S. Help me share the good news with your friends and I'd love to hear from you in the comments below.

You’ve probably heard of sleep apnea. Maybe you know somebody who has it.

The best known symptom is loud, gasping snoring. It may seem funny until you learn just how dangerous it can be.

People who have sleep apnea don’t know it, but they stop breathing when they're sleeping. This is because their airway is being blocked by extra tissue.

After a minute or so without air, their brain wakes their body and makes it gasp for air. This can happen hundreds of times per night.

People who have sleep apnea are often extremely tired during the day.

They're at risk for a number of serious health conditions like:

  • diabetes
  • high blood pressure
  • stroke

They also have a much greater chance of falling asleep behind the wheel of their car.

Are You at Risk?

One of the main risk factors for sleep apnea is being obese or overweight.

This is because the extra fat and tissue that they have in their neck adds pressure to the airway.

There are several different treatments available for those who have sleep apnea, with the most familiar being the use of a CPAP, or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machine.

CPAP works to stop the symptoms of sleep apnea by sending a constant flow of air down the patient’s throat.

Still, It is not a cure for sleep apnea.

A lot of patients don't like to use the machine. It can be noisy and the only way that it works is if patients wear a mask over their face when they sleep.

Many people report that once they feel better they think their problem is gone and they stop using it. This is dangerous, and puts them back at risk.

Studies have shown that the most effective way to put an end to sleep apnea is to lose weight.

Unfortunately, it has also been shown that having sleep apnea can add to the risk of gaining weight.

All this can add up to a vicious cycle!

This is because people who suffer from a lack of sleep have a higher level of the hormone ghrelin, which makes you hungry. They also have lower levels of the hormone leptin, which tells you when you are full.

When you add this to the fact that lack of sleep cuts down on the energy you need to want to exercise, it’s no wonder that people feel frustrated when they're caught in this cycle.

The Sleep Apnea Solution

The solution to this problem is to use the tools available to address your sleep apnea so that you can take initiative to lose weight.

Then you can stop using the tools. By agreeing to use a CPAP machine or some other oral device that allows you to breathe at night and get a good night of sleep, you restore your hormone levels to where they need to be. You also give yourself extra energy so that you can exercise.

When you combine this with clean eating, you will soon lose enough weight to end your sleep apnea problem.

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please help me spread the word and I welcome your comments below. Do you or someone you know suffer with Sleep Apnea?

The banana is one of the world’s favorite fruits. It also may be one of the most under-appreciated.

Not only are bananas delicious, they're uber nutritious. You could be missing out if you're making these mistakes though.

Most people grab a bunch of bananas on every food shopping trip and then wait until they turn from green to yellow to eat them.

This is as big a mistake as it is to throw them away when they start to turn brown!

8 Reasons Your Body Loves Bananas 

1. Bananas are full of potassium, and that makes them good for your heart. Potassium fights high blood pressure and keeps electricity flowing through your body.
2. Bananas are high in fiber. Just one gives you 10% of your daily fiber requirement.
3. Bananas are loaded with antioxidants. These fight aging and inflammation.
4. The vitamin B6 in bananas helps your body produce white blood cells, strengthens the nervous system, reduces swelling and protects against type 2 diabetes.
5. Bananas contain tryptophan. Your body changes it into serotonin, which is a mood booster.
6. The magnesium and B7 in bananas help relax your muscles so you can fall asleep more easily.
7. Bananas are a great source of vitamin A. This protects your eyes from macular degeneration.
8. Bananas offer a special carbohydrate called “fructooligosaccharides”. It helps your body absorb calcium.

Green Bananas

You may think green bananas aren’t ready to be eaten, but they have a lot of health benefits. They are higher in fiber and resistance starch then ripe bananas.

These 2 elements lower your risk of diabetes by controlling blood sugar levels. They also may help manage your weight and cholesterol levels.

Green bananas have all of the nutrients found in yellow bananas.

They're best eaten cooked rather than raw. Most people either boil them or eat them fried.

Brown Bananas

How many times have you thrown your bananas away because they have brown spots? Don’t do that again!

Bananas are at their sweetest when they're brown – and best for baking. Quick, someone pass the Banana Bread!

Brown bananas have been reported to help fight cancer. This claim hasn't been supported by studies yet but they sure are delicious!

Banana Peels

Have you ever considered eating the banana peel? Though we don’t do that in the United States, in some countries people eat bananas whole.

The peel is high in fiber, vitamin B6 and B12, and other minerals. If you want to try banana peel, you may find the easiest way is to put it in your smoothie. Just make sure you wash it first, because most bananas are sprayed with pesticides.

This is one reason that I always buy organic and so should you! You'll notice the organic varieties are typically smaller than their conventionally-grown counterparts. That's ok though. In this case, it's an easy concession to make to protect your health.

One of the best ways to eat a banana is in a smoothie. Here’s a recipe for a great one that's packed with protein too!

Banana Almond Butter Smoothie recipe

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this with your banana loving friends and I always love reading your comments below.

Thank you for following along on my birthday adventures. I have the kindest husband to plan a night with my best friends in onesies, eating my favorite foods…Yes it is Pad Thai!

We had a great night and stayed up until 6:00 a.m! I actually have never stayed up past 2 a.m. in my life. I guess it was my time to pull an all nighter!

Here is the Homemade Pad Thai sauce that I made for my Family Dinner:

chicken pad thai recipe

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this with your friends and don't forget to leave me a comment below!

I'm not here to bash fat, quite the opposite in fact. You could be surprised to learn that fat is one of the 3 major nutrients you need every day.

Fat keeps hunger at bay and eating the right fat benefits you. Yes, it may seem ironic but it helps you maintain a healthy body weight too.

For many years fat has received a bad rap. The fat-free craze created low- fat products everywhere you looked.

Yet, new research shows eating fat does not make you fat and low fat options can make things worse.

Fat is responsible for a lot that goes on in your body. Among other things, it's crucial for keeping your nerves and brain healthy.

8 Important Things Fat Does For Your Body:

1. Provides the major energy reserve in your body
2. Absorbs nutrients
3. Helps maintain body temperature
4. Maintains the structure of every cell
5. Helps produce important hormones
6. Balances hormone levels
7. Protects nerve endings and your brain
8. Keeps hair and skin healthy

How much fat can I eat?

The recommended daily allowance for fat is 50-60 grams per day. This will vary depending on how active you are and whether or not you're trying to lose weight.

If you're looking to lose weight stick to about 2-3 tablespoons of healthy fats per day.

Here's the thing: It's not only the amount of fat you choose but the type of fat that will play a key role in shaping your health.

Fats are calorie dense so if you want to lose weight, eat smaller quantities. At least 1 tablespoon of fat (about 14 grams) every day is necessary for daily body needs.

The amount and type of fat you eat makes a lot of difference in keeping you healthy.

Types of Fat & Which to Choose

Monounsaturated fat: Monounsaturated fats are good for your heart and reduce cholesterol levels. Research shows that they also reduce the risk of breast cancer. Nuts like cashews, walnuts, almonds are rich in this fat. Avocado and olive oil are great sources too.

Polyunsaturated fat: These fats help reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

There are 2 Types of polyunsaturated fats: omega-3 fats and omega-6 fats.

Omega-3 fat is also called essential fat. This is because your body cannot make this fat and you can get this only from food.

Omega-3 fats are well known to protect you from a host of disease condition. Excellent sources include both plant and animal sources. Salmon (wild-caught) and cold water deep sea fish, krill, sardines etc, are high in omega 3 fats. Plant sources include flax, chia seeds, and walnuts.

Omega-6 fat is plentiful in modern diets. In fact, it's too plentiful.

They're in most seed oils – sunflower, safflower etc., and in cereals. Our current eating habits provide us more omega-6 fats and less of omega -3 fats.

To improve your health, eat more omega-3 fats and have omega-6 fats in moderation.

Saturated fats: Saturated fats from coconut oil and ghee (clarified butter) are good for you. Studies show that eating these saturated fats in moderation gives you a myriad of benefits.

Stay away from these fats:

  • Soy, corn, canola or palm oil
  • Partially hydrogenated oil (Run away from these Trans fats)
  • Mayonnaise
  • Lard

What about all the low fat and no fat options?

Confused about the low-fat and no-fat hypes? Don't blame yourself.

Thanks to the marketing gimmicks of big food companies, fat was the cause of all illness. In the past decade most chose no-fat, low or reduced fat foods for weight loss and health.

Unfortunately, all this is wrong and staying on a reduced fat diet can do more harm than good.

For instance, in ”fat-free” or ”low-fat” products, often times, fat is replaced with sugar. This is to compensate for the loss of taste in these products. Too much sugar causes weight gain.

If your goal is to lose weight then simply choose the right fats in moderation. The best way is to eat a combination of different types of healthy fat.

Choose fats in the form of wholesome sources like avocado, nuts, and seeds instead of oils. This helps your fat intake stay within limits and at the same time keeps you healthy.

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this information with your friends and I always love to hear from you in the comments below.

Have you ever gone to the store to buy milk and wondered about the “kefir” the next shelf over?

Kefir is becoming more and more popular, and is available in different flavors, but many people have no idea what it is, or why they should be drinking it.

Kefir is a drink that’s similar in flavor and health benefits to yogurt.  It’s originally from a region called the Caucasus Mountains, and it’s made by combining milk with a type of yeast known as a kefir grain. The milk can come from cows, goats or sheep. Kefir can also be made from coconut milk or rice milk.

You'll want to look for the rice or coconut based kefirs if you're vegan or have milk allergies.

Here's a fun fact on its origin. In the villages where kefir was first made, this mixture would be hung in a bag on a doorway. Every time a person would walk by and bump the bag, it would mix the ingredients. Making kefir was truly a community project.

Kefir is like a thin, drinkable yogurt. It has a slightly sour taste, again most comparable to yogurt. It feels a little fizzy on the tongue because it's fermented. Besides being delicious, it also has several important health benefits.

6 Reasons to Drink Kefir Every Day

1. Drinking kefir is one of the best ways to boost your immune system. That’s because it’s loaded with probiotics. Probiotics are live organisms that stop the growth of harmful bacteria in your digestive system.

Kefir has 3 times more probiotics then yogurt because of the yeasts and bacteria found in the kefir grains.

2. Kefir is loaded with calcium. In fact, drinking 1 cup gives you 20% of your daily RDA and builds strong bones and teeth.

3. Drinking kefir can help you get a better night’s sleep. That’s because it’s high in the amino acid tryptophan, which can make you drowsy.

4. It does amazing things for digestive issues. Studies have shown that kefir is very effective at breaking down lactose in the digestive system. This means it can cut down on stomach problems like gas and diarrhea that some people get when they eat dairy products.

5. Kefir is a protein powerhouse. With 10.5 grams in a cup, it will keep you feeling full and build muscle without adding fat.

6. Kefir is a stress buster. Kefir contains biotin and several B vitamins, which are good for your nervous system and to help you deal with stress.

Kefir is available in different flavors but I recommend sticking with plain and adding your own flavor. The flavored ones have a lot of added sugars.

Even if you don’t like the taste, you can use it to make smoothies. Just use plain kefir for the milk or juice you would normally use.

Here’s an all-purpose kefir smoothie recipe that you can play with to make it your own.

kefir fruit smoothie recipe

Kefir is a staple in my smoothies and I hope it will soon be a regular on your shopping list too.

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please spread the word about kefir and I welcome your comments below.

Have you ever gone to the gym and seen the staff set up at a desk, ready to test your BMI?

Maybe your scale tells you what your BMI is every time that you step up and weigh yourself. BMI stands for Body Mass Index, and in the last few years it has become one of the top measures that people use to gauge their health. But should it be?

Body Mass Index is a number that's calculated and it's based on your height and weight. Health professionals have established specific BMI numbers that they say are healthy for a specific height.

The BMI scale says that a BMI under 18.5 means you weigh too little. A BMI of 30 or more means you weigh too much.

A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered normal.

The Problem with BMI

I’m sure you’ve seen the stories on the news about kids who look pretty healthy being told that their BMI is too high. Star football players are often told their BMI is high.

The reason that this happens is that BMI doesn’t take into account the weight of muscle.

The BMI calculation assumes that weight over their established scale is fat, and that isn’t always true.

Muscle weighs more than fat and there are different kinds of fat. Some kinds of fat are very unhealthy. Visceral fat is the fat that isn’t obvious.

Even skinny people can have it hidden around their organs and muscles, and it's much more damaging than the fat that lies under your skin.

A BMI doesn’t give any valuable information about what type of fat a person has, and that is a very important indication of overall health.

So why do so many health professionals rely on BMI?

Why do they use it as a way to tell whether you are healthy or obese? The reason that BMI has become a popular tool is that it is easy to figure out.

  • Doctors can quickly calculate BMI during an office visit and use it as a way to tell their patients they need to lose weight.
  • People can also figure out BMI on their own and use it as a way to gauge their own progress.
  • There are other measures of health that are more accurate, but they’re also more costly and less accessible.

Doctors would love to be able to send every patient for an MRI to see how much fat or muscle they have, but the cost would be enormous, and the process would be time consuming.

So is there a better way?

BMI is one of the most practical ways for a doctor to gauge a patient’s health. But there are other easy to use tests that are just as helpful.

Measuring your waist, hips, wrist and forearm is one technique. There are online tools to help you with the calculations but my advice is to just record your measurements and then measure monthly. Tracking your measurements will give you a better measure of progress.

If you want to track your own health, why not do it by eating healthier food and exercising more?

You'll feel the differences in your body in ways that no scale could ever measure!

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this to help me spread the word and I'd love to hear from you in the comments below.

Do you like eating grapes?

So do I. They're a juicy ,tasty bundle of goodness. Here's the catch, if you toss out the seeds, or eat only the seedless type, you're missing plenty. Why?

Because, the discarded seeds carry more benefits than the fleshy grapes! This is a fact.

Research shows, grape seeds are full of important nutrients and have a ton of health benefits. Although bitter to taste, the seeds are edible and safe for eating everyday. 

What do grape seeds contain?

Grape seeds are rich in vitamin E, linoleic acid, and powerful antioxidants. Flavonoids and OPC's are the 2 potent antioxidant sources from grape seeds.

OPC is short for ”Oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes” and this is a hot topic in antioxidant research right now.

I'm stunned at just how much these tiny seeds can deliver.

4 Reasons to Eat Your Grape Seeds

1. Improves blood circulation

Grape seeds can improve the blood flow in your body. This means better blood flow to your heart, brain and all organs. This is especially good news for those with varicose veins, swelling and heart problems.

One study showed that grape seeds help reduce leg swelling due to prolonged sitting. 

2. Fights cancer

If you've been avoiding grape seeds because they are bitter, it's a mistake.

The bitterness factor is because of their high OPC levels. OPCs are among the most powerful antioxidants that protect your cells from cancer.

They also contain flavonoids like catechin, epicatechin, and EGCG (present in green tea). These are anti-cancer agents with high antioxidant power.

In fact, the antioxidant power of OPC is 50 times greater than vitamin C and 20 times more than vitamin E. 

3. Better brain health

 The OPC's in grape seeds are effective in reducing damage to the brain.

A lab study showed that grape seed extracts helped reverse the damage caused due to seizures.

Researchers found that grape seed extracts actually preserved the function of brain cells. Pretty amazing if you think about it!

Yet another report suggests that grape seeds interfere with neurotoxic pathways leading to Alzheimer's.  This report suggests that grape seed extracts could help prevent Alzheimer's. 

There's also promising early research that suggests OPC's in grape seeds can act as anti-depressants by raising serotonin and dopamine levels. 

4. Helps weight loss

Yes, grape seeds can even help with weight loss!

Researchers found that compounds in grape seeds blocked the activity of fat enzymes.

Your body's 2 key fat metabolizing enzymes are pancreatic and lipoprotein lipases. These 2 enzymes encourage fat absorption and storage. Grape seeds block their activity and prevent fat storage in the body. Nice, right?!

How to eat grape seeds?

  • Choose an organic variety that contains seeds.
  • Chew before you swallow. Chewing, crushes the seeds and releases the beneficial nutrients within them. 
  • Adding ground grape seeds to smoothies, soups or broths are great ways to get the benefits.

Isn't this amazing ?!! Grape seeds are bitter, but in this case bitter makes for better health! Just use them in recipes that mask the flavor and your body will thank you.

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this with your grape loving friends and I welcome your comments below. Have you tried grape seeds yet?

I get a lot of questions about what I eat and especially about what to order when dining out. Today I'll share exactly what I eat (recipes too) on a typical weekend day.

Hope you'll try these yummy recipes and see how delicious it is to eat healthy foods that your body loves!

Veggie Quiche Recipe

6 egg whites

1/2 red onion, chopped

8 oz. spinach (around 2 cups fresh)

1/2 cup fresh veg of choice- (peppers & tomatoes I had on hand in this video)

2 cloves of garlic, chopped fine (saute' in skillet)

1/4 cup feta cheese or 1/2 cup ricotta

Saute in skillet garlic, onion and spinach and veggies of choice. After spinach is wilted (approx. 2 min.), add whisked eggs & cheese to mixture.

Mix and bake at 350-degrees for 30 minutes.

To get the protein Naturally More Peanut Butter go here: https://naturallymore.com/

Superfood Coffee

This indulgent drink reduces stubborn body fat, is good for your health and slims the waistline too!

Here's the recipe for Superfood Coffee <–click to get the recipe

Salmon Salad Recipe

2 cups cooked, flaked salmon
2 hard-boiled eggs, crushed
1 red or green bell pepper, diced
1 cucumber, peeled, seeded, and diced
1/2 cup chopped onions
4 to 5 tablespoons greek plain yogurt, or enough to moisten
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper, optional
Salt and pepper, to taste

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this video with your friends and I enjoy reading your comments below.