Advanced Belly Flattening V-Roll

Archives for July 2016

I have a lot of favorite Abdominal moves, but this one takes “favorite” to a whole new level.

Most Ab movements incorporate one muscle group and if you're lucky, two muscle groups.

In this movement, you activate all 4 muscle groups that reside in your abs.

Your abdominals actually wrap around and attach to your lower back. This movement won't just hit the obliques (the side of your abs), but it also gets the side that wraps around to the lower back.

We often call that a muffin top and this movement will strengthen that part of your abs as well as the front transverse muscles.

Add 15 reps of this move 3 times per week to hit all of your abdominal muscle groups.

Now, if you want more of my specialized workouts that will get you a flat belly and sexy abs in record time, I’m giving away a certain amount of FREE copies of my NEW Flat Abs Fast DVDs here if you make it to this link before we run out of our inventory.

Yours in Health,


P.S. I encourage you to share this with your friends and don't forget to leave a comment below!

The facts are in and it’s true – if you want a healthy body, you need to eat healthy fats.

Gone are the days where people everywhere are shunning fats in effort to stay slim.

Now we know that these fats are everything when it comes to:

  • protecting heart health
  • improving brain function
  • having long-lasting energy.

That's just to name just a few health benefits.

Oils are a great way to get healthy fats if you eat the right ones and don't make these mistakes.

4 Healthiest Oils & When NOT to Use Them

1. Coconut Oil

Probably THE healthiest oil is coconut oil.  It's great for your immune system and heart. You can use it externally too because it's so good for skin and hair. It provides a fast source of energy too.

It may even help you lose weight thanks to its higher thermic effect. This means the body uses more energy to digest and break it down compared to other fats.

DO's: Coconut oil is ideal for baking, making frostings, and sautéing.

It’s ok for deep frying as it has a high smoke point, meaning it won't go rancid under high heat temperatures. Plus, this oil offers a healthy type of saturated fat so it makes deep fried food a little healthier.

DONT'S: Don't forget to be mindful that you want to eat any fried foods in moderation.

2. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

The next oil that you don't want to do without is extra virgin olive oil, otherwise known as EVO. This oil has been well-proven to help lower bad cholesterol levels and combat heart disease.

EVO even helps to stabilize blood glucose levels, enhance insulin sensitivity, and fight diabetes.

DONT'S: EVO doesn’t do well when under high heat. The problem is that when this oil gets too hot, harmful compounds called lipid peroxides and aldehydes form. These compounds can lead to health problems and even cancer.

Plus, cooking with olive oil using heat may destroy some of the natural antioxidants found in the oil. This renders it less helpful to your body.

DO'S: Save your bottle of EVO for making salad dressings or drizzling on foods after they’re cooked. It tastes great drizzled on top of some steamed asparagus along with balsamic vinegar.

3. Peanut Oil

Peanut oil is a delicious oil with a mild flavor that's loaded with unsaturated fats, making it a terrific heart-healthy option too.

DO'S: This oil also has a high smoke point at 450 degrees F, making it ideal for use when deep frying, pan frying, or roasting your dishes. Unlike EVO, this fat won't become harmful when heated.

DONT'S: On the flip side, this oil, as it does give off a bit of flavor, is not the best for baking. Instead, let coconut oil do the job at giving your baked treats the moisture they need.

4. Grapeseed Oil

The last healthy oil that you should add to your pantry is grapeseed oil. This oil is a versatile oil.

DO'S: Its medium smoke point makes it good to sauté some vegetables, pan-fry fish fillet, or mix up a tasty salad dressing.

Grapeseed oil is also an excellent source of vitamin E, so your skin, hair, and nails love it!

DONT'S: Don't forget that since grapeseed oil has a decent dose of omega-6 fatty acids, you’ll want enjoy in moderation. The right ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids is key to lower inflammation in the body.

These 4 oils are my go-to in the kitchen. They're all great options and and easy to find at most grocery stores. Give your tastebuds a treat and give these oils a try.

Yours in Health,


P.S. I hope you will share these tips and I always love hearing from you in the comments below.

“You look tired.”

It’s not a compliment, and it may be a note of concern.

When people say it or think it, it’s often about the dark circles under your eyes. They make us look worn out and sick.

There are a lot of reasons why dark circles appear. For some, it’s our genes. If we’re born with thin skin and we don’t get the sleep we need, the capillaries under our eyes leak blood, and it shows.

Age can add to this problem because as we age, our skin loses collagen and gets thinner.

If you have dark circles, the first thing to do is to make sure you’re getting plenty of sleep. If sleep isn’t the problem, you need to plump up your skin by giving it better nourishment. You'll love my skin boosting salad recipe for that!

Drink plenty of water, and eat whole clean foods. This alone can make a big difference in getting rid of dark circles.

The foods that make your face look fresh are the ones that have the vitamins that make your skin and blood vessels strong.

5 Foods to Rid Dark Under Eye Circles


1. Eat foods high in Vitamin C.

Not only is Vitamin C a powerful antioxidant that boosts your collagen production and thickens skin but it also builds the walls of your blood vessels and keeps them from leaking.

Reach for:

  • strawberries and grapefruit
  • broccoli and Brussels’ sprouts
  • Bell peppers and tomatoes
  • kale and spinach

2. Think Vitamin A and remember the color orange.

A recent study in the Netherlands showed that people with the healthiest skin had the highest levels of Vitamin A.

Foods that are loaded with Vitamin A include:

  • sweet potatoes
  • carrots
  • cantaloupe
  • dried apricots

You can also get a Vitamin A boost from dark greens such as:

  • mustard greens
  • collards
  • green peas

3. The Collagen and Vitamin E link

Collagen is one of the most important building blocks of healthy skin. Foods that are rich in Vitamin E fight the enzyme that breaks collagen down. That includes:

  • sunflower seeds and almonds
  • shellfish
  • legumes

4. Am I Anemic?

Sometimes dark circles are a sign of anemia, which is a sign that you need more iron.

Eat protein-rich foods that will boost your iron like:

  • lentils
  • lean beef
  • egg yolks

Eating prunes and spinach will help your body to better absorb that iron.

5. Don't Forget About Vitamin K.

Often forgotten, it's one of the most important foods for fighting dark circles.

It helps prevent blood leakage from broken capillaries. Foods rich in Vitamin K include some of our favorites:

  • green leafy vegetables
  • Brussels’ sprouts
  • asparagus
  • carrots
  • strawberries

Plus, you can add Vitamin K with tasty dried herbs such as basil, sage, thyme or chili powder.

For a delicious way to get all these nutrients, try this skin-boosting salad. It will make you feel good on the inside and look good on the outside!


Spinach Salad Recipe

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this with your friends and I always love hearing from you in the comments below.

How many times have you wished for more energy?

Feeling worn out keeps you from exercising. It dulls your joy in life’s every day pleasures. A bigger problem is that it can lead to mindless eating, and that can make you feel even worse.

The good news is that you can give yourself a big boost — and even charge up your metabolism — in a simple and tasty way. Science has shown that nutrients have a powerful effect on both.

Adding superfoods to your diet can improve your health, your mood, and more. Oh, and they taste great too!

8 Superfoods to Eat for More Energy

1. Spinach – Love to drink green smoothies? Keep it up!

It turns out that spinach is packed full of iron and more. Iron powers you up and keeps your metabolism running at a high level. And research has shown that it’s high in the stuff that make our mitochondria work best. (Mitochondria are the power houses in our cells that give us energy and keep moving).

2. Artichokes – Did you know that on top of tasting good, these spikey thistles are loaded with magnesium?

A medium artichoke has 25% of the magnesium that women need in a day. That's amazing considering 80% of us are magnesium deficient.

When you’re low on magnesium, your workouts will feel much longer because your muscles have to work harder.

3. Salmon – Salmon is good for you for so many reasons.

When it comes to energy its secret lies in its high level of protein, as well as its Vitamin B6, niacin and riboflavin. It will make you feel alert and power up your day.

4. Almonds – Another protein power house, almonds are also high in manganese, riboflavin and copper.  Riboflavin boosts oxygen in the blood stream, and manganese and copper keep toxins from tamping down your energy.

5. Oranges – This sweet treat has a secret weapon.

Besides being high in Vitamin C, potassium and folate, it controls how your energy flows. Rather than giving you a quick sugar rush, it spreads it out so you feel the power over time.

6. Eggs – Eggs are simply amazing.

Their protein keeps you full and energetic all day. And the egg whites are high in amino acids that rev up your metabolism. Double the superpower!

7. Hot Peppers – That kick that you get from a spicy meal does more than wake up your taste buds.

The capsaicin in peppers will speed up your metabolism. Plus, they’re high in Vitamin C!

8. Coffee – We all know that drinking coffee wakes us up and gives us an energy boost. But studies have shown that coffee drinkers have an average metabolic rate that is 16% higher than those of people who drink decaf.

Grab yourself a cup of Super Healthy Coffee to double up on benefits!

One last note. Though it’s not a superfood, drinking plenty of water is super important.  Not only will it keep your energy levels high, it also keeps your metabolism burning efficiently.

Even a little dehydration will slow your metabolism down, so keep your cells well hydrated. It will make sure you’re doing everything you can to feel more alert and energetic too.

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this with your friends and I always love hearing from you in the comments below.

There's a lot of buzz about the supplement Coenzyme Q10, and for good reason.

It's a powerful antioxidant that's used to improve heart health and boost energy.

What does Coenzyme Q10 do?

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a fat soluble nutrient your body makes. It's found in the heart, liver, kidneys, and muscles in large amounts.

These organs need constant energy and depend on a continuous supply of CoQ10. If you lack Coenzyme Q10 you'll become tired and feel weaker.

Co Q10 occurs in 2 forms:

1. Ubiquinol – the active antioxidant form.

2. Ubiquinone – the oxidized form, some of which the body converts to ubiquinol.

Here's where you will find this antioxidant in your body:

  • In every cell
  • Respiratory chain
  • Genetic material
  • Most biochemical reactions

The cells use it to produce energy for growth and maintenance. It also protects your body from damage.

It's antioxidant effects fight the harmful molecules called free radicals that cause degenerative disease.

CoQ10 vs Ubiquinol

The active form of Coenzyme Q10 – the ubiquinol helps in this protective, antioxidant action.  Your body converts the inactive Coenzyme Q10 to the active form to do this function.

But, in some people this conversion does not completely happen.

Who cannot convert to the active form?

Some people aren't able to convert CoQ10 to its active form. They include:

  • People with heart problems like angina, heart failure, or high blood pressure
  • People with gum diseases such as gingivitis; and stomach ulcers
  • People that have blood sugar fluctuations
  • Patients taking statins to lower blood cholesterol
  • The elderly


In general, people over the age of 40 do not convert Coenzyme Q10 to the active form as they age. This is why most complain of fatigue and body aches as aging progresses.

Other things that influence this conversion

  • Free radical damage/oxidative stress
  • Lack of foods rich in Coenzyme Q10
  • Chronic illness

Also, lack of folic acid, Vitamin B12, B6, C, and B5 affects Coenzyme Q10 production. This in turn, affects its conversion to active form.

Is the active form ubiquinol better than the inactive form of coQ10?

There are many studies that show that effectiveness of both forms of Co Q10. Yet, it isn't clear which form is better, because there's no direct evidence that one type is superior.

Experts recommend that if you're over the age of 40, it's best to take the ubiquinol form of CoQ10.

One study found that the blood levels of the active form of CoQ10 diminishes with age. This is even true with hard training athletes. Athletes tend to have higher demand for antioxidants in their body.

Taking the unoxidized form of CoQ10 (ubiquinol) helps to replenish their energy levels. It may also help in quicker recovery from fatigue and muscle aches .

Ubiquinol, is the active form and it is also in unoxidized state. This makes it more easily available than the conventional Co Q10 form.

How to get Coenzyme Q10 from Foods

Animal sources of CoQ10 include most organ meats like kidney and liver. Others include:

  • sardines
  • mackerel
  • beef

Plant sources include:

  • broccoli
  • spinach
  • cauliflower.

Others include legumes like adzuki beans, and peanuts.

No matter which form of Coenzyme Q10 you take, be sure to take them with meals. This makes it easier for your body to absorb it so you'll feel the benefits quicker.

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this information and I always enjoy hearing from you in the comments below.

Oh yes! This one is a real treat and easy to whip up. I love to use this salted caramel goodness to make a banana split.

Top it with chopped nuts, chopped dates, cacao nibs, fresh coconut and a sprinkle of sea salt for a tasty delightful treat.


¼ cup Greek yogurt (I like Fage 0%)
2 Tbsp maple syrup
10 coconut milk ice cubes (just freeze whole fat coconut milk in an ice cube tray)
1 frozen banana
6 pitted dates
¼ tsp sea salt


1. Blend first 4 ingredients together until creamy. Add in the dates and sea salt and pulse until just combined.
2. Serve immediately or freeze for a firmer consistency.

This is a go-to sweet treat in my house and I think you'll be hooked once you try it too!

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this with the ice cream lovers you know. I welcome you to leave me your comments below.

Wow, so I found this skinny shake that tastes like a Wendy's Frosty!

Yes, seriously. Pretty darn close to it and WAY more healthy.

You may want to add more chia seeds if you like want it thicker but I love this shake and my kids do too.

Perfect treat on a hot Summer day and a great craving buster!






  • 1-2 tablespoons chia seeds
  • 2-3 tablespoons water
  • 3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 15 ice cubes
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1-2 tablespoons Cacao Bliss (or unsweetened cacao powder)
  • 1/3 banana



 1. Mix chia seeds with water and let sit about 15 minutes until thickened. You may have to play with this mixture, but you’re looking to achieve a gel-like texture, set aside.

 2. Combine the remaining ingredients in a blender.

 3. Blend on high until smooth.

 4. Add congealed chia seeds to thicken. Enjoy!


Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this healthy recipe hack with your friends and be sure to leave me your comments below.


You may also be interested in:

Cacao Bliss Coffee Shake

Chocolate Delight Smoothie


Back in the 1980's, there was a popular fad diet called the grapefruit diet.

The diet was super restrictive and allowed less than 1000 calories a day . It included few carbohydrates or micronutrients.

It called for eating high-fat, high protein foods with half a grapefruit for 10 days in a row. Medical experts said it was unhealthy and could be dangerous.

Even when people lost the promised 10 pounds in 10 days, they put the weight back on as soon as they stopped the diet.

Though the diet isn't healthy, eating grapefruit is! There are a lot of compelling reasons to eat more grapefruit.

Here are our Top 5 Reasons to Eat Grapefruit

1. Grapefruits are Nutritious

Half a pink grapefruit has no fat, sodium or cholesterol. It has 1 gram of protein and 2 grams of dietary fiber.

All that, and it gives you 64% of your daily dose of Vitamin C and 28% of your Vitamin A requirements.

2. Weight Loss

Adding grapefruit to your diet is hardly a weight loss miracle, but eating half of a grapefruit before meals has been shown to help people lose weight.

A group of 91 obese people ate their regular diet plus grapefruit at every meal. After 12 weeks they had lost an average of 3.52 pounds.

They also had a drop in their insulin level and had improved insulin resistance.

Some health experts believe they lost weight because they felt more full before each meal.

Others think that grapefruit contains a fat-burning enzyme.

3. Stroke Prevention and Heart Health

Grapefruit has compounds that cut women’s risk of stroke by 19%.

It also contains fiber, lycopene, Vitamin C and potassium. These all help improve heart health.

A study showed that eating red grapefruit every day lowers blood lipid levels. This is especially good for people suffering from atherosclerosis.

4. High in Antioxidants

Grapefruit is a great source of Vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant.

Antioxidants fight free radicals that cause cancer and inflammation in the body. They also help improve the look and texture of your skin.

5. Hydration and Regularity

Grapefruits are high in fiber and are 91% water. They keep you hydrated and fight constipation.

Adding grapefruit to your diet is easy

They're cheap and always in season.

They can be stored on the counter or kept in the fridge.

WARNING: Grapefruit can interact with certain medications.

Check with your Doctor or Pharmacist before eating it.

Grapefruit segments add zing to salads or smoothies. For a refreshing drink that the whole family can enjoy, mix up a pitcher of this healthy grapefruit and watermelon cooler.

Grapefruit and Watermelon Cooler

1 watermelon, seeded and cut up into chunks
1 ¼ cups of fresh squeezed grapefruit juice

Puree watermelon in blender until smooth.

Pour into large bowl and allow to sit for ten minutes, then skim foam from surface and discard.

Strain into pitcher to yield approximately 7 cups of juice.

Stir in grapefruit juice.


Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this with your friends and I love reading your comments below.

All the colorful, fragrant fruit at the produce stand is a seductive feast for the senses, right?

The idea of taking in so many vitamins in such a healthy and delicious way is enticing.

But if you're finding your waist size hasn’t changed despite eating clean, you may want to take a look at how much fruit you’re taking in.

When we're looking to slim down it's normal to turn to fruit to replace high-fat, high carb treats sweet treats.

After all, if we can’t have ice cream for dinner, then surely a bowl of berries is okay. Turns out, that may not always be a great idea.

Here's why.

As delicious as fruit is, it's high in a specific type of sugar called fructose.

We tend to think of fructose as bad when it’s in manufactured foods, but don’t think about it in fruit.

The truth is, it can make you bloated. That’s because fructose can be hard to digest and absorb. It can sit in our stomach, where bacteria works on it and creates gas.

Though the glucose in our food helps, it doesn’t help enough – especially when you’re eating multiple portions of fruit a day.

We tend to think of fruit as some kind of freebie – as though it doesn’t count. But fruit is loaded with carbs, and when we eat it our blood sugar increases.

Our bodies respond with insulin to lower the blood sugar levels, and that means that the sugar converts to fat.

That’s exactly what we don’t want to happen.

It’s important to remember that the carbs and sugars in our fruit can add up quickly.

So, What’s the answer?

Look to low carb fruits like citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit, berries such as blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries.

Want a banana? Most of the bananas sold in the U.S. equal 2 portions of fruit.

Bananas are a high in carb fruit, so either eat half or buy baby bananas, which are much smaller.

What goes up must come down, and that’s especially true of our blood sugar levels. Once they drop our bodies start to feel hungry again.

That means that the fruit that we’ve eaten to keep ourselves slim may actually make us eat more.

Part of the problem is that fruit doesn’t contain the things that we need to keep us feeling full. No fat, and no protein.

A Few Tips For Enjoying Fruit Mindfully

We need to remember that when it comes to eating healthy, vegetables are going to give us even more nutrients than fruit, without all that sugar.

When you try to take in your 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, there are a few things you need to do.

  • Learn what a portion size of fruit is – you may be surprised at how many servings you're eating with that giant apple or bowl of strawberries.
  • Try to go easy on the fruit and heavy on the vegetables. Strive for 2 servings of fruit.
  • When you’re eating fruit, combine it with some kind of protein or fat to keep you from getting hungry right away.
  • Choose fruit for your dessert, but be smart about it.

? Eat your (small) banana with a couple of tablespoons of peanut butter.

? Combine your half cup of blueberries with some plain Greek yogurt.

? Eat almonds with raisins or a peach.

You’ll find that you feel full longer, and have better results.

It should go without saying that if you're opting for fresh fruit over ice cream and cookies that you're still coming out way ahead health wise. My message today is NOT that fruit is bad for you. By all means, choose the fruit filled mango nice cream over the fat filled ice cream. 🙂

More importantly, don't use this as an excuse to choose junk foods and say, “Well, if I won't lose weight by eating fruit, I may as well eat some cheesecake.”

That my friends, is self sabotage and it holds us back time and time again. Learn to recognize it and you'll be on the fast track to a healthier, more shapely waistline.

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this with your fruit loving friends and I always enjoy reading your comments below.