Super Healthy Coffee: Good for Your Health and Slims the Waistline

Archives for August 2016

I know a lot of you love drinking coffee! This recipe works great in tea as well. Why not get all the benefits you can out of your morning java?!

The recipe I'm sharing here is great to drink before your workout and what a delicious way to rev up your metabolism to help your body burn even more fat!

Here's the recipe from the video:






  • 1 cup hot brewed organic coffee or americano
  • 1 scoop Cacao Bliss
  • 1/4 to 1/2 cup warm almond, coconut, or oat milk or 1 tablespoon organic cream



1. Blend all ingredients together for 15 seconds and enjoy your healthy, frothy, delicious latte!

Yours in Health,



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Secret Super Healthy Coffee

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Do you suffer with anxiety? If so, you’re not alone.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, more than 18% of us feel the pangs of anxiety at least once during a 12-month stretch of time. More than 4% of the U.S. population suffers from anxiety that is thought to be severe.

Feeling some level of stress is normal. But for some people it can have a big impact on their ability to get through the day. Some people are so affected by anxiety that they can’t leave the house.

Anxiety can be caused by a number of things.

These can include medical conditions, trauma, and every daily stress. Severe anxiety can be treated with the help of a physician, and mild anxiety can be helped by making life style changes.

One of the best things you can do if you have anxiety is to take a look at the foods that you are eating.

Many of them may be making your anxiety worse.

4 Foods To Stop Eating If You Suffer With Anxiety

1. Tofu and other Soy products

People who eat a lot of soy think that it is good for them. After all, it is a lean protein. Unfortunately, it also toys with hormonal balance and I don't touch the stuff.

If you’re trying to stay away from animal products and are looking for a protein source, try beans or quinoa.

2. Coffee and other caffeinated products

The thing that makes coffee a great way to wake up in the morning also makes it bad for anybody feeling a lot of stress. Caffeine can make you jumpy and nervous.

It also blocks the body from being able to absorb vitamin D and vitamin B, both of which help to balance your mood.

If you absolutely have to have coffee to get you going in the morning, stick to one cup before 10 a.m. For instance, I drink my Super Healthy Coffee recipe before a workout. After that, drink chamomile tea, which can help to relieve stress.

3. Processed Foods

There are a lot of good reasons to avoid processed foods, but if you have anxiety then it is really important.

They tend to be packed in containers that contain BPA, which can alter genes in the section of your brain responsible for handling stress.

A study done out of the University of California-Berkeley showed that when kids are exposed to BPA, they have a much higher risk of having anxiety when they are older.

Stick to fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains that come without labels.

4. Juices High in Fructose

When you drink juice, you give yourself a rush of sugar that boosts the body’s production of adrenaline.

This can trigger a panic attack in those who have anxiety. Not only that, fructose can change the way that your brain handles stress.

Drinking water is the best way to hydrate.

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this info. with your loved ones who suffer with anxiety and remember to leave a comment below.

There are few things as soothing as a cup of tea with honey or a touch of sweet honey's goodness on a blueberry muffin.

It's a great choice for a sweetener, as long as you read the label carefully. More on what look for on the label in a minute.

As good as it tastes, honey also has important health benefits.

  • It contains antioxidants that lower cancer risk and fights heart disease
  • It helps heal stomach ulcers
  • It fights bacteria and fungus
  • It improves recovery time for athletes
  • It soothes sore throats
  • It controls blood sugar
  • It heals wounds
  • It makes a great face mask
  • It can help with weight loss
  • It fights seasonal allergies
  • It helps you fall asleep

It’s amazing that this simple syrup can do so much, especially when you think about how it’s made!

Honey comes from bees. They collect nectar from flowers to help them fly. Some of the nectar gets digested and regurgitated over and over again until it becomes honey. Maybe not pleasant to think about but interesting for sure!

There are many varieties of honey because honey can come from different types of flowers. Each one gives it different tastes and colors. Some have more antioxidants than others. Some have lower glycemic indexes.

What’s most important when buying honey is that you look for raw honey.

Only raw honey has all the enzymes, minerals and vitamins that make it a superfood.

Most honey that’s sold today is processed. It has been heated and filtered, and this takes away all its best health benefits.

When honey is raw it has 5,000 enzymes, 27 minerals and 22 amino acids. Almost all these are destroyed when it's heated for commercial honey.

  • Honey that is not raw is very clear, while raw honey is usually cloudy.
  • Honey that is processed also contains very little bee pollen. Bee pollen is an important part of why raw honey is so good for you. It is what boosts our immune systems and soothes allergy symptoms.

You may be able to buy raw honey at your local market, but you need to know what to look for and what to watch out for.

A lot of companies sell processed honey, or honey blended with other sweeteners or additives, and label it “pure” honey. Others label use the word “natural”. This does not mean that it is raw or unpasteurized.

You only want honey if the label says “raw” or “unpasteurized”.

The best place to buy raw honey is from a local beekeeper or farm market. It doesn’t matter whether the raw honey you buy is a cream or a liquid.

Cream honey is the same as liquid honey, but has been allowed to granulate to make it less messy to spread. Both have the same nutritional benefits.

Here are some great ways to add raw honey to your diet:

  • Add a spoonful to Greek yogurt with a handful of raisins or almonds
  • Combine with your favorite vinegar and a little olive oil to make a great salad dressing

Remember that raw honey has great healing qualities too.

  • Local honey is especially good at helping people with seasonal allergies.
  • You can dab some onto a minor burn or cut to speed healing time.
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of honey with a tablespoon of coconut oil and use it as a face mask to heal acne or soothe dry skin.

Yours in Health,


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Ask people what their least favorite body part is, and more than a few of them are likely to point to their feet.

Being self-conscious about the way our feet look has led to big spending on pedicures and foot care products.

But aside from worrying about whether our nails are polished or your toes too long or too stubby, did you know that your feet can give you valuable information about your health?

It’s true.

In fact, one of the first things that a health care practitioner will look at on an elderly patient is the condition of their feet because it can tell them so much.

Your feet do far more than carry you from place to place.

They give you a quick way of checking your overall health. They can tell you if you need more nutrients and if a serious medical condition is lurking in your body. You just need to know how to read the signs.

6 clues your feet may be giving you about your health

1. You have no hair on your feet or toes.

This may seem like a good thing from a vanity perspective, but it might mean that you have poor circulation, and maybe even a vascular disease. The same problem could make it hard to find a pulse in your feet.

Check to see if your feet are red when you’re standing but pale when they’re elevated. If they are, go see your doctor.

2. Your feet are always cold.

This happens to women more than men. It could be a sign that your thyroid isn’t working properly.

3. Your big toe has gotten huge.

This is a sign of gout, which is a kind of arthritis. It is caused by having too much uric acid in your body and can become super painful. Gout shows up in your big toe first because it is the part of your body that is farthest from your heart, and so it’s the coldest. And uric acid crystals form when it is cold.

By the way, it's important to pamper your feet any way you can! One of the ways I take care of my feet is by wearing these comfy You by Skechers shoes. They slip on and off so quickly (my new puppy doesn't always have time to wait for me to lace up) and my feet always feel great in these shoes!


4. Your toenails have indentations like a spoon.

This is a sign of anemia, which is a serious iron deficiency. It can happen to your fingernails too. You should see your doctor to get a blood test. You can also increase your iron intake by eating foods rich in iron like spinach and eggs. Drinking more orange juice or eating grapefruit will help too, because Vitamin C helps you absorb iron more efficiently.

5. Your feet cramp a lot.

This can be quite painful, and is usually a sign of dehydration. It may also mean that you need to add calcium, magnesium or potassium to your diet. Nuts, like hazelnuts or pecans, are a good choice. So are fresh oranges.

6. You have a sore on the bottom of your foot that won’t heal.

This can be a warning sign of diabetes. It happens because your blood glucose levels are high and are causing nerve damage. This damage keeps you from knowing that you have a wound on your foot. See your physician immediately.

Yours in Health,


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You may think of copper as a metal that's used for making wire or pipes. What you may not realize is that Copper is a trace mineral that's essential to your health.

It's among the most revered minerals in holistic health. Copper is a part of several enzymes as well as protein molecules.

It's necessary for proper use of iron by the body. You also need copper for energy release and nerve signal transmission across your body.

Holistic wellness experts recommend using copper vessels to store and drink water. This helps to provide this important trace mineral in water in small quantities everyday.

Benefits of using copper vessel

Use of copper cups and utensils provides a ton of health benefits aside from its nutrient benefit.

Here are some key perks of using copper vessels:

Natural disinfectant

Copper metal is a natural disinfectant.

Results of one preliminary study shows that copper kills 97% of the bacteria in ICU. They showed toxic effects on contact with pathogens that caused hospital-acquired infections.

The study findings are from 3 medical centers tested over a span of 1 year.


There is also evidence that storing water in copper containers decrease microbes.

A 2016 study showed copper vessels can lower the count of E. coli and P. aerugeinosa species in water. At 1 milligram of copper per liter of water, there was 99.9% inactivation of both microbes.

Researchers confirmed copper's disinfectant properties.

Aids weight loss

Recent research shows that copper is a crucial element in fat burning. One study on mice showed that copper acts as a big factor in breaking down body fat for energy. Researchers found that there was more white fat in mice with low copper reserves.

This indicates a clear link between copper and fat loss.

Improves immune health

Copper is a vital part of many protein enzymes. It supports immune function by fighting bacterial infections.

You need copper to produce monocytes, the white blood cells. Several studies show that a diet low in copper leads to poor immune health.

Supports heart health

Copper is a part of 2 antioxidant enzymes.

The enzymes (superoxide dismutase and ceruloplasmin) prevent the oxidation of bad cholesterol.

This lowers the risk of heart disease. Some studies associate low copper levels to increase in cholesterol levels too.

Studies show that low levels of copper increases the risk for heart disease.

Best way to use copper vessel

Copper reacts with foods and may alter the taste of the recipe. It is often used as water storing utensil.  The best way to use it is to store water overnight and drink it the next morning.

What about copper toxicity?

Copper is of utmost importance, yet, you need only small quantities a day.

The recommendation for daily intake is only 900 micrograms per day.

When you drink from a copper vessel you get trace amounts of copper from them. The water draws only a fraction of the recommended daily value of copper. This is why there is least possibility of toxicity.

Here's the guideline values for copper in drinking water:

US Environmental Protection Agency  recommends 1.3 mg  per liter

The World Health Organization recommends 2 mg per liter

For healthy individuals, doses of up to 10 mg per day did not result in liver damage. So, the safe upper intake level is at 10 milligram per day.

Few tips for daily use

Cleaning: It's best to clean your vessel everyday. Clean both outside and inside of the vessel everyday with fresh water. When not in use, dry it completely and store in a dry place.

Maintaining your copper vessel:  Use a special polish from manufacturers to clean the vessel. Another way is to soak a soft sponge in lemon juice and fine salt and wipe the surface.

Using a copper vessel is an easy way to get trace amounts of this important mineral in your diet. It is also an easy way to incorporate a touch of holistic living to your day.

Yours in Health,

Danette May

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Have you ever wondered what gives broccoli its typical smell while it is cooking.? You can notice the same with cauliflower and brussels sprouts as well. These are cruciferous vegetables and their characteristic smell is because of its sulfur compounds.

Studies reveal a strong link between eating cruciferous vegetables and low cancer risk. One study reported a better survival rate among women with ovarian cancer.

Here are a few more from observational studies:

  • Three serving per week of cruciferous vegetables cut the risk of prostate cancer by 33%.
  • One or more servings of cabbage per week can cut the risk of pancreatic cancer by 38%.

Just a serving per day of cruciferous vegetables reduces the risk of breast cancer by 50%.

So, where does this protective effect come from?

Simple. It's all in the sulfur compounds. 

Research shows that the presence of organosulfur compounds in vegetables have cancer-preventive effects.

4 Ways they inhibit cancer growth

1. Scavenging the enzymes that activate cancer-causing agents

2. Detoxify the enzymes that activate carcinogens

3. Prevent multiplication of cancer cells

4. Initiate automated death of cancer cells

Who needs them?

Everyone benefits by eating plenty of these vegetables. But the ones that will benefit the most are :

  • People that are at high risk for cancer
  • If your immune system is poor
  • If you eat processed food almost every other day
  •  If your daily menu lacks vegetables
  • Those suffering from painful joints
  • People that look older than their age (premature aging)

Who should avoid sulfur-containing foods?

Certain people may not be able to tolerate sulfur well and develop inflammatory reactions.

Symptoms include brain fog, fatigue, breath that smells like ammonia, and skin reactions.

A lot of people think that cruciferous veggies should be avoided by those with thyroid problems. That is only true in cases where the thyroid issue was caused by lack of iodine. Turns out, most thyroid patients will greatly benefit from eating them.

Sulfur intolerance is due to genetic reasons, heavy metal toxicity and leaky gut syndrome. Talk to your doctor and follow specific diet changes to cope with the situation.

Which foods contain sulfur?

Sulfur is the most abundant mineral in your body, next to calcium and phosphorus. Following are good sources of organosulfur compounds.

Cruciferous vegetables: Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, brussel sprouts, etc. are rich in sulfur.

Allium family: Onions, leeks, shallots and garlic are high in sulfur.

Legumes: Most dry beans, and peas

Fruits: Avocado, banana, melons, grapes, grapefruit, oranges are good sources of sulfur.

Other fibrous non-leafy greens that emit a distinctive odor may also be rich in sulfur. Examples include egg plant, asparagus, and lettuce.

Other sources include chicken, turkey, beef and eggs also provide sulfur. Yet, plant sources are your best source for sulfur. This is because, they provide the organosulfur form. Organosulfur is the most potent and beneficial form of sulfur your body needs.

Ways to eat more of these vegetables

Platter: Vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and asparagus are great on a vegetable platter. They are enjoyable with a suitable dip.

Toppings: Use cruciferous vegetables in a stir-fry or use it as a topping in pizza

Puree: Make a puree of your favorite sulfur-containing vegetable. You can add this to soups and tomato sauce.

Steamed: Steam and toss it to brown rice to make a colorful lunch meal.

Besides being a rich source of sulfur, these vegetables offer more. They come packed with plenty of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, fiber and other phytonutrients. These help maintain a healthy body weight and also protect you from diseases.

Next time you go do your shopping, be sure to pick these sulfur-rich veggies. They offer far more positive health effects than you think.

Yours in Health,


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It seems like every day somebody is talking about a new kind of diet. Some of these are fads, and clearly just a new way of starving the body. Others are new names for diets that have been around for years.

The Ketogenic Diet is not a fad- it's been around for a long time. But it is a diet that's not right for everybody.

Let’s take a look at what it is and whether it works. More importantly, let’s see if it’s healthy and effective choice for you.

The Ketogenic Diet is a very low carb, very high fat diet. It's similar to parts of the Atkins diet and the Paleo diet.

The goal is to force the body into a state known as ketosis. Ketosis is what your body does when it doesn’t have enough fuel. Without carbohydrates available for energy, it burns fat, and that makes ketones. Ketones are byproducts of fat breaking down.

The Ketogenic Diet mimics starvation (and it helps many along the way)

The Ketogenic Diet has been used successfully as part of a treatment protocol for several illnesses. It’s been proven to help stop seizures in children with epilepsy. It’s also been shown to have a positive impact on people who have Type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer's, both of which have been linked to inflammation related insulin resistance.

Some studies have shown that it lowers migraine symptoms and reduces the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis. The diet has shown many ways that it provides a protective effect on the brain. It also has been shown to work for people who have trouble losing weight.

Many people like it because it can provide fast results. Some people lose a lot of weight in less than 2 weeks, and this gives them a “jump start”. They say that they have more energy and don’t feel hungry on the diet.

This all sounds great but be sure to read this article to the end or you'll miss the bigger picture.

Some experts say that the increased energy is from cutting out processed foods. The lack of hunger comes from the ketones in the body, which stave off hunger pangs.

Some studies have shown that the diet is very helpful for people who are obese or extremely overweight.

The Ketogenic Diet plan generally cuts your carb intake down to about 50 grams per day or lower. At the same time, it provides some protein and increases the fat that you take in to high levels.


Though cutting out sugary or processed foods and starches like pasta or bread makes a lot of sense for a healthy diet, some of the other foods that are forbidden on a Ketogenic Diet are a concern.

Here are some of the benefits:

  • There is no calorie counting
  • Ketogenic diets have been shown to lower blood cholesterol and triglycerides
  • It can help you lose weight fast

Despite these advantages, there is an even longer list of reasons that a Ketogenic diet can be harmful to your health or is simply not a smart choice.

These include:

  • It is a short term diet that won’t keep weight off for good
  • It is a very strict diet that restricts many healthy foods, including almost all fruit
  • It can make you lose muscle
  • It makes your body think that you are starving, which in turn slows metabolism
  • It focuses on the number on the scale rather than on improving health

The bottom line is that the Ketogenic Diet starves you of an entire nutrient group for a short period of time and makes your body think you are starving. It doesn't teach you how to nourish yourself with healthy foods.

Rather than trying a diet that gives you a quick fix, focus on eating plenty of healthy foods that are high in nutrients and adding physical activities that will add to your quality of life.

Yours in Health,


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Have you ever been about to bite into a chocolate-covered something, only to be told it’s actually made with carob?

Chocoholics will be quick to say the taste isn’t close. Still, there are some good reasons to add carob to your diet.

Carob is a member of the pea family. It comes from a bush grown in the Mediterranean. Its pods are picked for the pulp inside, which is dried and roasted. Then it’s ground into a powder that’s a lot like cocoa powder.

Carob is high in vitamins and minerals, and has a ton of health benefits.

Carob has become well known in the last few years because it tastes something like chocolate, but without the fat and caffeine.

Carob is a nutritional powerhouse. It has:

  • calcium
  • zinc
  • phosphorous
  • vitamin K
  • potassium
  • vitamin E
  • riboflavin
  • antioxidants

Put all that together with the fact that it’s high in a fiber that keeps you from feeling hungry, and you have loads of reasons for trying it.

Here are 7 Good Reasons to Reach for Carob

1. Carob is a cancer fighter and an antioxidant that fights free radicals. Studies have shown that carob germ flour kills cancer cells, especially cervical cancer cells.

2. Carob is lower in sugar and fat then chocolate. It’s a great choice for people trying to prevent blood sugar spikes. This makes it the perfect sweet treat for people with diabetes.

3. Carob is high in protein and fiber. It keeps you feeling full and keeps your digestive system on track.

4. Carob helps control your appetite. Its fiber stops the body from producing ghrelin, which is the hormone that tells us we’re hungry.

5. Carob is a great tool against high cholesterol. Its fiber has been shown to cut levels of LDL cholesterol, as well as triglycerides.

6. Carob is a great substitute for people who love chocolate but suffer from migraines or insomnia. These two conditions can be triggered by caffeine or theobromine, both of which are found in chocolate.

7. Carob has 3 times more calcium then chocolate, and has phosphorous too. This helps boost bone health.

When comparing carob to chocolate, the two don’t taste the same. Still, they’re close enough that carob may be worth your while.

If you choose carob, you lose the benefits that chocolate offers, including flavanols that are good for your circulation.

Also, remember that even with carob’s benefits, too much of a good thing can be a problem. Don’t think you can eat as much as you want!

One of the best ways to use carob is to buy the powder and use it like you would use cocoa powder.

A great way to use it is to mix a couple of tablespoons with half a cup of peanut or almond butter.  Flavor the mix with organic raw honey, raisins, and your favorite spices. You can roll it into balls for a quick pick-me-up, or use it as a healthy spread on apple wedges.

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this with your friends and I love hearing from you in the comments below. Have you tried carob?

We don’t spend much time thinking about our tongues, but they're so important.

The tongue is the organ that helps us taste our food, move it around so we can chew it, and then swallow it. It helps keep our teeth clean and helps us to speak.

Beyond those essential functions, the tongue acts as a signpost for our body’s health.

When our doctors tell us to stick our tongues out and say, “Aaahh,” it’s more than just so they can see our throats.

A healthy person’s tongue is pink, dotted with tiny bumps called papillae. An unhealthy tongue looks different.

4 Ways Your Tongue Can Alert You to Health Problems

1. When Your Tongue has White Spots or a White Coating

  • A white tongue can be caused by a yeast infection called “thrush”. It looks like cottage cheese in the mouth. It can be a sign of a weakened immune system.
  • Sometimes the cells in the mouth grow too quickly and the result is patches of white all over the tongue. This is called leukoplakia. It can just be irritation, but can also be a sign that tobacco use has led to cancer. See your dentist if you develop these white patches.

2. When Your Tongue is Bright Red

  • Most parents have seen the telltale red tongue that comes with scarlet fever. It is usually accompanied by a high fever and sore throat. If you have scarlet fever, you need antibiotics.
  • Sometimes a red, smooth, painful tongue is an sign of a deficiency in folic acid and vitamin B-12. It is an inflammatory condition called atrophic glossitis. Though you can take multivitamins, a better way to get these vitamins is by eating foods like liver, beans and spinach.

3. When Your Tongue is Black and Hairy

  • It almost goes without saying that if your tongue is black and hairy, there is something wrong. What you are seeing is not actually hairs but the papillae of the tongue that have become very long. When this happens, bacteria can grow and that turns it black.

A black hairy tongue looks scary but it's not always serious, though it may be a sign of diabetes.

People who are taking chemotherapy drugs to treat cancer can also get black, hairy tongues.

4. When Your Tongue Hurts or Has Big Bumps

  • The most obvious cause of a painful tongue is trauma. This can be as simple as burning your tongue on hot food or drink or biting your tongue.
  • If you are a smoker, then your tongue may be painful. The obviously best answer is to stop smoking, as it is extremely harmful to your health.
  • Mouth sores called ulcers or canker sores are generally caused by stress. They will usually resolve within a few days.
  • Lumps or bumps on the tongue that do not clear up within a few days or weeks can be a sign of oral cancer. You should see your doctor as soon as possible.

Yours in Health,


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