The #1 Reason People Fail at Weight Loss

Archives for November 2014

There are a lot of reasons that people fail in their weight loss attempts.

I bet you could name them all: No control of diet, not enough exercise or just neglecting the other factors that are holding back fat loss.

However, NONE of these factors rank as the top reason for failure at losing weight.

The number 1 reason they do not lose weight – They give up. That’s it.

Most people who make New Year resolutions to get the body of their dreams have given up on their goal by end February. Can you believe that?


They expected miracles in 2 months! They have been neglecting their health and fitness for years but expect to get into shape within 2 months just because they signed up for a gym membership and went for a few kickboxing classes.

Sorry. Your body does not work like that. The results come slowly but surely. Initially when you embark on a weight loss program, your eating habits will probably need to change.

Furthermore, you will need to embark on a consistent exercise program. All these are new habits.

New habits take time to form and there will always be initial resistance. This is what makes most people quit. They do not like the daily sacrifices they have to make by eating healthy.

It’s so much more fun to eat a doughnut than to give it up and eat an apple.

It is so much more fun to relax at home and watch television than to go out and run.

The easy way is so tempting. That’s why most people give in.

When they do not see results with their half-hearted attempts, they think that it’s all a waste of time and just give up.

Don’t do that.

Give yourself time to build the habits. Give your body time to adapt.


Even if it takes 6 months, stick with it and wait until you see results. These results will motivate you to do better and you will do better. That’s how all successful people make it.

We live in an age where people expect instant results. With technology, this can be achieved. You can microwave your food in seconds and order digital products online and receive those seconds later. However, there is no technology on the planet to make you lose weight immediately. The technology does not exist yet.

So, forget fast results.

You remember how the fable of The Tortoise and The Hare ends, right?

If you weigh 198 pounds, you should expect to lose about 1% of your body weight per week. That amounts to about 2 pounds per week. You may lose more initially, but in most cases, 1% per week is good progress.

So if you wish to drop 20 pounds, it’s going to take 10 weeks. Let’s not kid ourselves and expect to do it in 10 days.

Even if you starve yourself and exercise like crazy like they do in reality shows on TV, you are doing disservice to yourself.

It’s not healthy to crash diet or over exercise. Slow and steady wins the race.

The point to take away from this article is this – It takes time to get the body of your dreams.

If losing weight is a New Year resolution, keep AT it even if it reaches September… keep on keeping on. You will succeed.

Rome was not built in a day. Time, patience and consistence will always result in success.

Yours in Health,


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Warning: I’m closing down registration for my 30-Day Holiday Challenge at midnight tonight!

The challenge begins Monday, December 1st so you can reset your metabolism after your Thanksgiving feast and head into the holidays with all the nutrition, training, supplements, and support you need to lose up to 30 lbs in 30 days!

=> Last chance to join my 30-Day Holiday Challenge (registration closes at midnight)

And be sure you do this 90 second trick after eating your feast today:

=> Do This Right After Your Feast (90 second trick to keep sugars and carbs from converting into fat)

Yours in health & happiness,


The Thanksgiving holiday is upon us here in the US and I am traveling with my hubby and kids to spend the holiday with relatives.

Ever wonder WHY you are so exhausted after air travel? Stress and dehydration play a big role.

Then there's the on-the-go meals and stress from the hustle and bustle and excitement of it all.

Top that off with a big Thanksgiving Dinner and you'll be glad you have this recipe on hand.

Drink this every day during the holidays to help flush toxins from your system. Those harmful toxins can cause sickness, skin breakouts, and trap unwanted fat so drink up and celebrate sensibly.

cranberry juice
Hope you like it and share some with your friends and family over the holidays. You never know when you might accidentally start a tradition.

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this with your friends and I welcome your comments below.

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If you're looking for a quick & delicious side dish for your Thanksgiving feast that's bursting with flavor and also melts away belly fat, this is it!

Fat Melting Thanksgiving Side Dish

Prepare 1 cup of uncooked quinoa and use entire amount yielded after cooking according to directions on package

1/2 cup raw sliced almonds

1/2 cup raw shredded coconut flakes (unsweetened)

2 tbsp. unrefined coconut oil

1/2 cup craisins or raisins

1/4 cup raw honey

1-2 tsp cinnamon

Mix all ingredients together and serve warm or chilled as a side dish, breakfast or a snack.

Much Love,


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Low carb dieting appeals to so many people mainly because of  the quick results, right?

Well not so fast my friends, before opting in to this type of plan, let's make sure  you understand all that's involved.

A low carb diet has you eating lots of protein and limiting (or even altogether avoiding) carbohydrates. The reason for limiting carbohydrates is that they are easily converted into fat.

So, in theory, by eating few or no carbohydrates, you take out the possibility of something being turned into fat. This then is supposed to cause you to lose fat/weight.

But the question is. . .does low carb dieting really work?

As with many “quick fix” weight loss plans, it does. But only for a short time. What it really comes down to is that your body needs carbohydrates. when it becomes starved for them, it starts taking its energy from glycogen stores.

A little bit of science here. . .for every gram of glycogen, there are four grams of water attached. So, what you are actually losing when you lose weight is water.


It might look good for a while but as soon as you start eating carbohydrates again (as you will eventually have to do), you will gain back the water weight.

What you need to keep in mind that any type of diet which claims that you need to only do it for a little while and then return back to “normal” eating habits!

Instead of focusing on a diet, you need to change your lifestyle and eating habits. This scares many people because they think it means never eating a piece of chocolate or french fry again. That's not the reality.

In fact, the strict quick diets are what enforce this kind of “no exception” concept. Then, when the diet is over (as it eventually must be because you cannot continue to adhere to such strict restrictions), you gain back the weight.

A good weight loss and maintenance plan is doable for a long time.

It involves putting healthy food into your body (lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, fiber and Omega-3 fatty acids) and eliminating the bad stuff like sugar, processed and fried foods, etc.

Can you eat the bad ones every once in a while too? Yes. Just try to be mindful of how often you are doing it.

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Of course, to get the best results with losing weight and maintaining your goal weight, you also want to be doing some sort of light, regular activity. Make it something that you enjoy or that already fits into your schedule.

For example, some people who live in the city can actually walk to work (weather permitting). It might actually take the same amount of time than sitting in traffic or on public transportation.

Low carb dieting is one of the many diets that offer short-term results. Stick to something more realistic that you can follow for a lifetime.

Remember, Not all carbs are created equally and I don't want to close this without sharing: The Carbs You SHOULD Eat.

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this with your friends and I welcome your comments below.

Here in the U.S. we are just a few days away from one of my favorite holidays, Thanksgiving. I am filled with so much gratitude each day and I want to THANK all of my readers and clients for an AMAZING year! 


I am grateful for each and every one of you and so inspired by the progress so many of you have made. I cannot wait to hear and see the transformations we will make together next year.


And yes, I love to eat delicious, indulgent foods as much as anyone else and Pumpkin Cheesecake is a recipe that will fulfill your every indulgent desire for a Holiday splurge!


It will be a much better choice than most other cakes or pies you are likely to find on many tables and even the skeptics gobble up this yummy treat.


Scrumptious Pumpkin Pie

Makes 6 servings




  • 1.5 cup finely chopped walnuts
  • 2 tablespoons Coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons Honey



  • 8 ounces Low fat cream cheese, softened
  • 8 ounces Plain Greek Yogurt
  • 1/2 cup 100% Pure Maple Syrup
  • 1/3 cup Pureed Pumpkin
  • 1/2 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon Cinnamon and Nutmeg



1. Preheat oven to 350ºF.

2. Mix all of the crust ingredients together and press in the bottom of a greased pie pan. 

NOTE: It will seem not fully compact, but once you add pie filling, it all comes nicely after cooked.

3. Add all filling ingredients into a stand up mixer. Mix until smooth and spoon on to pie crust.

4. Bake for 50 minutes. 

You may also be interested in: 

Chocolate Silk Pie

Coconut Banana Pie Smoothie



Hope you and your loved ones enjoy making good health a delicious part of your holiday traditions!


Yours in Health,




P.S. Share this with your friends and I welcome your comments below!



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The majority of American households in the US start their day with a bowl of cereal.

It is almost an American tradition that has caught on all over the world.

There are many people who believe that “healthy cereals” are a good way to start the day. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The cereal companies have the masses believing that cereals are healthy and nutritious. This is excellent marketing and brings in millions of dollars to these companies at the expense of the people’s health.

The hard truth is that cereals are probably one of the worst foods you could eat.

Firstly, cereals consist of a very high level of GMOs.

What are GMOs you ask?

They stand for genetically modified organisms. Wikipedia states that GMOs are genetically modified foods (or GM foods) are foods produced from organisms that have had specific changes introduced into their DNA using the methods of genetic engineering.


These techniques have allowed for the introduction of new crop traits as well as a far greater control over a food's genetic structure than previously afforded by methods such as selective breeding and mutation breeding.

Basically, to summarize, cereals contain genetically modified corn, canola, soy and traces of pesticides.

The cereal companies do their best to market cornflakes as a “natural” product. The only reason they do that is because there is barely anything natural about cereals.

The GMOs in the cereals create a myriad of health problems such as liver and digestive problems, allergies, fertility problems, obesity and other health issues.

If you’re planning on losing weight or just being healthy, you will avoid cereals at all costsincluding the “healthy ones”.

Flooding your body with toxic food will create inflammation in your body.

Yes, cereals are toxic because they are produced through an extrusion process. The extrusion process is a complicated one where the grains are altered and the proteins end up denatured.

Synthetic vitamins, an oil coating and sugar are added to keep the cereals crispy, tasty and give the impression that they are healthy. In reality, the synthetic vitamins are useless.


Your body needs real vitamins from real wholesome foods. Not synthetic stuff that just pollutes your body.

Your body is a temple. Not a woodshed. Treat it with care, dump the cereals and do not allow children to eat this toxic food.

If you’re planning on losing weight, cereals will definitely hinder your progress because they are almost totally composed of refined carbohydrates. These will cause insulin spikes and result in fat storage.

When your goal is losing weight, you really need to keep your insulin levels stable.

So what should you eat?

Here are 3 healthy breakfast recipes you SHOULD eat (plus the 3 WORST “healthy” breakfasts you must avoid). 

Yours in Health,

Danette May

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Today I’m going to show you my #1 favorite movement of all time!

I love this movement because it works your entire body in VERY short time…plus it reminds me of surfing the waves in Costa Rica 🙂

So are you ready to tighten your arms, abs, butt and legs in less than a minute? Watch this quick video and start working on your surf bod today!

Much love,


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This is one of my favorite stick-to-your-ribs breakfasts. You might think of waffles as something to avoid when you're trying to lose weight but this recipe isn't full of white flours and sugars that wreak havoc on our bodies.

Instead, these yummy pumpkin waffles are full of fiber and flavor! They won't leave your belly with that heavy feeling you get from eating traditional waffles either.

I like to make these before we hit the ski slopes so I know my family has had a warm, wholesome breakfast for a cold day of active fun ahead. You can top them with a little yogurt and some of your favorite fruit and even a little bit of 100% Maple syrup if desired.


Pumpkin Waffles Recipe

Nutritional Information: 1 waffle = (2 oz. protein, ½ cup carbs, ¼ cup fruit), if you top with fruit, add that amount to your fruit total. Top with ¼ cup Greek yogurt to add 1 oz. protein if you like.


Yours in Health,


P.S. Share this with your friends and I welcome your comments below!

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