My Favorite Detoxing Teas/ Chai Tea

Archives for September 2016

Chai Tea is one of my favorite detox teas and I'm excited to share ALL of these great Chai teas blends with you. Wait until you see all of these and oh how I wish you could smell them right now!

Are you a tea lover like me?  Shop Pekoe Sip House for the perfect Chai Tea bundle created just for tea drinkers like yourself!

Get 33% off the Spiced Energy Tea Gift Set


?Pekoe House Chai ?Spicy Green Chai ?Mate Chai ?Rooibos Chai

Click here to order your Spiced Energy Tea Gift Set while they last!

This is exclusive to Danette May followers so enjoy buying this for yourself or for a family member.

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this video with your the Chai Tea lovers you know and I love to hear from you so leave a comment for me below!

“You are what you eat.” We’ve heard it so many times.

We work hard to make sure the food we put into our bodies is filled with the vitamins and minerals we need to be fit and strong. We exercise and live a healthy lifestyle.

Unfortunately, a lot of us are also eating things that aren’t good for us, and that may be doing us real harm.

Choosing foods to help you lose weight or lower your risk of cancer and other health issues is great, BUT if you’re also constantly eating things that are bad for you then you may be wasting your time.

It’s time to admit that we can’t just add more veggies to our diet. We need to also cut out the more dangerous foods. Do you know what they are, and why?

3 Cancer Causing Foods That We Shouldn't Eat

1. Refined Sugar

When you eat foods that contain high fructose corn syrup or other refined sugars, you put yourself at risk of insulin spikes. Though our body needs sugar for energy, refined sugars break down more quickly and turn to fat more easily.

Not only does that put you at greater risk of obesity, but some studies have shown that the extra sugar that is floating around in your blood stream feeds cancer cells and makes them grow and spread more quickly.

Solution: To sweeten your food, choose raw honey, 100% pure maple syrup or coconut sugar.

2. Processed and Grilled Meats

We all may have been raised on lunch meat, hot dogs, and bacon, but getting them out of your diet is a very good idea.

All of these are processed meats, and the preservatives that help them last a long time do you a world of harm. These preservatives are called nitrates, and they don’t flush out of our bodies. Instead they stay in your cells and cause damage over a long period of time.

Nitrates not only come from chemicals – they also form when food is cooked at a high temperature or smoked. This turn them into nitrites, which are known carcinogens. The same is true of red meat that is cooked on a grill.

Solution: Choose fresh turkey, chicken or fish for your protein source. And don't forget your vegetarian protein options- they're delicious too!

I'm not saying you should never enjoy a steak on the grill.

Just choose pasture raised, chemical free meat and cook over a low heat. Also enjoy it rare or medium rare to lessen carcinogens.

The same goes for bacon. Enjoy in moderation and look for 100% natural, pasture raised and nitrate free.

3. White Flour

White flour is highly refined. Both the bran and the germ have been removed. Chemicals are usually used to bleach it and make it look whiter.

Though this makes foods made with white flour light and airy, it also means that it has little nutritional value. It also leaves it with a high glycemic index. This means that the body makes insulin, which feeds cancer cells in the same way that refined sugar does.

Don't be fooled in thinking wheat flour is any better. You don't have to be diagnosed with Celiac disease to benefit from avoiding gluten.

White flour is in many of our favorite foods, including bagels, white rice and pasta, but it is easy to find replacements that eliminate the risk. There are healthier options for bread and pasta and they're tasty too!

Solution: Choose healthier brown rice or quinoa based pastas and eat sprouted grain breads.

It's not that hard to make smart choices that eliminate these cancer causing foods.

Wondering how you'll ever bake anything yummy without white flour and sugar? Here's a great recipe to replace traditional sugar cookies with healthy ingredients that will satisfy your any sweet tooth.


Coconut Almond Sugar Cookies


Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this with your friends and I love hearing from you in the comments below.

Are you the type of person who “Googles” to get answers to health questions?

If so, you may have come across apple cider vinegar as a cure. Some people think it’s not good for anything but use in salad dressings. After all, it doesn’t have high levels of vitamins or minerals. But a lot of people use it for their hair or their skin. Others swear it's the best thing for everything from bee stings to heartburn to warts.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) may surprise you!

It has some real health benefits BUT, (I can't stress this enough)You HAVE to use the RIGHT kind. And don't worry, I'm going to tell you exactly what to look for on the label.

What Is Apple Cider Good For?

There have been some real scientific studies on ACV. These have shown a lot of ways that apple cider vinegar can boost your health. There's evidence that ACV:

1. Lowers blood sugar

Vinegar helps improve insulin sensitivity. It lowers blood glucose and insulin responses. This is great for people who are pre-diabetic and want to lower blood sugar levels.

People with diabetes can benefit from apple cider vinegar too, but should talk to their doctor before adding it to their daily regimen.

2. Helps with weight loss

Apple cider vinegar can help with weight loss in a couple of ways.

First, it reduces blood sugar spikes. That means you won’t have so many cravings.  Also, when you drink it, it makes you feel full faster. That means you eat less.

One study showed that people who take vinegar with their meals eat an average of 250 fewer calories later on.

3. Lowers cholesterol

Preliminary studies have shown promise that apple cider vinegar could lower triglyceride levels. It also contains chlorogenic acid, which is an important antioxidant.

So, ANY Apple Cider Vinegar Will Do?

It seems like we should all be taking the simple step of drinking a spoonful or two of ACV every day. But not all apple cider vinegar is the same, and it’s important to know what to buy and how to use it.

Only unfiltered, organic apple cider vinegar contains what is known as the “mother”. Look for the words “contains the mother” on your label.

But WHAT is “The Mother?”

The mother is a blob that makes the vinegar look cloudy.

To some people it looks like the vinegar is spoiled. But that blob contains the proteins and bacteria that make apple cider vinegar so effective and healthy.

Unfiltered ACV is full of probiotics too. That means it can help with digestion and prevent constipation.

If you’re going to add apple cider vinegar to your daily diet, make sure you do it the right way. Don’t drink it straight. That's NOT a good plan.

Instead, add a teaspoon or two to a cup of warm water. Some people like to add a little bit of honey. I like to add the juice from half a lemon and a dash of cayenne pepper for a serious metabolism booster.

Here's another one of my favorite ways to enjoy the benefits of ACV: 3 Ingredient Tonic (for the best health ever!)

Also, sip it through a straw to protect tooth enamel. I do this every day and I challenge you to give it a try!

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this with your loved ones and I always love hearing from you in the comments below.

Imagine you're sipping the perfect cup of chamomile brew. Question: Are you sipping “tea?”

Technically, the answer is NO!! Why is that?

Well, to call a drink ”tea” it should come from the plant camellia sinensis. In the case of the chamomile, it's not actual tea leaves, but made from herbs, added to hot water.

What is actual tea?

Green, black and Oolong tea are actual teas or true teas. Although they differ in their appearance, they come from the same tea plant. They differ in the way they're processed, which gives them their distinctive characteristics.

”Herbal tea” is a misnomer. ”Herbal infusion” may be the better term to use. This is because herbal teas do not actually have tea leaves from the tea plant.

Tisane, is the proper name for herbal drinks.

Tisane is a beverage made from the infusion of plant material in hot water. These are from flowers, spices, fruits and herbs that are free of caffeine. Examples include chamomile, basil, ginger teas.

Actual Tea VS Herbal Tea

Here are 3 Key Things that separate the two.

1. Caffeine content

Actual teas contain caffeine. While most herbal teas don't have caffeine. You always want to check your labels to be sure.

Check out how much caffeine an 8 oz. cup of these actual teas has:

Brewed black tea gives 14 – 70 mg

Green tea gives 24 – 45 mg

Black tea, decaffeinated 0 – 12 mg (yes, even decaf has some caffeine)

2. Antioxidant content

Actual teas are a consistent source of antioxidants. Tea leaves are rich in polyphenolic compounds that are powerful antioxidants.

Thearubigins, epicatechins, and catechins are just a few of the important antioxidants in tea leaves.

The antioxidant content of herbal teas vary with the choice of ingredients. It also depends on the amount of herb used when making the drink.

For example, a cup of ginseng tea may supply fewer antioxidants when compared to actual tea. Yet, the preparation process of herbal tea helps to extract the nutrients of ginseng. This offers therapeutic benefits as well.

3. Variety

Actual teas is available only in 4 varieties: Black, Green, Oolong and White.

Herbal teas offer many varieties to suit your needs. Whether you need to please your taste buds or drink for medicinal reasons, the is no shortage of choices!

Is chai tea actual tea or herbal?

Chai tea is an Indian specialty tea that is from original tea leaves. This tea is flavored with spices like cardamom, cloves etc. Sometimes fresh ginger, and fruits are also added to bring out an unique flavor.

Chai tea will still contain caffeine, so if you want to avoid caffeine, avoid chai tea. There are some packaged chai teas that come without the actual tea leaves in its ingredients. Be sure to read the ingredient list before you buy it.

Tea is soothing and one of my favorite ways to relax is with a cup of tea. If you've been avoiding teas because of the caffeine content, tisane (herbal teas) are right for you.

Have fun experimenting with the many creative ways to brew a perfect cup of herbal tea!

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this with your friends and I love hearing from you in the comments below.

The truth is that you probably don’t need to be convinced to eat dark chocolate. It’s one of the world’s most delicious foods.

But beyond its delightful taste, eating dark chocolate has some very real health benefits. That doesn't mean to reach for the nearest chocolate bar and celebrate. You want to be sure you're eating at least 60-80% cacao. Look for that on the label.

There's a difference between dark chocolate and the other kinds but there are plenty of good reasons to indulge in the right type of chocolate!

Dark Chocolate Vs Milk Chocolate

When you compare half a bar of dark chocolate against milk chocolate, the differences go to more than just taste.

Dark chocolate:

  • has almost twice the amount of healthy fatty acids (5g. to 2.9g)
  • has fewer carbs (6% to 8%)
  • has 1/2 the sugar (10g to 21g)
  • has 4 times the fiber (16% to 4%)
  • has almost 5 times the iron (28% to 6%)
  • is higher in phosphorous, magnesium, and potassium
  • is higher in zinc (9% to 6%)
  • is lower in cholesterol (0.3% to 3%)
  • is much higher in theobromine, which lowers blood pressure (324mg to 82 mg)

Dark chocolate has more of the original cacao bean than milk chocolate. It’s the cacao that gives all the nutritional benefits. Cacao is high in the antioxidants known as flavonoids.

The higher the percentage of cacao, the better the chocolate is for you.

Milk chocolate has some cacao, but it is mixed in with milk solids, cream and sugar.

3 Ways Dark Chocolate Does The Body Good

1. It’s a mood booster.

It always feels good to treat yourself, but when you eat dark chocolate you lower your cortisol levels. Cortisol is the stress hormone that causes depression. It also raises your risk of heart disease and stroke. I recommend Cacao Bliss! Enjoy this mood-enhancer and bliss-promoting chocolate goodness! 

A study showed that people who ate cacao every day were 10% calmer.

2. It’s good for your heart.

When you think of chocolate, you probably think of cocoa butter and fat. But it turns out that a lot of the fat in cocoa butter is stearic acid. Our livers change it to oleic acid, and that lowers bad cholesterol and raises good cholesterol. Plus, dark chocolate is an anti-inflammatory that helps heart health.

3. It’s high in fiber and even has protein

Chocolate can help cravings and appetite by making you feel full. And a study of dark chocolate found that just the smell of it makes the body produce ghrelin, a hormone that reduces appetite.

It even offers some protein. A little over 1 gram of protein per ounce of dark chocolate is a bonus. Not that it should be your go-to protein source but an added gram of protein is always better than none.

After reading all this you're probably ready for a chocolate fix (I know I am) so here's one of my favorite ways to enjoy dark chocolate: Guilt Free Chocolate Truffles

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this with your chocolate loving friends and I welcome your comments below.

Metabolic syndrome is a serious health threat.

Over 3 million Americans meet the criteria and are at risk.

Wondering how can you find out if you're one of them?

Someone who has metabolic syndrome will answer “yes” to at least 3 of these 5 questions:

1. Do you have abdominal obesity (when your waist measures 40” or more for men or 35” or more for women)?
2. Is your Serum Triglyceride number 150 mg/dl or higher?
3. Is you HDL Cholesterol too low (40 mg/dl or lower for men or 50 mg/dl or lower for women)?
4. Is your blood pressure at or above 130/85?
5. Is your fasting blood glucose 100/mg/dl or higher?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you could have a health problem.

But when you answer “yes” to 3 or more of them, it means you have metabolic syndrome.

That means you are at much higher risk for heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

One of the reasons that metabolic syndrome is such trouble is that it has no list of signs or symptoms.

It isn’t really a condition as much as a bunch of factors that add up to a high risk.

Metabolic syndrome is not rare at all. In fact, about 1 out of 3 Americans have it.

If you have type 2 diabetes, then you are at much higher risk. Family history plays a big part in your chances of having it. This is because so many of the things that put you at risk, like diabetes and hypertension, are based on your genes.

But your activity level and life style will also play a big role.

Who is at risk?

People at higher risk for the syndrome are those who:

  • don’t exercise
  • have gained a lot of weight over time
  • smoke
  • eat a very high “bad carb” diet (eat good carbs instead)

To get an idea of how much your weight has a role in metabolic syndrome, look at these statistics:

  • 60% of people who are obese have it
  • 22% of people who are overweight have it
  • 5% of people who are normal weight have it
  • Adults who gain 5 pounds or more each year up their risk by as much as 45%

People who have metabolic syndrome are at risk for health issues like:


Kidney damage

Sleep Apnea

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Increased risk of dementia with aging

What can I do to fix it?

The good news is that people who have metabolic syndrome can take steps to improve their health.

The best way to do this is to make lifestyle changes that reduce your risk. If you smoke, then quit. Try to get some more activity.

When you exercise for 30 minutes 5 days per week, you can lower blood pressure and cholesterol and improve insulin sensitivity.

One of the best ways to make a big change is to adopt healthier eating habits. I recommend eating a clean diet.

The goal is to increase good fats and carbs and to cut down on bad fats and carbs. Make sure you're eating plenty of lean proteins and vegetables and you'll be on your way to a healthier you.

By making some lifestyle changes, you can decrease body weight and waist size and lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The goal is to be able to say “no” to at least 3 of those 5 questions but you may be amazed at the inner you that you discover along your journey to better health!

Yours in Health,


P.S. Share this important health information with your loved ones and don't forget to leave a comment for me below.

Have you ever made a shopping list for a recipe that contained saffron and found yourself knocked out by the price?

Saffron is hands down the world’s most costly spice, it compares with the price of gold and there’s a good reason why.

Saffron comes from some of the world’s most exotic locations – Kashmir, Greece and Morocco. It’s produced by hand picking the part of a flower that catches pollen. Slightly tedious work to say the least!

It takes 80,000 flowers to add up to one pound of saffron.

The threads are cut off, then laid out to dry and cure. All that time and hard work yields a spice that has a strong and delicious taste. Its cost is offset by its potency – just one grain of saffron can turn ten gallons of water a bright orange color!

Besides adding deep color and taste, saffron also has lots of health benefits, and may even help with weight loss.

7 Ways Saffron Is Valuable to Your Body

1. Cancer fighter

Saffron is known for its deep orange color. That color comes from crocin, which causes cell death in cancer cells.

Unlike many drugs, crocin hurts cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone. It also spurs the creation of immune cells that fight cancer cells.

2. Memory booster

Recent studies have linked saffron to boosting memory and reducing brain inflammation. It’s been shown to reverse the symptoms found in Alzheimer’s patients.

Japanese doctors have used saffron for many years to treat patients with Parkinson’s disease and to help learning and memory loss.

3. PMS relief

Asian doctors have used saffron to treat PMS for hundreds of years, and a recent study confirmed that it helps. Women who took saffron capsules twice a day found it helped with cramps and other symptoms.

4. Erectile dysfunction

Scientists have found that taking saffron pills daily can help men with erectile dysfunction. This is even true for those whose condition is caused by taking antidepressants.

5. Mood booster

Saffron has been shown to be as effective as some antidepressants for treating depression.

6. Weight loss

Many have claimed that saffron stops people from snacking and is a boost to weight loss plans, and a French study confirmed this idea.

Researchers tested saffron extract on healthy, mildly overweight women for 8 weeks and found that they felt more full and snacked far less. At the end of 8 weeks the group that took the saffron had lost more weight, without any side effects.

7. Eye health

Doctors have treated patients who have macular degeneration with saffron. They’ve found that taking the supplement provides both short term and long term benefits.

Buying & Using Saffron

You can find saffron at most gourmet markets, and you can buy it as a supplement too. Always look for organic.

One of the most soothing and effective ways to add it to your diet is to drink a daily cup of saffron tea. Here’s one of my favorite recipes:

Ginger Saffron Tea Danette May Recipe

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this with your loved ones and I welcome your comment below!

Leaky gut is a condition that has only recently been getting much attention. Some doctors still don’t treat it like it's a real thing, which is a shame.

For those who are suffering from the symptoms, understanding what's causing the problem and learning how to treat it has been a huge relief that has restored their quality of life.

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Leaky gut may not be well known, but it is easy enough to understand when you know what is going on.

When we eat and drink, what we take in passes through our gut. The gut is built to absorb nutrients, so the cells that line its walls allow food molecules to pass through easily.

Unfortunately, for some people, some of the things that they eat cause damage to the gut cells. Such as antibiotics, too much alcohol, and even extreme stress.

When the tight junctions of the gut lining break apart, things like undigested food, microbes, and toxins can leak out into your blood system. When that happens, the immune system attacks the foreign particles. The end result is that you feel sick.

Could I Have a Leaky Gut?

There are several things that happen to people who have leaky gut. If you have one or more of these signs, there’s a good chance that you do too:

  • Thyroid problems
  • Constant stomach problems, including bloating, gas, or diarrhea
  • Food allergies, sensitivities or intolerances
  • An autoimmune disease like rheumatoid arthritis or celiac disease
  • Depression, anxiety, ADD or ADHD
  • Skin conditions like acne, psoriasis or rosacea

Though having any of these signs doesn’t mean you definitely have leaky gut, having two or more makes it a good idea to get tested.

A doctor can give you a test called a “lactulose-mannitol intestinal permeability test” to see if you have leaky gut.

What Can I Do to Fix Leaky Gut?

If you do have leaky gut, you need to take steps to heal it and to reestablish gut health. The best way to do this is to follow these steps:

  • Get rid of foods that make the problem worse. These include junk food and processed foods.
  • Get rid of foods that contain hydrogenated vegetable oils and excess refined sugars.

It should also be noted that although legumes and whole grains can be fine for some people with perfectly healthy guts, legumes and whole grains also are some of the foods that contain the highest amounts of gut irritants and antinutrients, including gluten in grains such as wheat.

For that reason, if you think you have leaky gut, grains and legumes should be reduced or avoided in order to let the gut lining heal.

  • Stop drinking coffee, soft drinks and fruit juices and replace with water or green tea.

Eat plenty of foods that are high in soluble fiber, which helps to feed your gut bacteria, including vegetables, nuts, and fruits.

Some other foods that are known to help heal a leaky gut are:

  • Probiotic-rich foods such as kefir, plain yogurt, kraut, kimchi, and kombucha, which contain a variety of strains of probiotics that are known to help heal the gut.
  • Collagen protein is also known to have healing properties in the gut
  • Glutamine is a type of supplemental amino acid that helps to heal the gut lining.
  • Bone broth is also known to have healing properties for your gut, and is also loaded with important minerals and collagen.
  • Exercise to encourage good digestion and detoxification
  • Use probiotics like kombucha on a regular basis

One of the best ways to help a leaky gut is to keep a diet and symptom diary to help you identify foods that you are sensitive to and eliminate them from your diet.

For one week, write down everything that you eat and how you feel throughout the day. At the end of the week, take a look and see what you learn.

The next week or two, cut out the foods that you suspect are causing a problem.

After a couple of weeks, try reintroducing those foods one at a time to see if they make you feel bad. Keep careful records.

The process takes time, but by following these steps you can figure out what foods are at the root of your problem and take them out of your diet permanently. You'll be amazed at how much better you feel!

Yours in Health,


P.S. I hope you will share this important health information with your loved ones and leave me a comment below.

Most of you are familiar with the term ”detox” by now. Detoxifying or detox in short is the process of getting rid of toxins that have built up inside your body.

There are a ton of options out there for detoxing. This includes harsh diets and dangerous cleanse programs. Those detoxes can deprive your body of nutrients and can weaken you. This doesn't mean that detox is bad for you though. There are many safe and healthy ways to detox like using detox teas.

4 Reasons to Sip Detox Teas

1. Gentle on your body: Most detox teas come from herbs and spices. You can add them to your daily schedule, without taxing your body. You can detox, and at the same time feel energized with detox teas.

2. Curbs unhealthy snacking: Sipping detox tea everyday can help you resist the urge to snack.

3. Keeps you hydrated: One of the key things in any detox program is to drink plenty of water. Water is a natural cleanser and helps to keep your body hydrated throughout the day. A cup of herbal tea helps you achieve this goal.

4. Variety: Variety is the spice of life. You can choose from a wide variety of detox teas to suit your needs. Whether you want to lose weight or have a healthy digestive system, you have a wide choice.

There's green tea, rooibos, chamomile, milk thistle, peppermint, raspberry and the list goes on and on! Your tastebuds will never get bored

Which is my favorite detox tea and why?

One of my favorite kinds of detox tea is dandelion tea, it's safe and is an effective detox tool. Here's why I favorite dandelion tea when it comes to detox.

3 Reasons

1. Liver protector: Your liver is your major detoxifying organ. A liver that functions at its best helps to cleanse your body of toxins on a regular basis.

A study showed that dandelion was effective in protecting the liver from injuries. Researchers concluded that dandelion's antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties are responsible for the protective effect.

2. Rich in antioxidants: Dandelions are high in antioxidants and fight oxidation of bad cholesterol. Oxidation of bad cholesterol results in heart disease and stroke.

In a study on rabbits with high cholesterol, dandelion roots cut the cholesterol levels. It also prevented the oxidation of bad cholesterol and decreased the heart disease risk.

3. Prevents Urinary infections: Due to its diuretic effect, it helps prevent urinary tract infections.

People suffering with kidney stones can benefit from a cup of dandelion tea. 

It's also rich in vitamins A and C which can help fight skin problems and infections too.

There are a few types out there, dandelion leaves, roasted root etc. and as long as the label says your dandelion tea is organic, I say, give it a go!

If you're interested in detoxing your body, here are a few other steps you should take…..

Other ways to detox

  • Cut white sugar
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Exercise every day (be sure you sweat!)
  • Stay away from refined / processed food
  • Do a gentle body scrub everyday

You can also do the full 3 Day Bikini Body Detox I use (yes, it includes dandelion tea and a ton of other delicious and detoxifying foods.)

Keep in mind, no matter the type of detox tea you choose, choose clean foods. If you practice clean eating, detox teas can work well with your system and can be an efficient tool.

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this info. with your loved ones and I'd love to hear from you in the comments below.