Eat Fermented Foods To Improve Digestion, Boost Immunity & Lose Weight

Archives for October 2015

Maybe fermented foods aren’t something that you’d consider to be a conversation starter, perhaps they will be after you read this!

In fact, if you’re looking for something that can potentially change your health and help you lose those stubborn pounds without a ton of effort, you should definitely read on – and, tell your friends about it too.

What’s fermentation?

The process of fermentation has been around practically since the beginning of time.

Back in the day, people created foods and drinks from existing ingredients to help preserve them without spoiling.

The process is started when bacteria and enzymes convert carbohydrates, starches and sugars into alcohol and acids through a simple reaction. The bacteria used in this process helps to keep other bacteria from growing, making it last much longer.


Why fermented foods are beneficial:

Fermented foods are chock-full of these “good bacteria,” or probiotics. A massive amount research has demonstrated how the ideal balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut forms the foundation for physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Probiotic, friendly bacteria makes up roughly 70% percent of the immune system.

The good bacteria, especially in the gut, is believed to improve digestion and boost immunity as well as to help to rebuild our body’s pH balance – and, they may even help us get leaner too!

One recent study conducted by researchers at Laval University in Quebec City, Canada, found that certain probiotics, a strain referred to as Lactobacillus rhamnosus, was able to help women lose weight and keep the pounds off too.

Another study, published in 2010, found that obese people were able to reduce their abdominal fat by almost 5%, and subcutaneous fat (the kind you can grasp with your hand on any part of your body), was decreased by more than 3%. That was accomplished just by drinking a probiotic-rich fermented milk beverage over a 12-week period.

While more research is needed to find out just how much these mighty microbes can do to impact the obesity problem, early results are definitely promising.

The most effective way to encourage the growth of those good bacteria that live in your gut is to eat more fermented foods. Fermented foods, in general, are highly nutritious and digestible.

As fermentation pre-digests the food, it makes nutrients more bioavailable, and in many cases generates even more nutrients or removes toxins, or anti-nutrients.

They’re especially supportive of digestive health, immune function, and general well- being.

What type of foods are fermented?

Though the term “fermented” may sound a bit distasteful, the results of this ancient preparation and preservation technique are actually rather delicious.

And, in addition to helping to strengthen digestion and immune systems, fight off stubborn pounds and even proactively helping us fight off and prevent disease, they’re a lot easier to prepare and enjoy then you might think.

Just a few examples of fermented foods include

  • sauerkraut
  • fermented soy sauce
  • tempeh,
  • plain yogurt that’s marked with the “Live & Active Culture” seal
  • Kombucha tea
  • other veggies that you can ferment yourself just by doing a quick Google search.

You can also buy fermented condiments at health food stores. Start incorporating these powerfully nutritious foods into your diet today!

Yours in Health,


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Don't you love it when a recipe solves 2 problems at once?!

If you own a juicer, at some point you've likely wondered what on Earth to do with ALL that pulp! You know it's just straight fiber and have maybe even felt wasteful when tossing it in the trash. After all, most Americans don't get enough fiber and here you are just throwing dietary fiber away.

Then there's your love of crunchy, wholesome snacks. You've likely realized buy now that there are almost NO healthy cracker options for those of us who strive to keep a clean diet.

Well, now you have the solution to both…Juice Pulp Crackers!

Yes, you can have your crunchy snack back by rescuing all of that wonderfully filling fiber that was destined for the compost bin at best!

It's the perfect marriage for the frugal healthy food lover!



3C pulp vegetable/fruit pulp from juicer

¼C chia seeds

½C chickpea flour

1C water




Combine the juice pulp, Chia seeds, and chickpea flour in a food processor. Add some of the water and blend the ingredients together. Repeat until you have added all of the water. You really want to purée the pulp to break up the fibrous threads as best as you can, but let’s remember that it is essentially a bowl of roughage—embrace the raw and hearty texture.

Spread the mixture onto a nonstick baking sheet using a large spoon or a spatula. Spread the mixture as thinly as possible to allow your crackers to get nice and crispy.

Bake the cracker sheet in the oven at 350F for anywhere from 30 – 40 minutes, or until it is completely dried up and crisp.

Once you have a crispy cracker sheet, remove the sheet from the oven and using a pizza cutter or sharp knife, break the sheet up into individual crackers.

Once your crackers are all cut up, you can put the crackers back in the oven for an extra toast under the broiler, or go ahead and serve them as is.

You can really play around with this recipe and make it your own! Add your favorite seeds and have fun with different fruit/veg pulp combos too.

Yours in Health,


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There's nothing quite like the smell of homemade banana nut bread coming from the oven!

Most of my memories of the holiday season include this intoxicating aroma.

Traditionally banana nut bread recipes include tons of white sugar, butter and white flour, right? Not this one.

It has all the goodness, flavor and moisture of the traditional recipes but is a much healthier version.

If you have any super ripe bananas, this is the perfect way to use them up before they go bad. The riper the bananas, the more flavorful this bread will taste.

banana oat bread


Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this recipe with your friends and I always love reading your comments below.


If you’re trying to avoid caffeine but don’t want to give up your favorite morning beverage, you’ve probably wondered if decaf coffee is good or bad for your health.

Decaf, short for decaffeinated, is coffee made from beans that have had at least 97% of its caffeine removed.

That means your decaf coffee isn’t completely caffeine free – in fact, there is no such thing as coffee with zero caffeine in it.

The small amount that remains (one study found that each 6-ounce cup of decaf contained anywhere from a trace amount to 7 milligrams) is generally not a concern for anyone in good health, but if you have any medical problems, of course, you should speak to your doctor.

There are a number of different ways to remove the caffeine.

Many brands use the Direct Process, which involves something known as methyl chloride.

This chemical is listed as a possible carcinogen by the National Cancer Institute, but FDA regulations consider up to 10 parts per million to be safe.


While the process may be considered safe, it does deprive the beans of some of their natural flavors, and it also leaves a chemical residue, which means you may want to look for organic brands that use an all-natural, chemical free decaffeination process.

Not only will you not be drinking any trace chemicals with your coffee, you’ll get the full, rich flavor coffee was meant to have.

The great news is that despite going through a decaffeination process, decaf coffee still contains the same antioxidant properties as regular coffee, offering a wealth of health benefits!


Reduces the risk of diabetes

The high antioxidant levels of both decaf and regular coffee help to protect cells from damage that can lead to diabetes.

The substance known for helping regulate blood glucose levels, chlorogenic acid, is not removed during the decaffeination process.

Lower risk of heart problems

As caffeine has been linked to heart problems, including stroke, heart attack and irregular palpitations, since it’s been removed in decaf coffee, those who drink it are less likely to develop these conditions.

The decaf version has also been associated with a lower risk of premature death some studies.

Cancer prevention

As decaf still contains a high level of antioxidants, these compounds can help to prevent conditions associated with the aging process, as well as cancer.

In fact, studies have shown that those who drink decaf on a regular basis have a reduced risk of developing colon cancer. Research has also found drinking coffee helps to reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Prevent or delay mental decline

The polyphenols found in coffee beans also remain during the decaffeination process.  These compounds help to boost the brain's cognitive abilities, improving memory and event preventing mental decline.

EXCLUSIVE >>  The Most HARMFUL Food For Your Brain

Research published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that elderly men who consumed coffee on a regular basis experienced far less reduced brain function than those who didn’t.

In fact, those who drank three cups a day exhibited the least cognitive decline as compared to those who only drank one.

The bottom line?

Decaf coffee, in moderation, just like anything else, is good – feel free to drink up and enjoy those fabulous health benefits too.

Yours in Health,


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Just like all fats were demonized as “bad” for you back in the ‘90s, carbs have become the food to fear.

But not all carbs are bad, in fact, they’re a very important part of a healthy diet.

Good carbs offer a ton of health benefits. By choosing carbohydrates that are packed with fiber, they’re more slowly absorbed into the system, which helps prevent spikes in blood sugar levels.

It’s the refined and processed carbs that are unhealthy – things like junk food and refined grains such as white bread, muffins and hamburger buns.


That’s because during the refining process, these grains are stripped of fiber, B-vitamins and certain minerals. They also have a high glycemic index, which means they negatively affect blood sugar levels.

Just a few other examples of “bad” carbs include cakes, pastries, chips, soda and most packaged baked goods. Those types of foods offer little in the way of nutrients, yet they generally contain a high amount of calories.

Eating them can cause a drop in blood sugar which affects an area of the brain that controls impulse – and that can lead to a loss of self-control, including cravings for unhealthy, high-calorie foods.

These 5 high carb foods, on the other hand, are good for you!

They have virtually the opposite effect, providing a variety of essential vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and fiber that can help promote good health, support increased energy and even fat loss.

1. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are not only delicious, they’re filled with feel-good vitamins like B6 and also a rich source of vitamins A, C, D, iron and magnesium, known as the relaxation and anti-stress mineral.

Magnesium is essential for healthy nerve function, muscle, heart, bone, blood and more.

This nutritious tuber is packed with antioxidants which can help to reduce oxidative damage as well as lessen the risk of a number of diseases.

2. Blueberries

Blueberries are a great way to satisfy a sweet tooth while enjoying a ton of health – and even weight-loss benefits.

That’s because this juicy fruit contains catechins that are believed to activate the fat-burning gene in belly-fat cells – a study out of Tufts University found that those who regularly consumed catechins were able to increase fat loss in the abdominal area by 77%.

Often referred to as a “superfood,” blueberries also contain a large amount of many different vitamins and minerals, like vitamin C, vitamin K and manganese.


3. Quinoa

Quinoa is an ancient grain that offers multiple health benefits.

Originally, it was roasted and made into flour that served as a basis for traditional types of bread, but these days, the sky is practically the limit when it comes to all of its different uses.

It can be made into pasta, added to soups, used in salads and more.

It’s an excellent alternative to wheat for those on a gluten-free diet as quinoa is naturally gluten-free too.

Quinoa is rich in fiber and contains all eight essential amino acids – very unique in plant-based proteins. Being high in fiber and protein means that it can also help keep you feeling fuller longer, ultimately supporting weight-loss efforts.

4. Beets

If you want to increase your energy levels or improve endurance before a workout, try adding beets to your diet.

This powerful superfood can be sliced thin for salads or cooked, and they’re also easy to juice.

Beets are filled with important vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and plant compounds as well as being high in inorganic nitrates.  The body converts these nitrates into nitric oxide which aids blood flow and the delivery of oxygen to the muscles.

Not only does nitric oxide help to lower blood pressure and possibly decrease the risk of a number of diseases, it also helps you work harder with less effort.


5. Apples

You know what they say, “An apple a day…”

Well, apples, particularly Granny Smith apples, according to a study out of Washington State University, are not only good for your health, they contain non-digestible compounds, including fiber and polyphenols that promote an increase of good bacteria in the gut and can help you lose weight.

As chronic inflammation has been linked to an increased risk of obesity, restoring microbial balance helps to reduce inflammation as well as boost the feeling of fullness.

Apples have also been shown to help reduce the risk of heart disease, improve blood sugar control and may lessen the risk of some types of cancer too.

Yours in Health,


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You probably don't think about the hue of your urine very often, let alone discuss it but you might be surprised to find out how much it can tell you about your state of health – and, even your waistline.

Have you happened to notice its color lately?

While its hue can fluctuate depending on what you’re eating and drinking, the time of day and what supplements you may or may not be taking, in general, it should be clear to pale yellow, not dark yellow or gold.

While it may not be the most pleasant thing you’ll do all day, the next time you have to go, be sure and sneak a peek.

If your urine is dark yellow, while it’s likely still within a normal range, it indicates that you may not be properly hydrated. The darker it is, the more likely you’re becoming dehydrated.

Keep in mind that if you’re taking vitamins, it could result in fluorescent yellow colored urine, which means that those vitamins are not all being absorbed by your body.

Ideally, you should rely on a diverse, nutritious diet that includes plenty of whole foods, and only take whole food supplements your body can absorb.


So what does all this have to do with your waistline?

You already know that your body needs water to maintain optimal health – it makes up more than two- thirds of a healthy human body, lubricating joints and eyes, eliminating waste and toxins aiding digestion, keeping the complexion clear and healthy, and much more.

If you’re consistently becoming dehydrated it not only negatively affects numerous body functions, it also affects your efforts to maintain an ideal weight, or lose weight.


That’s because when the cells are dehydrated, they become depleted of energy. In turn, that sends a signal to the brain that most people confuse with hunger signals. Which means, while our body is crying out for water, we turn to food instead.

And, of course, unnecessary eating can lead to weight gain.

One recent study exemplified just how this works. Researchers found that by drinking 16 ounces of water before a meal, study participants ate less without even trying.

In fact, they also lost about nine more pounds over the course of 12 weeks than those who didn’t drink that amount of water before every meal.

Staying hydrated not only ensures that your body is functioning properly, but it helps fill you up and increases satiety, meaning you’ll feel fuller quicker.

That can help you make better decisions about what you eat, leading to a slimmer waistline.


If you aren’t convinced, try this test.

The next time you feel unexplainably hungry, say just an hour or so after eating a meal, trying drinking a glass of water or sipping a cup of herbal tea. Wait 10 minutes or so and see if that feeling passes.

While your goal should be to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day (herbal tea also counts), if you’re like most people who face a long list of responsibilities each day, it can be easy to lose track.

Keeping an eye on the color of your urine is a great way to ensure that you don’t allow yourself to become dehydrated, damaging your weight loss efforts and potentially your health.

Yours in Health,


P.S. I hope you will share this information with your loved ones and I always look forward to reading your comments below.

When I get a hankering to sink my teeth into a juicy burger, this is the recipe I turn to.

And believe me, I get those hankerings the same as anyone else.

This one's a little leaner than traditional burgers because it uses turkey instead of ground beef but this recipe would work with grass fed beef as well.  I like the turkey since it's easier to digest and I don't get that heavy feeling like I do when I eat beef.

There is no shortage of delicious flavors and aromas in the recipe and you'll never miss mayonnaise when you see how seriously delicious this yogurt sauce tastes. Your wheels will be turning for other places to use it.

I just whip this up with some yummy fries or onion rings and voila, a clean, healthy dinner is served!


Savory Turkey Burger w/ Zesty Sauce

Yields: 6 Burgers




Zesty Yogurt Sauce


  • 7 ounces plain Greek yogurt
  • 1 small lemon
  • 1/4 teaspoon minced garlic
  • 1/4 teaspoon dried dill
  • Dash of sea salt



  • 1.25 pounds ground turkey
  • 6 halves sun dried tomatoes
  • 1 small red onion
  • 2 ounces spinach
  • 1/4 cup crumbled Feta
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1/2 teaspoon minced garlic
  • 1 large egg
  • Sea salt
  • Black pepper




Yogurt Sauce

1. Combine yogurt, minced garlic, dill, juice of a lemon, and a dash of sea salt.

2. Stir thoroughly and refrigerate to allow the flavors to blend while making the burgers.


Turkey Burgers


1. In a bowl, combine ground turkey with the spinach, sun-dried tomatoes, red onion, feta, garlic, oregano, and egg. Add salt & pepper to taste.

2. Mix until evenly combined. Shape the mixture into 6 patties.

3. Cook the burgers on a counter grill, a non-stick skillet or over an open flame on medium heat for about 5 minutes or until browned and crispy. Using a meat thermometer inserted in the middle of each patty, make sure it reaches 165ºF and the meat is no longer pink.

4. Spread yogurt sauce on both sides of a bun or lettuce wrap. Add a warm burger and top with fresh veggies of your choice.






Yours in Health,


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Smoothies are typically served cold, right?

Well, they don't have to be!

This smoothie recipe will warm your soul on a cool Fall morning and would be ideal to serve holiday guests.

The pear and ginger flavors mingle delightfully and this smoothie really tastes like Fall!

As always,  it's nice and quick to make. When you taste it, you might want to try heating up some of your other smoothie recipes too!







  • 2 pears, chopped
  • 1 thumb-sized piece of ginger, peeled
  • 3 tablespoons hemp seeds
  • 1-2 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 2 tablespoons almond butter
  • 1.5 cup unsweetened almond milk



1. Place all ingredients in a blender.

2. If you have a high powdered blender, like a Vitamix, blend on high for 3-4 minutes until the mixture is hot.

3. If you have a regular blender, blend on high until the mixture is a smoothie.

4. Transfer to a small pot and heat gently over medium-low heat until smoothie reaches the desired temperature.


You may also be interested in:

Vanilla Chai Spice Smoothie

Pina Colada Detox Smoothie (melts stubborn fat)

Soothing & Sensational Golden Milk Tea


Yours in Health,


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You probably already know that sipping tea is great for your health, but with so many different types out there, how do you know what to choose?

Most teas offer some type of health benefit, but there are some that particularly stand out – not only packing a punch when it comes to supporting good health, but also bringing pleasure with fabulous flavors and aromas.

To help you choose the right one – and, you really can’t go “wrong,” with any of these, here is a look at the amazing benefits of seven teas that I’ve handpicked as some of the very best for a variety of health and wellness needs.

1. No Pain Rooibos Tea

Rooibos tea, harvested from the South African red bush plant, is rich in antioxidants which are important for protecting healthy cells from free radical damage which can help fight against a host of disease, including some cancers and heart disease.

Due to its high antioxidant levels, it’s also considered to be anti-inflammatory – reducing inflammation also has an impact on battling illness and disease, and it can also help the body recover after a hard workout.

In addition to the benefits derived from the rooibos tea itself, ginger and turmeric has been added to make it an extra-potent inflammation and pain fighter.

2. Coconut Black Tea

Black tea is one of the most popular teas available today. During the processing stage, black tea is fermented and oxidized, which provides its unique color, flavor, and health benefits that are so widely known.

This energizing tea contains caffeine along with a stimulating substance known as theophylline. Both are known to make you feel more alert.

The tea is also loaded with antioxidants called polyphenols that can help protect your cells from DNA damage.

Research has found that drinking black tea can also help reduce bad cholesterol levels. Drinking three to four cups of the tea each day can put you at a lower risk for heart problems.

This tea also contains healthy-for-you coconut, making it extra flavorful.

How to steep the Perfect Cup of Tea


3. Sunny Green Tea

This tasty green tea infused with papaya and pineapple not only boosts energy levels, but it offers a wealth of health benefits.

Green tea has been found to enhance cognitive function, reduce blood sugar levels and lessen the risk of many different types of cancers.

It’s also loaded with polyphenols like flavonoids and catechins that function as potent antioxidants, helping to reduce the formation of free radicals in the body as well as to protect cells and molecules from damage.

In addition to all of that, a recent study found that by drinking green tea regularly, it can boost the effects of exercise, aiding in weight loss efforts!

Three substances in the tea are believed to help promote weight loss, including the catechins, theanine and caffeine, which work together to block enzymes responsible for fat storage.

4. Evening Solace Herbal Tea

When you need a tea to help you relax, this herbal tea with chamomile, mint and just a hint of fruit, is outstanding for allowing you to get the rest you need to recover from the day.

Chamomile is a well-known herb for promoting rest and relaxation, it can even help you sleep better by inducing a feeling of calm.

5. Chocolate Haze Mate Tea

Mate contains xanthines, a class of chemical compounds that includes caffeine as well as theophylline and theobromine, the stimulants in tea and chocolate.

This traditional South American brew is not only energy boosting, providing a state of alert wakefulness similar to that of coffee but without the side effects, it’s known to aid in delivering oxygen to the muscles, making it an especially effective tea to sip before working out.

Mate has also been shown in research to delay onset of lactic acid in the muscles, something you may know as “the burn.” By delaying “the burn,” this allows you to workout longer, increasing the body’s ability to burn more fat.

6. Cherry White Tea

This tea is a healthy white and green tea blend. You’ll enjoy all of the wondrous benefits of green tea, along with the benefits of white tea, which also offers antioxidant and anti-aging properties.

Additionally, some studies suggest that consuming white tea may help to prevent adipogenesis, which is the process of the formation of fat cells.

This fabulously flavored tea also contains cherries, known to fight inflammation, healthy-for-you coconut chips and replenishing rose buds.

7. Oatmeal Raisin Black Tea

When you’re craving something sweet and want to enjoy all of the benefits of black tea, this one is ideal.

It not only contains a flavorful blend of raisins, cloves and currants, but cinnamon, a natural appetite suppressant! A perfect way to fight off those midday munchies.

Yours in Health,
