Top 10 Foods That Beat Belly Bloat

Archives for July 2017

You know the feeling. You pull out your favorite pair of skinny jeans and go to zip them up, but they just won't quite button.

You check the scale and all looks good there.

You’re bloated again, and you don’t know why. How do you STOP the belly bloat?

Bloating has a few different causes:

  • It can be a sign of a serious medical problem or a symptom of being unable to digest the sugars in dairy.
  • It can also be a sign of a poor diet or high levels of stress.

Bloating is more than just an annoyance when it comes to how you look or what you wear. It’s also really uncomfortable.

The good news is that there are real solutions to beating belly bloat, and most of them include eating delicious, healthy foods.

Here is our list of our favorite foods that can bring your tummy back to its normal size, and help keep it that way too!

Top 10 Foods to Beat Belly Bloat

1. Peppermint Tea peppermint tea stop belly bloat

Peppermint tea is refreshing and invigorating hot or iced at any time of day or night. It also has been shown to ease belly pain.

Add to that the fact that the smell of mint helps cut your appetite. Winner!

2. Cilantro

Cilantro is more than just an essential in your guacamole recipe. It's also the source of coriander seeds, which contain oils that relax the muscles in your stomach.

Here are 7 more reasons to love this super herb!

3. Kefir

Kefir contains a special enzyme called lactase that breaks down the sugars in dairy.

Kefir can eliminate gas and bloat by 70%!

4. Ginger

ginger root stop belly bloat

Ginger is one of the best-known cures for stomach trouble of all kinds. It helps your body get rid of gas.

Ginger oil is amazing too!

5. Honeydew

If your bloating comes from retaining water, then honeydew may just become your best friend.

This delicious sweet fruit is a powerful diuretic. It flushes extra fluids out of your system while providing high levels of potassium.

6. Oats

Considering how your bowl of oatmeal keeps you full all morning, it may sound funny that it can also beat bloat. But studies have shown that oats help move extra fluid out of the body.

Just make sure you're buying the right kind of oats.

7. Asparagus

Asparagus is good for you in so many ways, and one is that it can get rid of excess water weight. Of course, your pee will smell funny while you’re getting rid of those fluids, but that’s okay!

8. Cucumbers

cucumber stop belly bloat

Of all the vegetables that you eat, cucumbers have more water in them than most others.

They help keep you hydrated while at the same time delivering plenty of minerals and antioxidants. They’re a sure cure for a bloating belly.

9. Artichokes

Artichokes do double duty when it comes to belly bloat. They help get rid of extra fluids, and they’re also good for keeping your digestive system moving smoothly.

10. Fennel

If you’ve never chewed on raw fennel, you don’t know what you’re missing.

Fennel has a texture and crunch that’s similar to celery and it tastes like licorice.

It’s loaded with fiber – and the seeds contain a substance that helps relieve bloating. If you don’t want to try the seeds, keep your eyes open for fennel tea.

As always, the top way to cut down on belly bloat is by doing a gentle detox using a lot of these same ingredients. This is the one I use and you'll feel amazing afterward!

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Help your friends stop uncomfortable belly bloat by sharing this article and remember to leave a comment below too! Do you feel bloated a lot?

Do you catch yourself munching on food when you aren't hungry and feel guilty about it?

Wondering if there is a better way to judge your hunger signals so you can stick to your weight loss goals?

I've got you covered.

The biggest thing that you can do to improve your health and body weight is to become more mindful. Start by examining your food and emotion link.

Are you under the spell of emotional eating?

mindful eating

For some of you eating at random, or eating based on your emotional state could be a habit. This type of eating is emotional eating.

To know your hunger signals and differentiate it from emotional eating, you need to know if:

  • You're eating based on your emotional needs and not physical needs
  • If you eat when you are under stress, anxiety or depressed or feel bored.

Emotions can influence what, when, and how much we eat. If you have recently eaten and find yourself craving food again, do a quick emotional check.

How to determine your hunger signals?

Hunger builds at a slow pace, usually several hours after you have eaten. If you have recently eaten and find yourself craving food again, it may not be true hunger.

Genuine hunger comes with emptiness in stomach, rumbling stomach and sometimes accompanied by fatigue. Fatigue is due to drop in blood sugar levels.

Before you eat, ask yourself these –

  • Did I just eat an hour or two ago?
  • Am I eating in response to an emotion?

Practicing mindfulness in eating, helps you watch what you eat, how you eat and when you eat. This is crucial for anyone that wants to lose weight or keep up with eating healthy habits.

4 Tips for Mindful Eating

1. Keep a Food Journal

This is the top recommendation for anyone that wants to lose weight.

Track all you eat, when you eat AND what triggered you to eat. 

Write down every detail, if it's the candy bowl at your work place, aroma of food or a TV ad, whatever the trigger note them. It helps you keep tabs on your eating pattern and correct.

In one study, women who kept a consistent food journal lost 6 pounds more than those who didn't journal their eating habits.

You'll be amazed at how much this simple habit will enlighten you when you read it at the end of the day!

2. Know Your Options

Remember that food will not make your emotions go away (it won’t fix anything).

There are healthier things you can do to help like take a walk, read a book, call a friend or volunteer for a cause you are passionate about.

3. Keep it Small & Frequent

mindful eating

My recommendation is to eat small, frequent meals to keep your hunger in check.

Eat six meals a day that includes three meals and three snacks. This is a sure and best way to help prevent emotional eating.

4. Chew Your Food

Chewing your food slow helps your digestive system work well. Chewing slows eating improves the flow of digestive juices in your saliva and stomach.

These stimuli are important to send the right signals to your brain. This helps it sense the feeling of fullness and satisfaction from a meal.

The result? You'll feel satiated for longer and won't reach for snacks.

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Please share this with your friends and I welcome your comments below. Do you catch yourself eating because you're bored or stressed?

Are you the kind of person who doesn’t work out at all? If so, the idea of exercise may make you tired.

Maybe you even get stressed when people say you should go to the gym.

On the other hand, maybe you love to exercise. If so, then the idea of missing a day at the gym might make you sad.

You may even run your life around your workouts for the lift that it gives you.

Whether you love to workout or hate it, science shows that going for a walk can lift your mood after a bad day. Researchers at New York University just completed a study on exercise.

The study showed that even one workout gives a real boost to your brain.

Your mood gets a lift too.

The study’s author is Wendy A. Suzuki, PhD. She says,

“Exercise interventions are currently being used to help address everything from cognitive impairments in normal aging, minimal cognitive impairment (MCI), and Alzheimer’s disease to motor deficits in Parkinson’s disease and mood states in depression.”

Doctors already use exercise to treat disease and mood disorders.  Dr. Suzuki decided to see why and how working out helps.

She also wanted to see if just one workout was enough to make an impact.

Dr. Suzuki found that exercise does more than just lift our mood.

There are real changes that take place in our bodies when we exercise.

workout brain

The scientists looked at brain scans and MRI scans.

They took blood samples and ran other tests to see what was happening in the body after a workout.

What they found was that when people exercise — even once — they show a boost in their ability to think. Their mood improves and their stress levels drop.

The researchers found other changes that are less obvious. They saw shifts in the brain’s structures and hormone levels. These shifts may have long-lasting effects that heal disease.

According to Dr. Suzuki,

“The studies presented in this review clearly demonstrate that acute exercise has profound effects on brain chemistry and physiology, which has important implications for cognitive enhancements in healthy populations and symptom remediation in clinical populations.”

If you’re already working out, this study just affirms what you already know — there’s nothing like a good workout to put a smile on your face.

If you aren’t working out, this study is a great reason to start.

If you’re interested in these brain changes, you don’t need to run a marathon for it to work.

Start with an easy walking plan. It will get you out of the house and out into the fresh air.

If you feel better, the next step is to look for a program that makes you feel better and helps you lose weight too. Try high-intensity interval training or HIIT.

HIIT workout brain

HIIT lets you get a lot of impact out of a short workout. It gets your heart pumping for short periods, then gives you time for recovery. Best of all, HIIT helps you burn calories.

In fact, the burn from your HIIT workout session lasts longer because you burn calories long after the workout is over.


Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Please share this encouraging information with your loved ones and I love hearing from you so leave me a comment below. Did you realize that even one workout has this much impact on your brain?

Are you a positive and optimistic person?

Do you find joy in every day, or at least try to?

If you do then you’re on the right path to a fulfilling, healthy life. Unfortunately, sometimes things get the best of us, no matter how hard we try.

Maybe you got bad news about a friend or family member.

Maybe you had a fight with a loved one or got handed a work assignment that is making you unhappy.

Whatever the cause, bad moods happen to the best of us. The real question is, what do you do about it when it happens to you?

Do you have a secret Jedi mind trick that you pull out of your pocket to lift yourself out of the depths?

If not, maybe I can help you shift from a bad mood back to good and start seeing the wonder in the world again.

ways to shift your mood infographic

5 Ways to Be In a Good Mood Right Now

1. Get Moving

exercise good mood

It may be hard to talk yourself into exercising when all you feel like doing is moping, but it is the number one best way to improve your mindset.

Studies have shown that exercise provides stress relief.

It also helps you sleep better and generally makes you feel better about everything.

If your energy is low and you don’t feel like working up a sweat, then at least go for a walk. It will calm you down and give you more energy.

2. Make Scents of Things

And by scents, we mean odors. Aromatherapy is a really simple and pleasant way to make yourself feel calmer, brighter, and happier.

Think about how certain smells are linked to your happiest memories and you’ll get a clue as to the emotions tied to a scent.

You can use a candle or put essential oils into a diffuser or mister. The best scents to lift your mood include lemon, lavender, jasmine and rosemary.

3. Treat Yourself to Flowers

Think about how much you love getting flowers. Here’s a news flash – it’s not just because they’re a gift.

Flowers have been scientifically proven to have a positive emotional impact on mood.

They make us feel good!

You don’t have to wait for somebody else to bring you flowers. Stop by your local market and treat yourself to a beautiful bouquet.

4. Eat Some Chocolate

chocolate good mood

This one isn’t hard at all! You probably already know that dark chocolate is good for your heart health, but did you know that it can also improve your mood?

Dark chocolate contains “resveratrol”, an antioxidant that stimulates our brain to make more endorphins and serotonin. Both of these are natural mood lifters.

Dark chocolate can even make you feel calmer! Who knew?!

5. Count Your Blessings

Sometimes when things are feeling bleak, you need to remember just how many good things you have going on in your life.

Take a minute to give thanks for all the things that are going right can bring you back to your normal, upbeat self.

Studies have shown that people who take the time to reflect on what they have to be grateful for are generally happier.

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Share these quick tricks to shift to a good mood to a friend who is having a bad day and I love hearing from you so leave a comment below. Do you have a Ninja mind trick you use to boost your mood?

What foods do you picture when you think about food shopping for weight loss?

Carrots and celery?

Greek yogurt?

Head after head of lettuce?

I'm not saying that anything is wrong with any of these foods. But if that’s all that comes to mind, then you’re definitely missing out. There are some weird and wonderful foods and ingredients that can help you reach your goals in much more interesting ways.

The next time you go to the market, try adding a few (or all) of these items to your cart. You’ll be glad you did.

8 Weird Ingredients to Boost Weight Loss

1. Apple Cider Vinegar – You may already have it in your pantry without knowing what a help it is to weight loss. Drinking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water before a meal can help curb your hunger.

It also lowers the glycemic index of high carb foods. It’s much more than a salad dressing! Just make sure your Apple Cider Vinegar contains “the mother.”

turmeric weight loss

2. Turmeric – This beautiful spice adds a lovely color and taste to Indian foods, and it goes a long way as a diet aid too.

Studies have shown that it can slow down or stop the growth of fat cells. It’s also a powerful anti-inflammatory, so add it to your hummus or soup after a tough workout.

Here's one of my favorite tonic recipes to harness the power of turmeric.

3. Kefir – If you’ve been passing by the kefir on your way to the yogurt, it’s time to back up and grab a bottle.

Kefir is loaded with protein and probiotics. And studies have shown that adding dairy to your diet can help you hit your weight loss goals faster and more easily.

bee pollen weight loss

4. Bee Pollen – It’s a little food that has a big impact. Bee pollen is loaded with vitamins and minerals and has been called one of the most nutritionally complete foods.

Bee Pollen is 40% protein, and studies have shown that it boosts both metabolism and strength.

5. Sorrel – You may never have heard of sorrel, but you’ll be hearing a lot about it soon. It’s a dark leafy green that has even more fiber than spinach and kale.

It’s loaded with vitamin C, magnesium and potassium and is high in flavonoids. It’s a healthy food that will fill you up fast.

6. Green Tea – There are a lot of reasons to drink green tea, but weight loss help is one of the best. Drinking it will help you meet your daily water needs while giving you a healthy dose of antioxidants.

Plus, a study showed that drinking 5 cups of green tea a day can double the amount of belly fat you lose.

plantains weight loss

7. Plantains – Long a staple of tropical diets, plantains provide resistant starch. This healthy carb helps to up your metabolism and burn fat faster.

8. Matcha – If you don’t know about matcha, you’re going to love it. It’s a powdered form of special green tea leaves that you can drink instead of coffee.

Just half a teaspoon of the powder mixed with hot water provides tons of nutrients and a boost of energy.

Best of all, it’s said to stop sugar cravings, cut the calories you eat, boost metabolism, and stops the growth of fat cells.  You can also use it as a seasoning in food.

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Please help me spread the word on some of these lesser known fat melting foods by sharing this with your friends. I love to hear from you in the comments below too! Are any of these foods in your kitchen right now?

Join me in my kitchen today as I take you through a simple and effective FOOD PREPPING mission.

We will be food prepping today so you can conquer not only your week but also your body.

Your body begins in the kitchen so tune in, take notes, and share this video so others can join in on the mission!

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Please share this video with your friends who are always looking for tips on staying healthy while juggling a busy schedule. I'd love to hear from you in the comments below too! Do you set aside time to meal prep every week?

You already know that any movement you do gives your mood a big boost and makes a big difference in your weight loss efforts.

There's no shortage of ways to move your body but you may be wondering if your time is better spent walking or running?

Either one is good, but which one is better?

When it comes to only how many calories you burn per hour, running is the better workout. Your exact calorie burn depends on how much you weigh and how fast you run, but running expends more energy.

Want an idea of the difference in calorie burn between running and walking?

Consider these statistics for a person who weighs 155 lbs.:

Running 30 minutes at 5 miles per hour burns 298 calories
Running 30 minutes at 6 miles per hour burns 372 calories
Running 30 minutes at 7.5 miles per hour burns 465 calories
Walking 30 minutes at 3.5 miles per hour burns 149 calories
Walking 30 minutes at 4 miles per hour burns 167 calories
Walking 30 minutes at 4.5 miles per hour burns 186 calories

Though running clearly provides a greater impact on how many calories are burned, that doesn’t mean that doing it is easy.

Depending on your physical condition, running for 30 minutes (or longer) may be out of the question.

So, does that mean that you have to walk for more than an hour in order to get the same amount of impact?

The good news is there's another option.

women on treadmills

It’s called High-Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT.

Studies have shown that by going back and forth between walking and running you can eliminate the need to run long distances and still get a big effect.

How does HIIT work?

HIIT workout has you doing a hard workout for a very short period of time, then resting while still doing something active. That means that you get your heart rate way up, and then you recover and catch your breath, then do it again.

When you ask your body to push itself you create a brief oxygen shortage. When your body recovers, you take in more oxygen to make up for the loss.

The result is that you burn more fat.

Studies have shown that a HIIT workout can burn more calories in a shorter period of time as a result of the EPOC effect.

EPOC stands for “Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption.”

There are a lot of other advantages to doing a HIIT workout.

Besides a better fat burn, it also boosts your metabolism for as long as 48 hours after your workout. It takes less time than a regular workout and you don’t need any expensive equipment.

Still not convinced to try HIIT workouts?

Want to know the calorie burn that goes along with walking and running for that same 155-lb. person that I told you about at the top of this article?

? Running at 5 miles per hour for 5 minutes and then walking at 3.5 miles per hour for 5 minutes, for one hour burns 447 calories

If you're ready to harness the power of HIIT workouts then you should sign up to join my online personal training site so we can get our HIIT workouts on together. Not only will you get a new workout every day but you'll get so much more, including all my best healthy recipes, meditations and a TON of support inside my private Facebook group!

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Please share this with the walkers and runners in your life and I welcome your comments below! Which is your preference? Walking or running.

There’s a lot to be said for the wisdom that’s been built into our bodies.

When we’re cold we shiver so that the motion makes us warm.

The hairs on the back of our necks go up when we’re in danger.

We feel twinges of pain when we push ourselves too soon after an injury.

The same can be said of our food cravings.

You might think that a craving for something filled with fat or salt or sugar is your body working against you and your healthy eating habits.

But there’s a lot to be said for stopping to listen to what your body is trying to tell you.

Some people think that cravings are a sign of a nutritional deficiency, and that’s definitely true.

Even when you think you’ve eaten well or enough, you may not be satisfied.

Sometimes not eating enough protein or fiber can leave you feeling hungry. And there are a lot of food cravings that are tied directly to specific bodily needs.

Some experts believe that when we crave certain foods, it is because we have a mild form of malnutrition. Though this isn’t enough to make us sick, it is still our body telling us that we are eating too many processed foods and not enough whole foods.

When your body is missing the vitamins and minerals it needs, it sends you that message through cravings for certain foods.

We need to interpret those messages so that we can address the problem and get the nourishment we need.

cravings infographic

Here is a handy key to help you translate your cravings:

6 Foods You Crave & What Your Body REALLY Wants

1. Chocolate

Sure, you may love chocolate for its taste and you may eat it for its other health benefits. But when you crave it, you could be low on one of the most important minerals in your body, magnesium.

  • Try adding more raw nuts and seeds to your diet.

2. Sugary treats

There’s a difference between having a sweet tooth and having a craving. When you crave sweets, you may be missing out on nutrients like chromium, carbon, tryptophan or phosphorus.

  • For chromium, add more broccoli, cheese or beans.
  • There’s plenty of phosphorus in poultry, fish and dairy.
  • For sulfur look to kale or cranberries
  • For tryptophan, you can’t go wrong with cheese, raisins, sweet potatoes or spinach.

3. Bread

loaves of bread

When you dream of a hunk of bread or a slice of toast, you may be low on nitrogen.

  • You can increase your levels of this important nutrient by eating high protein foods such as fish, nuts, beans or meat.

4. Fatty foods

Feel the need for some fries or other greasy foods? You may be low on calcium.

  • Turn to broccoli, mustard greens, kale and cheese.
  • Sesame is also a great source of calcium!

5. Ice

It may not mess with your diet, but if you chew ice it’s a sure sign that you’re low on iron.

  • Try to eat more lean meat and fish.
  • Greens and seaweed are high in iron too and can give you an energy boost.

6. Burned or charred foods

By now we all know that foods that are burned are bad for us. Even though we love to grill, the carbons that form when food is charred have been linked to cancer.

If you find yourself craving that burnt taste, you may be low on carbon.

  • Try turning to fresh fruits instead.

But What About those Once A Month Cravings?

Most women have experienced nearly uncontrollable cravings at “that time of the month”.

Expecting your period and find yourself scouring the pantry and standing in front of the fridge? You may be low in zinc.

Instead of turning to cookies and chips, try to quell your food drive with healthier choices.

You’ll probably find that zinc-rich foods like root vegetables, leafy green vegetables, and seafood work well.

But There's Even More to Your Nagging Food Cravings

There are other very good reasons why you may find yourself craving certain foods. These include:

  • Stress When you are feeling nervous or going through a lot of intense emotions, you are more likely to have cravings
  • Sleep Deprivation Lack of sleep creates an actual change in the level of the hormones that make you crave foods. It also shuts down the hormone that tells you when you’re full.
  • Dehydration When you haven’t had enough water, you are much more likely to think that you’re hungry and look for food that your body doesn’t need.
  • Bad Mood or Depression – One of the biggest reasons for craving comfort foods is to help you get through a rough emotional patch. People tend to turn to whatever types of food represents nurturing in their memories: for some, it's sweets or ice cream, while for others it may be meals they associate with family dinners such as spaghetti, soups, or stews.
  • Context – There are many cravings that are created by your surroundings. When you go to the beach you crave salt water taffy. Go to an amusement park you’ll crave cotton candy, while at a movie you only want popcorn.

How to Handle Cravings

If you’re flat out hungry, that’s not a craving – it’s your body telling you that you need more food!

When that happens it’s a good idea to let yourself have a high protein snack like almonds or Greek yogurt to stop the rumblings in your stomach.

insomnia woman

If what you’re facing is cravings, the first step is to recognize them for what they are.

Are you getting enough sleep?

Have you had enough to drink?

Are you feeling sad, or bored?

By identifying what is causing the craving you have the answer to how to deal with it.

Maybe you need to drink a glass of water or a mug of hot tea.

Maybe you need to go out and get some exercise or go take a nap.

Worst case scenario, give yourself permission to indulge your craving but control your portion.

Then you can go right back to your healthy food habits without feeling like you’ve done any real damage.

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Please share this with your friends who think it's chocolate they are craving and I'd love to hear from you in the comments below. What food do you crave most often?

Staying positive throughout the weight loss process can be difficult. A few setbacks and you may be ready to give up.

Staying motivated throughout your weight loss journey requires focus on the goal and positive thinking – but what do you do when you’re feeling less than positive about your efforts?

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Help your friends and family stay motivated by sharing this video with them and don't forget to leave a comment below! Do you feel more motivated after watching this?