Is ‘Silent Inflammation’ Destroying Your Health And Your Waistline Too?

Archives for August 2015

A little inflammation may not seem like a big deal but there's a lot more to it than most people realize!

Inflammation plays a role in a wide range of health conditions, including things like arthritis and appendicitis – diseases with “itis” at the end which form the names of specific inflammatory conditions.

But, did you know that there are many others that may be triggered at least in part by inflammation, like certain cancers, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and even being overweight or obese?

Overweight and inflammation are intimately related

Inflammation causes the hormone leptin to be less effective, resulting in weight gain. If you’re overweight, you probably don’t realize it, but you’re experiencing what’s called “silent inflammation.”

As we gain weight, more fat cells are not added, but those we already have actually become larger, and are filled with more fat.

Fat cells can even leak as they’re stretched more and more, triggering immune cells known as macrophages to help clean up – these then release inflammatory chemicals in fatty tissues.

Your body counteracts silent inflammation by producing anti-inflammatory chemicals that can interfere with leptin – leptin is the hormone responsible for helping one maintain a proper weight.

When leptin is rendered ineffective by inflammation, it’s called “leptin resistance,” which means that leptin doesn’t work properly when it comes to speeding metabolism and suppressing appetite.

Chronic inflammation can trigger all sorts of diseases over time.

The average American diet is filled with foods that contribute to inflammation, particularly those that are rich in omega-6 fatty acids like processed and fast foods.

And, foods that are rich in omega-3s, like cold-water fish as well as plant foods that contain phytochemicals believed to help reduce inflammation, aren’t consumed often enough.


If you’d like an almost immediate boost to your health, and a quick aid to your weight-loss efforts, avoiding the worst inflammatory foods, those that exaggerate inflammation, may be your best option.

One of the biggest offenders is trans fats.

Trans fats are typically found in processed foods – and, while in recent years manufacturers have begun to cut back, it’s always a good idea to read labels closely for ingredients like partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated oils which indicate trans fats are present.

If you see those ingredients, put that package on the shelf.

Trans fats induce inflammation by damaging the cells in the lining of blood vessels.

While the dangers of trans fats are probably old news, you may not realize the role sugar plays in inflammation.

Sugar is a major factor in inflammation

That includes regular table sugar, organic sugar, brown sugar, maple sugar, corn sweetener, glucose (and any other word ending in “ose”), barley malt, concentrated fruit juice, and more.

Too much sugar alerts the body to send out extra inflammatory messengers known as cytokines.


White breads and pastas break down quickly into sugar, ultimately leading to inflammation as well.

Foods that are high in omega-6 fatty acids, like vegetable oil, shortening, processed foods like crackers, pastries and chips, and fast food like onion rings, French fries and chicken nuggets, all trigger inflammatory messengers as well.

The bottom line?

Eliminate inflammatory foods as much as you can, and instead, base your diet on whole, organic foods from the earth.

Spices like ginger and curry offer “anti-inflammatory” effects as well as foods that are packed with good phytochemicals like cold-water fish as well as fruits and vegetables, beans and other plants.

Yours in health,


P.S. Please share this with your friends and I welcome your comments below!

While there are lots of reasons to love turning 40, this milestone age does bring a few grim realities like a slower metabolism which can result in seemingly inexplicable weight gain.

After 40, your metabolism starts to wind down approximately 5% every decade, which means you need to consume fewer calories and exercise more just to maintain your normal weight.

Often, a healthy diet alone isn’t enough to keep those extra pounds off – there are a multitude of factors that influence metabolism, including your age, sex, thyroid levels, your emotional state, genetics and the ratio of muscle to fat.

The very worst thing you can do is give up the effort.

While it may be a little more difficult than when you were younger, you can successfully lose, or even maintain a healthy weight after 40 by recharging your metabolism!

No matter how young or old you are, your body is a calorie-burning machine.

EXCLUSIVE >> Proven Anti-Aging, Bikini-Belly Exercise Method

Every little thing you do, from reading this post to breathing, sleeping and driving, uses energy. The number of calories it would require to lie in bed all day is known as your resting metabolic rate.

While you can’t turn back time, there are plenty of things you can do to get it revved up.

One of your first lines of defense is to increase your muscle mass.

As estrogen levels dip, you burn fewer calories, and regular weight-lifting (10 to 12 reps of 8 to 10 exercises three times per week) can add enough muscle mass to help burn more calories each day, negating the hit your metabolism takes.

A pound of muscle at rest sizzles three times as many calories as a pound of fat!

Another factor that many people don’t understand is that sleep is also a necessity when it comes to metabolism.

While you might think that the more hours you’re awake, the more calories you’ll burn, the truth is that you need sleep for a quicker metabolism.

Just one sleepless night can reduce your resting metabolic rate by as much as 5% several hours into the next day.

Plus, you’ll burn 20% fewer calories from diet-induced thermogenesis, which is the number of calories the body uses to break down and digest food.

Of course, food also plays a huge part in how fast or slow your metabolism is.

To keep your internal fat- blasting machine going at its optimal speed all day long, it’s important to avoid dramatic drops in blood sugar.


As blood sugar is the primary fuel for the brain, when it drops, the brain takes steps to sustain sugar delivery for normal functioning. This triggers the body to release the hormone known as cortisol to break down tissue, including muscle, turning it into glucose to feed the brain.

So what does that actually mean?

Low blood sugar will leave you with less muscle, which slows your metabolism to a crawl. You can help prevent this by consuming smaller, meals as well as small, healthy snacks in between.

The food you choose to eat is important too – embrace real, whole foods, including plenty of organic fruits and veggies that are free of toxins like pesticides and other chemicals.

Consume healthy fats in moderate amounts, things like wild-caught salmon, coconut oil, nuts and seeds as well as other high quality protein options, such as grass-fed beef and organic, free-range chicken.


The spices you cook with can help give your metabolism a boost and encourage your body to burn more fat, including spices like ginger, cinnamon, cayenne, and turmeric.

Remember, if it comes in a box or a bag, it most likely is processed and contains chemicals and preservatives which contribute to food addictions and a host of other problems.

The more you can eliminate those types of items, the more the cravings will disappear – and the better off your metabolism will be.

Yours in Health,


When it comes to breakfast, hot and hearty is how I like to hit the ground running.

This recipe will really stick to your ribs and give you tons of energy to start your day with a kick.

I love the Southwest flavors in this recipe and it's an excellent source of: Protein, Fiber, Vitamin A and Vitamin C.

EXCLUSIVE >> Simple Steps To Remove DEADLY Abdominal Fat Permanently

Breakfast Burrito


You can actually make these, let them cool, wrap them in foil and freeze them for later too!

Yours in Health,


Let's face it…Nobody gets excited over a plain, boring salad.

A HUGE part of staying on track with a clean eating plan is keeping the healthy recipes exciting.

THIS salad will do that for you. It's bursting with flavor combinations to tempt your taste buds and it looks beautiful on your plate. The dressing has a wonderful aroma with just the right touch of tang to keep you loving every bite.spinach and strawberry salad

EXCLUSIVE >> This Plant Food HARMS Your Metabolism & Heart

If your make this ahead of time just leave the dressing on the side until you're ready to eat. This is a great salad to prep ahead of time and enjoy all week!

Yours in Health,


Here's the recipe for the homemade popsicles I'm always talking about on my Facebook show.

If you haven't tuned in yet, you can check it out weekdays at Noon Eastern time on my Facebook page. It's a live show so you can never tell what's going to happen which makes it all the more fun!

These are an easy, deliciously healthy snack for yourself and your little ones.

berry popsicles

I hope you like them as much as we do! Enjoy 🙂

Yours in Health,


P.S. Let me know how yours turned out and I always enjoy reading your comments below.

Want MORE Delicious Fat Burning Recipes?

Get my Bikini Body Recipes Book with over 150 of my BEST Quick and Easy Recipes! Comes complete with Customizable Meal Plans~


As promised, here's how I make my own almond milk at home.

It's so easy! You just need a blender or food processor and something to strain the almond mixture. I like to use cheese cloth but you can also use a clean kitchen towel.

Also, don't skip the first step thinking you'll save time. Soaking the almonds is key. This is an important step as it breaks down the phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors and cultures beneficial enzymes in the almonds.


homemade almond milk



So, that's it. So simple and delicious. If you like it a little sweeter, you can add some fresh vanilla beans or a little honey.

I like to save the pulp after I strain the almond mixture. I dehydrate it in my oven (lowest temp. in oven on a cookie sheet) and run it through the blender again to make my own almond flour.


Yours in Health,


P.S. Let me know how you like the almond milk in the comments below, I love hearing from all of you!

             Want MORE Delicious Fat Burning Recipes?

Get my Bikini Body Recipes Book with over 150 of my BEST Quick and Easy Recipes! Comes complete with Customizable Meal Plans~


How many times has this happened to you….

You’re unpacking your grocery bags and realize you’ve brought home lots of items you really didn’t need and perhaps even forgot some of those you meant to purchase?

It’s a common occurrence for most people, with those brightly colored packages and enticing smells, like fresh baking bread, luring even the most well-intentioned into buying them.

Those huge stores, with a seemingly endless number of aisles, seem to suck customers in, drowning in the dizzying array of choices that can cause utter confusion.

If you think they weren’t really designed to make you feel that way, think again.

Grocery stores are created in this fashion to help maximize their dollar by capitalizing on those feelings, particularly during high-traffic times.

It isn’t a coincidence that those heavenly aromas are the strongest during prime shopping hours – the smells actually activate salivary glands, which make customers less discerning, and more likely to buy more than they really needed.

Food manufacturers spend millions every year on things like displays, shelf placement and packaging in an effort to sell more and more.

Items placed on the shelves are planned out carefully, with the most expensive right at eye level.

They even study the behavior of buyers, and re-organize a store based on perceived habits.

For example, those tasty treats at the end of an aisle might look like a great deal, but they’re likely the result of product placement.

EXCLUSIVE>> Simple Steps To Remove DEADLY Abdominal Fat Permanently

The company that produces them paid for that little slice of real estate. Other than the checkout counter, most impulse buys occur at endcaps like this.

Grocery stores also make sure there is no reference to the outside world, which is why they rarely have window or noticeable clocks. That way customers can easily lose track of time, enjoying shopping at a more relaxed pace, buying as much as a third more than they would otherwise.


They also provide larger shopping carts than ever before. Why? Doubling the cart space leads to customers buying nearly 20 percent more products than they would have using a standard cart.

From the moment you step through that door, your route has been essentially mapped out for you.

For example, if you go in for a few basic essentials like eggs, butter and milk, you’ll notice that all of these items are almost always at the back of the store, the furthest from the entrance you can possibly get.

Naturally, you’ll have to pass all of those enticing items along the way.

And, many of those items are marketed in a way that’s extremely deceptive too. More and more brands are trying to appear “natural,” a label which really has no tangible meaning, to pretty earth-tone packaging and the farm landscapes that are printed on them.

Food manufacturers do anything they can to have their products associated with organic, fresh and local, etc. but often times the phrases they use are false.


For example, companies can label their eggs “free-range,” even though there are no government-regulated standards for them. That means the chickens that produced them may have spent most of their time in a very cramped area, going out into the sun for just a few minutes each day.

So what can a savvy consumer do?

  • Remember to always check ingredient labels thoroughly, instead of relying on potentially false advertising.
  • Steer clear of some of the worst aisles in the store, like the snack and cereal aisles which tend to contain the most calories and sugar by weight.
  • Sticking to the outer perimeter helps, as it typically contains healthier, whole food options, although these days, many stores are clued into this popular consumer trick and mix-in less healthy items too.
  • Avoid purchasing packaged foods that contain more than five ingredients and never buy an item just because it has a fancy, attractive package.
  • Finally, never shop when you’re hungry!

Now that you’re armed with this knowledge, you’ll have a much better chance at navigating the grocery store without being suckered in to spending unwisely – and causing damage to your health and waistline.

Yours in Health,


Have you stopped losing weight and can’t figure out why?

Maybe because you “know you’re doing all the right things,” you might have some habits that aren’t as healthy as you might think.

And, don’t worry, if you do, you’re not alone – all of these things are fairly common among those who are attempting to become healthier and achieve a slimmer waistline, but haven’t managed to get on the right track…yet.

Check this list and make an effort to tweak your diet by eliminating these things that don’t work, and you’ll be on the path to a healthier, fitter you in no time.

1. Eating fat-free foods

Lots of people are still under the impression that fat is the bad guy.

Likely, it’s coming from the leftover 90s advice that was filled with low-fat this and fat-free that, giving dieters the impression that no fat at all was really the way to go.

The reality is, we need healthy fats. They keep us full and feeling satisfied.


Without it, we end up craving more and overeating later. Plus, when fat is removed from certain foods like dairy, it prevents the absorption of essential fat-soluble vitamins like A and D as well as calcium.

EXCLUSIVE >> The Saturated-Fat Myth That Robbed You of Your Good Health!

2. Setting unrealistic goals

If you want to lose weight quickly, in time for a wedding or to wear a bathing suit, for example, having an upcoming event can be highly motivating, and make you filled with excitement at the thought of being able to show off a new you.

But if you set an unrealistic goal for weight loss and experience a lack of progress, there’s a good chance you’ll give up before you succeed.

If you do manage to lose those pounds and it’s done too quickly, all your efforts are likely to backfire as soon as you go back to your normal eating habits. You’ll regain the lost weight, and then some, creating a vicious cycle.

Instead, set smaller goals that you can reach over a more reasonable period of time.

As you reach each goal, you’ll get a boost of confidence that helps you stay motivated, and you’ll have much better odds at keeping the weight off too.

3. Underestimating how much you really eat

Are you keeping track of everything you eat, even those tiny bites off your partner’s plate, or those little sample tastes you take when making meals?

All of those nibbles count, and after a while, they can really add up. To keep a more accurate count of your food intake, consider keeping a food journal or even using a smartphone app (find one that counts nutrients, not calories) that can help you track every bite you take.

You can take it a step further by purchasing an inexpensive food scale to ensure each entry is accurate.

4. Banning your favorite foods

Just about everyone has a favorite junk food, or some other item that they can’t stop eating once they start.

While you might think that banning your favorite snack from your diet completely is the way to go, by doing this you’re actually making it more appealing. Restricting foods make them become more attractive, and even impossible to resist.

Instead, allow yourself a treat in moderation.


Rather than buying an entire package of cookies, for example, buy one. And then, truly savor each and every bite, including its aroma, flavor and texture, so that you’re totally satisfied.

5. Overeating “healthy” foods

Remember that just because a food is “healthy,” that doesn’t mean you can eat as much as you want.

Studies have shown that people are more likely to overeat foods they perceive to be healthy.

Many packaged foods that are marketed as healthy or “natural” often aren’t – so be sure to read labels carefully and keep track of your nutrient intake.

These are 5 of the most common reasons weight loss gets stalled so eliminate these and you'll be back on track.

Yours in Health,


I don't know about you but I'm a HUGE fan of anything that looks fancy but is really a snap to put together.

These cucumber hummus bites are elegant enough to bring to the most formal affair but they're so easy I can make them whenever my daughters decide we're having a spontaneous tea party.

This recipe couldn't be more versatile! The ideas for healthy toppings are endless so don't be scared to get creative and create your own version.

Cucumber Hummus Bites Recipe

EXCLUSIVE >> 3 Unique VEGGIES That Fight Abdominal Fat

Other quick ideas for toppings include:  Chicken Salad topped with fresh dill OR Tuna with a dollop of Greek yogurt. You get the idea. This recipe is a lifesaver for those last minute party invites too!

Yours in Health,

Danette May