3 Ways to Drink Baking Soda for Better Health

Archives for January 2015

Many of you may have been using baking soda around your home for years without ever even knowing what it is. We did a little digging to uncover the mystery.

It turns out that sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) is a chemical salt that, in its natural form, is the mineral nahcolite.

Baking soda can react as both an acid and a base, although in an aqueous solution it is a bit on the alkaline side.

Pure nahcolite is found in abundance in the Green River Basin, which cuts through several states in the central part of our country.

Report: Drink 2 Tbsp of THIS every day to decrease fat, fight aging, and improve your skin.

Sodium bicarbonate helps to regulate pH and keep it steady – a process known as buffering. It keeps substances from being too acidic or too alkaline. Its ability to neutralize the pH of any substance it comes in contact with makes it highly effective for so many things.

Now, you may know about all the amazing ways you can use baking soda around your home such as:

  • Cleaning coffee makers
  • Cleaning drains
  • Ridding hair of buildup
  • Polishing silver
  • Septic care
  • Making toothpaste
  • Making deodorant
  • Cleaning brushes and combs
  • Refreshing your fridge
  • Easing itching and swelling
  • Putting out a grease fire
  • Breaking down ice on a sidewalk or driveway

But… did you know that drinking baking soda can be very healthy for you?

Yes, it’s true, drinking something as simple as baking soda can drastically improve your health. What is even more amazing is that when you combine baking soda with other powerful ingredients, the healing powers are supercharged.

The only caution we have is that you stick to an aluminum-free brand of baking soda whenever possible.



Here are three of our favorite healthy baking soda tonics:

Ultimate energy booster and electrolyte replacer

Do you know that nagging, dragging feeling you get when you are about halfway through your 5-run, or partway through that spin class? The feeling like you can’t push your body one bit more?

Well, we have great news for you: this Ultimate Energy Booster Tonic will not only help motivate you to get moving, it will also help you go harder for longer no matter what physical activity you are doing.

This is because strenuous exercise leads to a buildup of lactic acid – which can cause muscle pain and fatigue. Baking soda has been found to boost performance in athletes due to its ability to neutralize lactic acid buildup.


½ teaspoon unprocessed sea salt
¼ teaspoon baking soda
7 cups coconut water
½ cup lemon juice
¼ cup raw honey



Heat the coconut water on low and mix in baking soda until it is dissolved.
Add other ingredients and pour mixture into glass jar.
Shake well before use.
This will keep for a week in the refrigerator.

Coconut water:

Although coconut water has a deceptively light consistency, it has higher levels of minerals such as iron, magnesium, manganese, calcium and zinc than many fruits, including the famously healthy orange. Additionally, coconut water has high amounts of B-vitamins, such as niacin, thiamin, riboflavin and pyridoxine.

One of the best benefits of coconut water is that it is extremely high in potassium. As your body sweats during exercise or vigorous physical activity, your level of potassium drops. Coconut water has approximately 250 milligrams of potassium and 105 milligrams of sodium in every 100 milliliter serving.


Raw honey:

One of the substantial benefits of choosing raw organic honey from your area is that it contains immune stimulating properties from the area where the bees collected pollen. This means that it can actually help to desensitize you to local allergens, potentially lessening your allergy symptoms.

The supercharged acid reflux reliever

Because acid reflux typically results from having too little acid in your stomach, you can help improve this by mixing 2 tablespoons of raw, unfiltered, apple cider vinegar into a 6 to 8 ounce glass of water.

Adding ¼ teaspoon of baking soda to this mixture will further help neutralize your internal fire. Be prepared, however: this mixture will foam – so wait for it to slow down before you drink it.

Green tea and baking soda metabolism booster

A recent study out of Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences found that drinking green tea regularly can boost the effects of exercise to aid weight loss efforts.


The study was conducted on mice that were fed a diet with high amounts of fat, exercised regularly, and given green tea extract. The mice showed an average body mass reduction of 27.1 percent and an average abdominal mass reduction of 36.6 percent.

Spoonful of baking soda. There are three compounds in green tea that are thought to help promote weight loss: catechins, theanine and caffeine. These substances work together to block enzymes that are responsible for fat storage in the body.

When you combine the super-metabolizing powers of green tea with baking soda, you rev up your fat burning power while encouraging optimal pH ( 7.2) in the body. This is necessary for balance.


A pH factor that is not optimal will cause excess acid to be stored in fat cells. An acidic person can’t burn fat well, because doing so would release the acid that is stored in body fat – and this would throw the blood pH out of whack. If your pH is not balanced, you may also feel fatigued and ill.

Choose organic green tea and add ¼ teaspoon of baking soda to an 8 ounce cup before drinking. Enjoy daily.

Thanks to our friends from the Alternative Daily for giving us the OK to republish this from their original article.

There is also 1 more “old school” ingredient found in the kitchen that has been shown to help protect against heart disease, makes it hard for cancer to grow and reverses years of aging.

Studies have also shown that if you drink it right before bed, blood sugar levels drop by 6% in the morning.

Drink 2tbs of this Elixir Before Bed => Elixir Recipe

Much Love,


PS – Please free free to share this important information with your friends. And I love hearing from you so please leave your comments below.

I bet you already know the answer but are worried about getting bulky or muscle bound.

Well don't be.

I strength train almost every day and it's a huge part of how I keep my bikini body in consistent shape.

Weight loss and strength training are directly related because the latter maintains lean body mass while it aids in long-term fat loss.

It's important to remember that you want to be losing the bad kind of weight, not muscle mass, and that's why you do want to add strength training into your plan to lose some extra pounds.

When it comes to losing weight, many people think that they would prefer to just diet and not have to commit to some form of exercise…..But what usually happens is that they try one diet which works for a while.

As soon as they are off the diet, they gain back their weight (often even more than what they started with).


So, they try another diet. And the same thing happens. Most people who practice exclusive dieting (with no accompanying fitness program) will regain their lost weight, whereas strength trainers rarely do.

Many people think the concept of dieting is to eat fewer calories. Eating fewer calories causes your metabolism to drop.

When your metabolism drops, you have a harder time losing weight.

Also, when you drastically reduce your calorie intake or don't get enough of everything your body needs, you lose energy and you lose muscle which makes your body appear fatter.

Instead, a good weight loss and strength training program makes you healthier.

It reduces the risk of injury, heart disease, strokes, cancer, arthritis and osteoporosis. This type of training ensures that you to burn more calories 24 hours a day, not just during your workouts.

Maintaining muscle takes more calories than maintaining fat so if you're consistent in your strength training, you will be burning more calories all the time.

The best way to lose weight is slowly and consistently.

A good benchmark is to lose no more than two pounds per week.

You can stick to this by reducing how much fat and what type of fat and eliminating any unnatural sugars you consume and making sure that you get enough protein, vegetables and fruits.


And of course, you will combine your good eating habits with a solid strength training program.

If you're out of shape, start slow, just 10 to 15 minutes per session for two or three days per week.

The good news is, when you do the RIGHT movements, you only have to workout for 10-15 minutes to see amazing results.

On your off-strength training days, try to get some cardio activity in such as brisk walking, swimming, tennis, or whatever gets your heart rate up.

Again, if you are just starting out, add this in gradually.

You can wait until you've gotten consistent enough with your strength training and then take a 10 minute brisk walk a couple of times a week.

This can be built up as well so that you are exercising between five and seven days a week.

Remember, the key with weight loss and strength training is consistency.

Yours in Health,


P.S. If you liked this info. please share it with your friends and I welcome your comments below.

You know what I love about January?…

Well I do love the snow and cozy fires too, but what I REALLY love is how focused EVERYONE is on their health this time of year.

I wish every week was like this!

So many people asking for healthy recipes and tips or ways to improve workouts is what I LIVE for and January feeds my passion!

Almost everyone I've talked to has been making smoothies and they are really an ideal way to get a super nutrient rich snack in and high protein snacks like this will help boost your metabolism too!

Why not enjoy a healthy smoothie every single day.

green protein smoothie recipe

Nutritional Information: 1 drink = (1/4 cup fruit, ¼ cup veggies, 2 oz. protein)

My family LOVES this recipe and I hope you and your family do too!

Yours In Health,


P.S. Please share this with your friends and I'd love to hear your comments below.


You can do this effective workout ANYWHERE in just 10 minutes.

Your body will get the same benefits with this workout as it would if you spent a full HOUR at the gym with a personal trainer.

Yes, seriously! Give it a try today.

Much Love,


P.S. Please share this with your friends and I'd love to hear from you in the comments below.

Happy New Year!

I want to hear what YOU are going to achieve in 2015. Please leave your comments below and let me know all of your dreams, hopes, and desires for the New Year.

Much Love,
