Drink This to KILL Hunger Pangs

Archives for March 2014

Did you know one of the MAIN reasons that so many people get off track when dieting and attempting to lose weight is those nagging hunger pangs?

They can derail the best of us with intense hunger taking over our mind, whittling away our will power until it practically no longer exists. When this happens, we often reach for whatever is immediately available, and often times, it’s NOT the healthiest choice.

While “cheating” a little every now and again shouldn’t be enough to make you give up your goal of becoming fit and in-shape, unfortunately that’s what seems to happen to so many people. A few mistakes can quickly turn into giving up and becoming complacent.

Flush away fat and water weight

One of the most important things you can do to curb hunger pangs and lose those extra pounds for good is to drink LOTS of water. Of course, it’s still essential to eat regular, nutritious meals in order to keep your metabolism burning at its max, but drinking water throughout the day can help you stay on track so that you can accomplish your goals.

Drinking at least eight to ten 8-ounce glasses of water each day helps to raise the metabolism, cleanse the body of waste and can even serve as an appetite suppressant. It also helps the body stop retaining too much water which can help you drop those extra water weight pounds.

Avoid falling into this trap

When you feel the urge to snack, you might just be thirsty. Read that sentence again. So many of my clients fall into the trap of THINKING they're hungry when they're really just thirsty.

Instead of immediately going for something to eat, try drinking a glass of water instead. If you’re still hungry 15 minutes later, it may be time to grab a nutritious bite, but the odds are, you’ll find your appetite has diminished. Keeping a bottle of water with you throughout the day and drinking when you begin to feel hungry is one of the best weapons you can employ in your arsenal of fighting those stubborn pounds.

Use this timing “trick” for weight loss

As water has the ability to act as an appetite suppressant, drinking it before meals helps to make you feel more satisfied quicker, thereby reducing your total food intake. Research has found that consuming this healthy beverage before meals may result in an average reduction of 75 calories each time. This means that over a year, you might ingest around 27,000 FEWER calories – just by drinking water before one meal each day, resulting in a loss of about eight pounds!

Can you imagine the possible results from making this a habit before every meal? Just by doing the math, you can see that this simple act can offer huge results.

Because drinking water also helps to prevent muscle cramping and keeps the joints lubricated, you’ll also be able to work out for a longer period of time, and more intensely too.

Follow this plan on work out days

Those who work out a lot should be drinking even more than the recommended eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day for optimal weight loss, or to maintain an ideal weight.  The exact amount can vary depending on your size, weight and particular activity level, but in general, every day you should aim to drink one-half to one ounce of water for each pound that you weigh. You can tell if you’re getting enough by taking a look at your urine after going to the bathroom – it should be clear or pale yellow. If it’s darker, you need to drink more water.

If you just can’t imagine drinking that much water, remember that sipping an herbal tea or adding a squeeze of lemon can help you meet your water needs without giving up flavor.

Yours in health,


P.S. Please share this important information with your friends and be sure to leave your comments below.

Here are two quick movements for your bikini body leg workout.

These are two of my go-to movements you should use for sculpting and slimming your thighs and tightening your butt.

Leave a comment below and let me know what you think of this workout.

Much love,


P.S. If you want more workouts like this along with direct coaching from me, click the link below to learn more about my private personal training site:

=> See How My Personal Training Works

You've probably heard over and over again that carbohydrates are perhaps the WORST thing you could eat when trying to lose fat or transform your body, and for most people, that's 100% true.

The fact is, due to years of consuming a diet full of processed carbs and sugars, most people have grown quite insensitive to one of the most important hormones in our body. This hormone that can either be a huge asset to your body transformation goals, or a total fat-loss and health-derailing nightmare.

The name of this hormone is insulin.

And insulin's function is to help your body keep blood sugar at bay, clear it quickly from your bloodstream after a carbohydrate meal, and (hopefully) shuttle that blood sugar to muscle tissue for energy instead of into fat cells (driving up your weight).

I say “hopefully” because that's actually the exact opposite of what occurs when most people eat carbs. Going back to insulin sensitivity and carbohydrate tolerance, due to a diet full of processed, insulin- and blood-sugar-spiking carbohydrates, most people are suffering from some level of insulin resistance, a condition in which insulin is no longer able to efficiently remove blood sugar from the bloodstream.

The result?

Dramatically reduced fat burning, increased blood sugar levels and increased fat storage.

Even worse, insulin resistance can and often does lead to type II diabetes and an array of other health problems over time, such as an increased risk for Alzheimer and other cognitive disorders, premature aging, heart disease, and even stroke…and it all leads back to insulin sensitivity.

Ideally, when you consume carbohydrates, here is what you want to happen:

1. Minimum insulin release. This occurs when your body is highly sensitive to insulin. When it is, only a small amount of insulin is necessary to effectively and efficiently clear glucose from your blood to its storage sites. This is great news because your body has an incredibly difficult time burning fat in the presence of insulin. The less insulin you have floating around, the better.
2. Quick and efficient blood sugar clearance. Again, this will occur when your body is highly sensitive to insulin.

3. Maximum glycogen uptake. Glycogen is the term used for stored carbohydrate in muscle tissue and the liver. When these tissues are highly sensitive to insulin, the vast majority of blood glucose will be stored within them as an energy reserve, instead of being converted to fat.

4. Minimum fat storage. When you increase insulin sensitivity, your body will choose to store your carbohydrate intake as energy, again in lean muscle tissue and the liver, instead of body fat.

Simply put, your body's ability to process the carbohydrates you eat all comes down to your insulin sensitivity and your body's ability to quickly and efficiently clear sugar from your blood.

Knowing that, and also knowing that you yourself are very likely suffering from too much blood sugar and some degree of insulin resistance due to the previously mentioned dietary and lifestyle factors, you're probably wondering what you can do to improve your insulin sensitivity and make your body responsive once again to this critically important hormone.

Fortunately, there are 4 somewhat odd, but extremely effective strategies you can begin using that will ultimately end your struggle with insulin resistance and carbohydrate intolerance once and for all, while finally allowing you to experience the excitement of seeing a thinner waist, flatter stomach, and a more defined body when looking back at yourself in the bathroom mirror each morning.

My good friend and trusted nutrition expert Mike Geary shares them with you on the next page:

next page

Watch the video and check out the fresh organic ingredients I found at the local farmer's market in Nosara, Costa Rica. Have you ever seen such beautiful fruits and veggies!

As I mentioned in the video, I use a lot of bananas and watermelon in smoothies every day. Not only are watermelon smoothies chock full of vitamins, healthy nutrients, and fat-burning protein, they're also sooo refreshing on a hot day!


Here's my favorite watermelon smoothie recipe:


 Delicious Watermelon




  • 1 cup watermelon, cubed
  • 1 cup strawberries
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 mint sprig
  • 1 scoop protein powder
  • 1 cup water or almond milk



Blend ingredients together in a blender. Enjoy!

(Note: I also include a handful of spinach sometimes to get some extra greens!)

Mix in your blender and enjoy!


Much love,



You may also be interested in:

Sweet and Refreshing Watermelon Juice

Fresh Cantaloupe Banana Smoothie

Coconut Banana Pie Smoothie

I wish you could be here in Costa Rica with me, so I'm doing the next best thing…I'm bringing Costa Rica to you! This is the first of many videos on fitness, nutrition, and fat loss that I'll be sharing with you from beautiful Costa Rica.

I shot this video right before heading to the farmer's market where I saw the most gorgeous fruits and veggies EVER! (more on that in the next video).

Much love,


P.S. I still have some openings for my May retreat if you'd like to join me in Costa Rica. Click the link below to learn more…

=> Learn more about my Costa Rica Retreats

Do you know the WORST habit that many people think is “healthy”, but don’t realize is hurting their fat loss goals?

Drinking diet soda.

Everyone knows that drinking regular soda is bad for your waistline and your health because it’s packed full of sugar. Diet soda has zero calories and it’s called DIET, after all, so isn’t it a good alternative for those who want to lose weight?

Unfortunately, for those who love to drink it, the answer is NO!

Both regular AND diet soda can DESTROY all that hard work you’re doing to lose those stubborn pounds and get fit.

In addition to the health reasons for avoiding diet soda – it’s loaded with chemicals and artificial sweeteners that can harm your body and your mind. In fact, studies have shown that drinking these calorie-free beverages will actually cause you to eat more.

Here’s why…

Artificial sweeteners can trick the body into believing more calories are on the way, and when those calories don’t come, it slows the metabolism, throwing off the body’s ability to regulate the appetite. Research has found that eating or drinking artificially sweetened products leads to greater weight gain than eating foods sweetened with regular sugar.

One recent study out of John Hopkins University found a significant difference in the number of total calories eaten each day between those that drank regular soda and those that consumed diet soda. Diet soda drinkers consumed an average of nearly 200 more calories per day. A University of Texas Health Science Center study revealed that diet soda can increase weight gain by as much as 41 percent.

Additionally, the carbonation in sodas is believed to actually bind to fat cells which can stop fat loss, making it even more difficult to lose weight. When ingesting carbonated beverages, you’re essentially ingesting air, which bloats the gastrointestinal tract and causes the digestive process to slow, which can also negatively affect weight loss.

To make matters worse, aspartame, the chemical compound used to sweeten most diet sodas has been linked to all sorts of issues, including slowed metabolism, obesity, type 2 diabetes and chronic fatigue. If you’re chronically tired or ill, you probably won’t have the energy you need to work out.

Try this instead

Try adding a squeeze of fresh lemon, lime, or orange to add flavor. Herbal teas are another good alternative. If you want a little caffeine, consider drinking green tea, which has been known to help boost the metabolism, aiding your weight loss efforts rather than damaging them. It’s also packed with antioxidants that can help strengthen your immune system to help battle illness and disease which could not only derail your health, but your efforts to get fit.

By ditching those diet sodas for good and finding a healthy fix that you enjoy, you’ll be that much closer to meeting your goals for a fitter body!

So what’s the next step?

If you're ready to ditch the diet soda, now it's time to purge all the harmful chemicals and artificial sweeteners that have built-up in your body. Click the next page button to see how you can release “trapped” fat, cleanse your organs, and boost your energy…in just 3 days.

new next page


If you’re concerned about your weight and being in great shape, you’ve probably heard about cleansing diets – you may have even tried one or two at some point. A number of celebrities have touted some of these diets that often focus more on short term results that can be nearly impossible to maintain over a period of time.

Harsh diets like the Master Cleanse or Lemonade Diet are lacking in important nutrients that your body needs in order to perform day-to-day tasks, which means exercise is practically out of the question. Strenuous or even moderate physical activity is too much of a challenge while following such a diet.

Colon cleansing can even be harmful and comes with unwanted side effects such as nausea, bloating, cramps, vomiting, or even more seriously – dehydration, infection and bowel perforation. On top of all these dangers, a starvation “cleanse” is likely to slow your body’s metabolism causing you to gain more weight in the future.

Despite all this, there is a safe and effective way to cleanse and help kick start your weight loss efforts so that you can achieve the body you want quicker, without damaging your chances of being able to maintain a fit, trim body for life.

Follow these guidelines to prep your body for a detox

Get rid of junk foods. Your first step should be to cleanse your cabinets, and your fridge, of any junk foods like chips, cookies and other processed snacks. It’s much easier to cleanse and detox your body if you aren’t staring at a cabinet full of brightly colored packages filled with empty nutrition.

Focus on eating whole foods. Give your metabolism a boost by focusing on simple, whole foods from the earth like fresh fruits and veggies, lean proteins, and foods that contain healthy fats such as coconut oil; raw, unsalted nuts and seeds.

Cut out alcohol. Alcohol is like liquid sugar to the body. It can negatively affect anxiety levels, depression, quality of sleep, the skin, weight, your immune system and more. It’s also one of those things that’s easy to over consume, and taking a break can help you take notice of how it’s really affecting your body – and for many people it can be the added boost needed to lose stubborn pounds.

Eliminate white sugar. The more you take in empty calories like these, the more your body starts to crave them. Sugar-filled foods can leave you feeling hungrier too, encouraging you to eat more than you should. Eliminating them can help detox your system and release excess water weight too.

Stock up on herbal teas. Sipping herbal teas can help you resist the urge to snack on unhealthy foods and also help keep you hydrated. As ginger root is naturally cleansing, just adding boiling water over a few slices of fresh ginger root can help detox the body without harmful effects.

Drink lots of water. Water is essential for health and weight loss. Be sure to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day as it helps to get rid of toxins and can make you feel more energized too. It’s also a natural appetite suppressant. If you don’t care for the taste of plain water, add a squeeze of lemon for flavor.

Now you’re ready to take the next step with my 3-Day Bikini Body Detox to flush away years of built up toxins, skyrocket your energy, and melt away stubborn fat. Click the button below to see how it works:


A shocking new study from the Annals of Internal Medicine shows a common mistake nearly EVERYONE makes in the bedroom is absolutely killing their metabolism.

Not only does this mistake BLOCK your ability to reduce fat, it also gums up your hormones, drives up hunger, ages you rapidly, saps you of energy and damages your mental functioning.

What's worse, this mistake can force an otherwise “healthy” person to show the same type of insulin resistance and blood sugar problems as a full-on type 2 diabetic!

Unfortunately, most people don't even KNOW they are making this mistake…and what's worse, the solution that fixes it in only 15 minutes a week isn't widely publicized. More on that in a bit.

The mistake I am talking about is impaired sleep.

WARNING: Don't fool yourself and think, oh, I can sleep later, I am too busy to sleep, sleeping doesn't make a difference.

If you had a choice between exercise and sleep for your health and waistline, hands down, sleep is the winner…here are the 5 reasons why:

Reason #1

Not getting enough sleep makes you RAVENOUSLY hungry and skyrockets your cravings for the worst food possible. How? Another study published in the Public Library of Science shows why.

First, impaired sleep causes leptin, your “I'm full” hormone to go DOWN by 15.5%.

Second, it causes your “I'm hungry” hormone to go UP by 14.9%.

This sends your appetite wildly out of control — you wake up starving and completely useless until you can binge on the worst

If that wasn't bad enough, impaired sleep gets you addicted to the WORST foods possible, driving your cravings for sugar, sweets and sugary carbs (breads, pasta, etc.) through the roof!

Reason #2

Leptin, the “I'm full” hormone, also controls your metabolism by influencing your thyroid hormone.

So when you don't get enough shut-eye and leptin goes down, your thyroid also goes down, which causes your metabolic rate (how many calories you burn at rest) to absolutely PLUNGE!

The result? More of the food you eat gets parked on your belly and thighs instead of being turned into energy to power you through the day.

It gets worse… most people don't know that the majority of the “fat burning” process actually happens WHEN they sleep!

During sleep, leptin triggers specialized calorie-burning fat cells (yes, you read that right) to burn up excess calories that you don't need and to release that energy as heat.

So when you miss out on that deep slumber, you deprive yourself of the PRIME fat burning window where the inches start to disappear.

Reason #3

Sleep deprivation also depresses how sensitive your cells are to insulin.

If you are LESS insulin sensitive, you need to crank out MORE insulin to clear any excess blood sugar that may be floating around.

And more insulin causes a double fat-making whammy by telling your liver to turn the food you eat into fat AND by locking fat in your fat cells so it can't be released to be burned.

Adding insult to injury, your body perceives lack of sleep to be a threat to its existence, so it fires up your stress hormone cortisol, which has been directly linked to excess belly fat.

Reason #4

Impaired sleep also damages your brain, cognitive abilities and mood.

Dr. Maiken Nedergaard, professor of neurosurgery at the University of Rochester, completed a study showing that when we sleep, our brain flushes out potent neurotoxins that are normal by-products of our waking activity.

But if you let those by-products accumulate without taking out the garbage, VERY bad things happen — like brain fog, impaired memory, wild mood swings and trouble focusing.

Inflammation and oxidative stress also run rampant, causing even further damage to your brain and putting you at risk of developing age-related diseases such Alzheimer's.

Reason #5

You ever see someone who hasn't gotten a good night's sleep in a few days? They look totally ragged, wasted…and strangely…OLDER.

That's because lack of good sleep ages you rapidly by robbing you of the small window of opportunity during which your primary “youth” hormone works its magic.

I am talking about growth hormone — your master rejuvenation hormone that mostly only comes out at night, helping you re-build and repair and keeping you young.

Aside from making your skin ragged, wrinkly and dry, lack of growth hormone also dramatically alters your body composition, shifting it to be MORE fat and less muscle — NOT what you want!

So here's my 4-step formula to getting more sleep and cranking up your metabolic engine:

– Step 1: Go to bed 15 minutes earlier each week until you get to 7-9 hours of sleep.
– Step 2: Make your bedroom completely dark, which maximizes your hormonal response.
– Step 3: Calm down your brain before bed — no TV, no internet, no exercise, nothing.
– Step 4: Eat at least 3 hours before bed time — anything less kills fat burning.

WARNING: This formula won't boost metabolism and fight aging if you are eating the WRONG foods as most people unknowingly do.

Your metabolism will come to a halt, your energy will plummet, your thinking will slow and the ravages of aging will set in regardless of how much shut-eye you get.

So just follow these 3 steps on the next page to spark your metabolic fire and keep it burning white hot 24-7 with these delicious foods.

==> Use these 3 steps to crank UP your metabolic fire…

So sleep tight tonight and let your fat burning metabolic machinery work it's magic!

Danette May

P.S. When you both eat RIGHT and get good, deep sleep, you enjoy a compounded, accelerated metabolic effect that really gets your fat burning engines going. Step #3 on this next page even shows you an additional metabolic-acceleration strategy you can layer on…one that's been shown to be particularly helpful for those who have tried dieting 4-5 times only without success.

Do you realize that if you were blindfolded and plugged your nose
that you couldn't tell if you were eating an apple or an onion?

It's true!  You can even test it yourself!

You see, our olfactory sense (brainiac translation = “our sense
of smell”) is directly tied in with our brain's perception of
what we eat, and as recent research has concluded…

…how MUCH we eat!

Here's why it's important and how it can help YOU shave off
inches over the next month and even ultimately reach your
fat loss goal:

Scientific discovery “tricks” your body for faster fat loss…

A 1999 project conducted two randomized, double-blind studies
consisting of over 3,000 subjects who had at least 10 lbs to

In addition, 3/4 of the subjects also were psychologically
affected by their weight, claiming:

*  Impaired sex life
*  Bad feelings about overeating
*  Lack of energy, and
*  Poor self-image

Each test subject was directed to NOT make any changes to their
nutrition or exercise program except for one thing:

One test group was directed to sniff a specific aroma prior to
eating their meals and whenever they felt hungry.

Specifically, here's what they smelled:

Month 1 & 4: Peppermint
Month 2 & 5: Banana
Month 3 & 6: Green Apple

The other group (the “control” group) was given a placebo
inhalent that simply smelled like detergent.

At the end of the study, the subjects who were given the “smelly”
inhalents reported:

*  50% decrease in food cravings
*  Decreased appetite
*  No nagging hunger pains
*  Much less “snacking”

And get this…

*  497% more weight that they lost!

(19.15 lbs average vs. only 3.85 lbs in control group)

Here's why it works…

One of the factors that tells your brain that you're “full” is
your sense of smell as you bring food up to your mouth to eat.

Literally, after your brain senses it's “smelled enough”, it
tells your body you're full and it's time to stop eating.

By smelling the three aromas, you're able to “trick” the body
into eating less and therefore consuming less calories (and you
know what THAT means, right?)

Now, here's what you need to do…

1. Find yourself 3 different essential oils (even candles will
work if you can find them) that match the 3 used in the study:

*  Peppermint
*  Banana
*  Green Apple

(I found $2 “tester” vials online for these 3 scents.)

2. Use each scent for one month and then switch.

(I don't know why this is important but it's how they conducted
the study so I'm sure there's a reason.  Why fix what isn't

3.  Keep the scent handy throughout the day and sniff it in the
following instances:

*  5 minutes prior to your “main” meals
*  5 minutes prior to any planned snacks
*  Any time you feel feel hungry

4.  To “sniff properly” (I know…sounds strange, right?), plug up
one nostril and sniff the scent 3 times through the other and
then switch.

Do this 3 times for each side (total of 18 sniffs) at the
designated times.

Enjoy your new found fat loss results, appetite control, and less cravings!

If you thought this little fat loss trick was interesting, wait til you see the powerful fat burning tricks we have for you on the page below…

101 More Sneaky Fat-Burning Tricks (all are simple yet powerful, just like the one I described in this email)

Here's a sample of some of the innovative and unique tips you'll find inside the new manual on that page:

  • Trick #1:    The simple twist to your morning routine that INSTANTLY
    jump-starts your metabolism and boosts fat-burning by as much as 30%!
  • Trick #5:    The beverage you've been WARNED to stay away from…
    but new-found studies reveal the shocking health benefits jam packed in
    this potent anti-aging/fat-burning “elixer”!
  • Trick #15:    The amazing “super food” that in one clinical study, dissolved
    away more than 10 extra pounds in twelve weeks…WITHOUT DIETING
    or any other lifestyle changes!
  • Trick #24:    Your “Emergency Response Plan” for those times when you
    know you ate too much and you're worried those extra calories are speeding
    straight toward your hips, belly, and thighs! (This little trick will save your ass –
    literally – and divert your fat-storing hormones just in the nick of time!)
  • Trick #69:    The most overlooked exercise strategy that even the “big boys”
    at the gym are unaware of…but when YOU use this technique, you'll NATURALLY
    raise your age-defying, fat melting Growth Hormone levels by as much as 4,000%
    (No…that is NOT a typo)!
  • Trick #57:    SHOCKING! Japanese researchers unlocked a strange biological
    trigger that tricks the brain into REDUCING blood sugar and short-circuiting fat
    storage…even WHILE you watch TV!
  • Trick #70:    I NEVER see anyone using this exercise technique in public but this
    “mini-workout” is a powerful way to work your muscles for an instant metabolic
    turbo-boost (works especially well at work)!
  • Trick #99:    A CANDLE trick that can naturally balance hormones, build muscle,
    AND burn fat?! It's true!

=> Get started with ALL 101 sneaky fat-burning tricks here (brand new and $30-off right now!)

Remember, just try at least 10 out of the 101 sneaky tricks in the first week, and you WILL see a leaner body in 7 days.

Enjoy your leaner body and faster metabolism!

Danette May