Is My Poop Normal?

Archives for April 2017

There are a few things that all of us do from the moment that we are born. We all breathe and eat and sleep, and we all pee and poop.

Despite the fact that going to the bathroom is such a shared experience, talking about it is strangely uncomfortable.

What comes out of our bodies when we move our bowels gives us a lot of good information about how well we are eating and our overall health. That is because our stools are what is left of the food that we eat.

The color, texture and smell of our poop not only tells us about whether we are eating right but also about how our body is digesting it.

Even though it may be interesting, most people are not in the habit of paying that much attention to what their poop looks like – at least not ‘til something changes.

Poop that suddenly becomes soft and watery or hard captures our attention, and the same is true when its color changes. Here are some of the things that your poop color, size and texture are telling you – and what you can do about it.

What Color Your Poop Is Can Tell You A Lot

Most of the time, notable changes in the color of your poop are caused by the food that you have eaten. Who hasn’t done a double take at the color of their poop after eating beets?

But if your poop changes color and stays different for a while, it may signal a health issue. Here are some examples:

  • Green poop is often a sign of blue food coloring or eating lots of leafy green vegetables. Sometimes it comes from taking an iron supplement. But when you have diarrhea, and it is green, it means your food moved through your system too fast.
  • Yellow poop is very normal in breastfed babies, and some adults have it too. But if your poop is yellow and smells bad, it can mean you are not getting nutrients from your food. Sometimes yellow poop is a sign of celiac disease. Call your doctor if it happens regularly.
  • White poop usually appears after you take diarrhea medicine. Sometimes it is a sign that you don’t have enough bile, which could be a sign of liver disease.
  • Black poop is often a sign of bleeding in your digestive tract. It can be caused by some foods, including blueberries and black licorice.
  • Red poop can come from eating red food, but can also be caused by blood from the lower part of your digestive tract.

The size and texture of your poop are also very telling.

Normal poop is shaped like a snake, and is soft and looks smooth. The drier, smaller and rougher it is, the more constipated you are. The more water it holds, the more your body is telling you that it is trying to get rid of what’s inside – and fast.

The best solution to make normal poop is to eat plenty of fiber and drink plenty of water.

  • Fiber helps your food move through your system at a healthy speed.
  • Water keeps your poop soft.

Experts say that you should take in 25 grams of fiber per day and drink about 8 glasses of water too.

If you have diarrhea, you should check to see if you are having a reaction to dairy, fructose or artificial sweeteners.

When your poop is abnormal for a long time, you should check with your doctor to make sure that there is nothing medical going on.

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Please share this with your friends and I welcome your comments below. Do you worry your stool in unhealthy?

If you pay any attention to health news or advice about nutrition, you know that high fructose corn syrup is on everybody’s “bad” list.

But do you know why? And why do some experts say that it is even worse than white sugar?

High fructose corn syrup is in much of what we eat. You can find it in sodas and sweet drinks. It is also in candy and sweetened yogurt, canned fruit, cereal and salad dressings. It is used a lot because it has a very low cost.

Some people say that high-fructose corn syrup is no different from white table sugar. Not everybody agrees. This is because there is some evidence that the body metabolizes the two differently.

Even if one is no worse than the other, it is important to remember that too much sugar – of any kind – is not good for us. It can make us gain weight. It can also contribute to several health issues, including:

The reason why sugar and high fructose corn syrup are so bad for us is that they both contain high amounts of fructose.

Glucose is used by every cell in our bodies, but the body handles fructose in a different way. Fructose needs to be converted to fat or stored carbs before it can be used for energy. It's processed in the liver.

When there is more fructose than the body needs, the fat that builds up can lead to health problems.

One study showed that taking in too much fructose increased liver fat by 27% in just three weeks.

Top 4 Reasons to Eliminate High Fructose Corn Syrup

1.  Calorie for calorie, fructose can make you build up fat more than other nutrients.

2. Studies have shown that the brain responds to fructose in a different way than it does to glucose.

You can drink a lot more calories of fructose without your brain registering a feeling of being full. This leads to a build-up of visceral fat, which accumulates around your organs and is the most dangerous type of body fat.

Fructose may also have a negative impact on your ability to remember and learn.

3. Fructose has been shown to make your body resistant to the effect of insulin. This means that you lose your ability to control your body’s level of blood sugar. This can lead to type 2 diabetes.

4. High fructose corn syrup has also been linked to a higher risk for cancer and worse symptoms of inflammation.

Tips to Avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup

Avoiding high fructose corn syrup can seem hard because it's in so many processed foods. It just takes a bit of focus.

The best way to avoid high fructose corn syrup is to make better choices.

My top tips for this include:

  • Eat foods that are natural, including fresh fruits and vegetables and lean proteins
  • Avoid foods that are loaded with sugars and salts, including packaged foods and fast food
  • Stay away from sugary drinks like soda and juice
  • Take the time to read food labels

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Please share this important health information with your loved ones and I love hearing from you in the comments below. Do you avoid high fructose corn syrup?

Bacon is one of the most beloved foods in the world. Americans alone eat nearly 18 pounds of the salty meat per person each year. Studies have been done to show what it is about bacon that we love so much.

It turns out that when bacon is cooked, the mix of the fat melting with the sugar and amino acids in the meat release a specific smell. That smell stimulates a hunger response.

You may think bacon is “bad” because it's high in saturated fat and calories. Neither are necessarily a bad thing in and of themselves.

It's also is high in salt which some people want to limit. More importantly, bacon has been in the news because it was recently named a carcinogen.

The problem is not with the bacon itself but the nitrites in it.

Nitrites and nitrates are salts that are added to meat to preserve it. When we eat nitrates they can form nitrosamines. These are compounds that can damage our DNA and lead to cancer.

What makes this confusing is that nitrites are also found in a lot of vegetables. And our bodies produce nitrates on their own.

Nitrates can have health benefits. They're sometimes prescribed in drug form to lower blood pressure. They can also boost athletic performance.

So how did the nitrate in bacon become such a problem?

1. The main issue with bacon is that it is cooked at such a high heat. Pan frying is one of the hottest ways to cook anything! When meats like bacon are exposed to high heat from frying, it forms HCA and PAH, both of which have been shown to cause cancer in animals.

2. The other problem with bacon it that it contains heme iron. Heme iron is found in red meat. It is a molecule that can contribute to the impact of nitrates in the body.

So what can you do to have your bacon and still protect your health?

First, you can look for bacon that is nitrate free. It will not keep as long, so you might want to freeze it. Some stores sell it as salted pork belly, but it's basically the same thing. Some people say it is even better!

The other thing you can do is look for nitrate-free, grass fed turkey bacon.

Even though turkey bacon still may have nitrites, it does not have heme iron, and that is a big difference.

When the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that processed meat can cause cancer, they also said that red meat does too. Red meat’s link to cancer comes from high heat and heme iron. So if you choose turkey bacon, you cut your risk a bit. But turkey bacon is still made using nitrate salt from celery juice.

If you want to cut bacon out of your diet but don’t want to miss its smoky flavor, here are a few things you can try:

  • Grill your ingredients (just make sure you always do THIS first)
  • Use a home smoker
  • Add chipotle chili peppers to your food

Or why not try making homemade vegan bacon?

coconut bacon recipe

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Please share this info. with the bacon lovers in your life and I always enjoy reading your comments below.

Today I'm going to share with you, my favorite meal. I honestly crave this meal because it's so good! I can see this is the most delicious salad you'll ever make.

Spring Salad Recipe


And speaking of Spring, I've been loving my YoubySkechers shoes this season. They really put a spring in my step and I just love how easy they are to slip on so I have more time to smell the Sping daisies with my kids!

Yours in health and happiness,


P.S. Please share this yummy recipe with your friends and I always love to hear from you in the comments below.

Today for Mindset Monday I'm going to be talking about how to stick with your goals, how to start and making it all the way to the end.

Yours in health,


P.S. Please share this with your friends and don't forget to leave me a comment below. What do you do to ensure you stick to your goals?