28 Day Lemon Water Challenge

Archives for April 2015

Who wants to join me on a simple challenge to detox your body and boost your metabolism? It's easy…just drink a glass of warm lemon water in the morning for the rest of April.

Be sure to Like this video and leave your comments below if you plan on joining me in this challenge!

Yours in health & happiness,


Doctors are finally talking more openly about the links between the Standard Western Diet and the overwhelming obesity  crisis in the U.S. This modern diet is made up primarily of  foods which are high in fat, calories and sugar.

And, because people often have less time in their day for extended exercise, weight gain has become a common problem.

New research, sponsored by the dairy industry, has suggested that including calcium in the diet has a positive effect on weight loss. In fact, the dairy industry has produced an entire advertising campaign around the concept of increasing calcium through dairy products and weight loss.

Many of the studies which the American Dairy Association rely on in their advertising have found a link between the amount of calcium consumed during the day and the type of weight which is lost in the body.

This link appears to be in the amount of calcium being stored and the current weight of the individual.

Advertising campaigns point to research which showed a relationship between eating three to four servings of low-fat dairy products each day and a decrease in the amount of fat stores in the body.

This research suggested that calcium increases the amount of fat in the body converts to energy by increasing the body's core temperature. The theory is that by increasing the core temperature the body will burn more calories at a faster rate.


The study also suggested that individuals who have the highest amount of stored fat will also show the lowest amount of calcium stored in the body.

Conversely, popular diets that promise a quick weight loss are often very low in dairy products, the foods containing the highest amounts of calcium. These popular fad diets also affects the ability of the body to absorb calcium which can lead to bone loss and osteoporosis.

Women who control their calories each day can be at risk for a number of deficiencies because they miss vital vitamins and minerals necessary for overall health. This is exactly why my clean eating programs focus on counting nutrients, not calories!

Foods that are high in calcium include milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, baked beans, dried figs, broccoli and most dark leafy vegetables.

The research funded by the American Dairy Association did not include vegetable sources of calcium in their study.

Dr. Reed Mangels, from the Vegetarian Resource Group, also comments on the influence that high amounts of animal protein have on our bodies:

Quoting a study published in the Journal of Nutrition in 2003 he states that “Some studies show that diets that are high in protein, especially animal protein, do cause increased losses of calcium in the urine…” this means that the amount of calcium in the Recommended Daily Allowance may fluctuate for individuals based on the amount of animal protein they consume.

The current recommended dose for calcium is 800 to 1000 mg per day. Most Americans usually consume between 500 and 700 mg.

Unless a diet is high in foods that contain calcium, many Americans may find that supplementation is necessary to avoid the increased loss of bone and osteoporosis while taking advantage of the potential for weight loss.

However, it is also important to note that the production of bone does not rely exclusively on the amount of calcium in the body. Several other vitamins and minerals are necessary in order for the body to adequately manufacture bone.


Unfortunately, it may just be convenient to believe that increasing the amount of calcium in the diet will also increase the amount of weight that you can lose. Weight loss is always dependent on the foods eaten versus the amount of energy expended.

The number of calories burned by increasing the core temperature of the body through stored calcium may not be great enough to offset the potential risk for the development of kidney stones. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, April 2005, carried reports of research which contradicts the reported weight loss which other studies had shown.

The conclusion?

Before increasing the amount of calcium you take you should also establish the amount of your current intake of calcium as well as other vital vitamins and minerals.

At that point, working with the nutritionist, you can develop a specific diet that meets your  needs, the nutritional needs of your body and will help you to attain the goals you seek.

The current results of studies which link calcium and weight loss are not conclusive and much more research is required before a judgment can be drawn.

Yours in Health,


P.S. If you enjoyed this article, please share it with you friends! I welcome your comments below.

I just love the Easter holiday! A celebration of rebirth and new life that brings families together.


Yes, I eat that traditional pineapple glazed ham just like most people and I don't have one bit of guilt as I enjoy every single bite.

We can't forget about the gorgeously colored eggs that are a staple at any Easter get together and my family always has a plate of deviled eggs on the holiday table. I like to bring this more colorful and healthier version of them and believe me, no one ever misses the mayo.


I have shared this recipe with many of my friends over the years and I want to share it with you and your family today. Just like all of my recipes, this one is quick to whip up and full of not only flavor, but plenty of nutrients as well.






  • 6 hard boiled eggs
  • 2 ripe avocados
  • 1 tablespoon lime (or lemon) juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon plain greek yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon chopped cilantro (plus several leaves for garnish)
  • 1 serrano or 1/2 jalapeño chili pepper, minced (include the seeds for more heat, leave them out for less)
  • 1 tablespoon chopped chives or green onion



1. Carefully peel the hard boiled eggs and cut them half lengthwise. Place them on a serving platter. Scoop out the cooked yolks and set aside.

2. Cut the avocados in half. Remove the pit. Scoop out the avocado flesh and place in a bowl. Mash with a fork.

3. Use your fingers to break up one or two of the cooked egg yolks (2 to 4 halves) over the mashed avocado. (Reserve the remaining egg yolks for another use).

3. Sprinkle with lime juice and salt, and stir in the greek yogurt.

4. Stir in the chopped cilantro, serrano or jalapeño chili pepper, and chives.

5. Scoop a generous spoonful of the avocado mixture into each well of the hard boiled egg whites.

6. Top with a small sprig of fresh cilantro or some chopped chives.


Hope you enjoy the weekend no matter what you are celebrating!


Yours in Health,


P.S. I hope you will share this recipe with your friends and I always love reading your comments below.


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