Cannabidiol or CBD oil comes from the herb cannabis, yep, you probably know it as marijuana.
Although cannabidiol has many health uses, confusing information has led to controversies.
Mainly because CBD oil comes from marijuana. But hold the judgment, this goes beyond what those old after-school specials taught us.
What is CBD oil? Is it the same as marijuana?
CBD oils contain concentrated amounts of cannabidiol. It's one of the many compounds that come from the cannabis plant. Cannabis provides cannabinoids, a group of twenty-one carbon containing plant compounds.
Here are the two important ones:
- THC or delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (psychoactive)
- CBD or cannabidiol (Non-Psychoactive)
There are five other active ingredients too. Among them, THC and CBD have different effects on your body.
THC is famous for its psychedelic effects, and it's the most processed form. THC, when smoked or cooked into food can cause a mind-altering “high” feeling. But, CBD does not have such effects and has excellent medicinal value.
5 Health Benefits You get from CBD Oil
Research shows that CBD oil has therapeutic effects on specific health conditions.
Here are 5 research-based pieces of evidence on its benefits.
1. Lowers Stress
CBD oil is useful if you have trouble falling asleep due to stress and anxiety. A scientific review published in a medical journal revealed CBD's stress-lowering effect.
According to the report, Veterans showed lower stress and anxiety after taking CBD oil.
Stress literally impacts every cell in your body, anything healthy that you can do to get your stress under control is wise.
2. Pain Relief
Patients can get relief from chronic pain with CBD oil.
A Canadian study found that patients reported decreased pain and better sleep with cannabis. Patients who took cannabis after surgery/trauma showed better pain tolerance and lower pain intensity.
There are many all natural ways to fight pain.
3. Heart Health
Cannabinoids help blood vessels to relax and widen. A first human study found that cannabis is helpful in patients with heart conditions.
Because of its natural ability to lower blood pressure, CBD oil also improves blood circulation.
4. Protects Your Eyes
Cannabis helps lower eye pressure, a factor that causes glaucoma.
The American Glaucoma society says cannabis may be a natural alternative to glaucoma treatment.
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5. Helps Epileptic Patients
Research suggests that CBD has nerve protecting effects. According to researchers, this may help patients with epilepsy and neurological disorders.
Although the results are positive, further research helps.
How to use?
CBD is a potent oil, and small quantities are enough to improve certain conditions.
You can take CBD oil via an oral syringe or with another liquid to improve the flavor. CBD oil is also available in capsule form.
Just like using other herbs, it's important to check with your doctor before using cannabis. Always start with a small dose and later on increase it based on your doctor's advice.
Where to buy?
About twenty-five U.S. states allow CBD oil for medical purposes, and it's legal to use it in those states. In most cases, it's not possible to buy it online or in a store. You will usually need a medical note or proof of illness to buy it. Some states do sell it without one so check your local regulations.
As with any herbal supplement, you should use caution when buying CBD oil. Be sure you're buying only from a reputable company that sells lab tested products.
There are many strains of cannabis, and all are not the same. Take every effort to go through the legal and safe means of obtaining cannabis oil. Want more info? Here's an in-depth article I wrote last year.
Yours in health and happiness,
P.S. Please help me spread the word about this taboo oil that is helping many people by sharing this article. I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. Have you had success using CBD oil?