Stress comes from many directions. Work, relationships and bills are just a few! It’s one thing to be aware of your responsibilities and struggles. It’s another thing to let them take over your life.
Stress can affect your physical and mental health. The good news is that if you learn to handle it, you can be even more productive. If you're feeling out of control, just stop. Take a deep breath and regroup.
Managing stress is one of the most important skills you can master to improve the quality of your life.
TweetStart by identifying what's causing your stress, then look at what you're doing to deal with it. If you get rid of unhealthy coping mechanisms like smoking, drinking or eating junk food, you’ll feel better right away, but that’s just the start.
If you're ready to dive even deeper: I share in vulnerable detail how I overcame the stress of the death of my son, an ugly divorce and complete financial ruin in my book, The Rise.
For a limited time, I’m sharing Fit Rise 365,
my online membership program packed with hundreds
of healing recipes, workouts and meditations with
anyone who wants it free for the first 30 days.
Click here to join.
Top 9 Sure-Fire Stress Busters
1. Limit unnecessary stressors.
You can’t get away from your bills, but there are some things that make you feel worse that you can avoid. Stay away from people that make you feel bad about yourself. If the evening news upsets you, turn it off.
2. Don’t take on more than you can handle. 
Learn to say no when people ask you to do them favors or to sign up for committees. Do the same with your to-do list. If there are things on there that aren’t important, cross them off.
Most important of all, recognize what things are beyond your control. There’s no point in getting upset about things you can’t change. Instead, focus on how you react.
3. Practice gratitude.
One of the best ways to put stress in its place is to think about all the good things in your life. Keeping a gratitude journal has been proven to make people happier and reduce stress in their lives.
4. Get some exercise. 
Studies have shown that a rhythmic activity like dancing, running or swimming relieves stress best. When you work out, think about your body and your breathing. Force yourself not to think about what’s bothering you.
And even if you don’t have time to go to the gym, get up and get moving. Take your dog for a walk. Turn on some music and dance.
If you need to go shopping, park in the spot farthest from the entrance to force yourself to walk.
5. Spend time with people who are important to you.
When you're face-to-face with another human your body releases helpful hormones that relieve stress.
6. Take time to enjoy yourself.
Stop telling yourself about all the things you must do and choose to have fun instead. Find an activity that gives you joy, like painting, listening to music, or cooking.
7. Let yourself laugh or smile. 
If you can’t find anything funny in your immediate environment, watch a comedy on television. Laughing out loud helps.
8. Take up meditation.
Science has proven that mindful practices like yoga and deep breathing eliminate stress in the body.
9. Treat yourself.
Light a scented candle. Buy yourself flowers. Read a book or get a massage. These things will help you bring your life back into balance.
Want more ways to cope with stress? I go deep and share even more about how I overcame an enormous amount of stress when I was at my lowest point in my new book, The Rise. It's available for pre-order HERE.
For a limited time, I’m sharing Fit Rise 365,
my online membership program packed with hundreds
of healing recipes, workouts and meditations with
anyone who wants it free for the first 30 days.
Click here to join.
Yours in health and happiness,
P.S. Please share these tips with your friends who could use some stress relief and I'd love to hear from you in the comments below. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being most stressed), how stressed out do you feel most days?
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