With the current pandemic, people all over the world are adjusting to a new normal. Human life as we know it has been disrupted. Our inability to interact face-to-face with other people or predict what could happen next (and when) has left many us feeling stir crazy, out of control, and sometimes even hopeless.
Thankfully, humans are resilient. We’ve navigated some incredibly tough times in our history and we’ll do it again. But while we’re in our isolation and quarantine periods, waiting for this viral storm to pass, we can take steps to center ourselves and bring a sense of peace back into our lives.
Here are 3 things you can start doing TODAY to help you navigate these sensitive times.
#1 – Something for YOU
When faced with unfamiliar circumstances, it’s common to go into “fix-it” mode and take the world’s weight on your shoulders. But the first thing you need to do is take care of YOU.
Just like the “put your own oxygen mask on before putting on someone else’s” directive we’ve all heard when traveling on an airplane, it’s important you take care of your health and wellness first so you can function at your best and have a better chance of fighting off the virus if you’re exposed.
Eat well. Choose healthy, healing foods like greens, fruits, and veggies, and ditch processed foods and white sugars.
If you’re not already taking them, now is a great time to begin taking high-quality supplements like probiotics and turmeric to balance your gut microbe and keep your immunity up.
Get moving. Be sure to get some sort of exercise every day. Whether a full-body workout or a set of juicy stretches, keeping your cells awake and moving can help to keep you healthy.
#2 – Something for YOUR MIND
Between constant news briefings and social media chatter, it doesn’t take long for your mind to become consumed with worry and fear. But it’s important to remember how powerful our thoughts are and that staying positive helps raise our collective vibration.
Wrangle your mind. In uncertain times (and anytime you’re feeling stressed), turn to productive activities like meditating, writing in a gratitude journal, or reading inspiring or uplifting books. And since laughter is often the best medicine, tickle your funny bone with a slapstick movie or videos of baby goats in pajamas.
See also: 5 Fixes for Chronic Stress and Breathing Techniques for Relaxation
#3 – Something for SOMEONE ELSE
Once you’ve filled your own cup, you can spread love and good vibes by finding a safe way to connect with others.
Reach out. Call an older family member on the phone, FaceTime a friend, or send someone an e-greeting card or gift certificate they can use when it’s safe to go out.
Check on the sick and elderly from a safe distance and help them out however you can. Consider giving time, money, or supplies to food banks or shelters.
What Can I Do?
In the paragraphs above, I listed out 3 things YOU could do as we navigate this new normal.
But the outbreak has made the fire in my belly burn even brighter and I’ve asked myself… okay, what can I do to serve in this moment?
So I’m stepping even further into my mission of helping others through healing foods, healing movements, and a healing mindset and am now offering long-lasting and ultimate health by sharing my Fit Rise 365 membership program FREE for 30 days.
I want to serve as many people as possible, so this is open to any new member who wants it so we can all keep our bodies and minds healthy through hundreds of Fit Rise 365 recipes, workouts, and meditations. You’ll also get access to our private Facebook group so you can walk this journey with like-minded women from around the globe. (Men, you can join in too, and you get your own Facebook group!)
Our tribe is one of the most positive, loving, and supportive on the Internet and I’d love to welcome you in. We’re in this together. Let’s lock arms and get strong and healthy, starting TODAY!
Grab your FREE 30 days HERE.
P.S. You are absolutely free to share this blog post and the Fit Rise 365 offer with your friends and family members. Now, more than ever, this is our time to band together in love and good health.
This blog is not intended to treat, prevent, or diagnose illness.