If you love your mocha frappe from your favorite coffee shop, you will love this one even more. Instead of being loaded with sugars and unhealthy fats, this mint mocha frappe is is filled with anti-oxidants, healthy fats, and is loaded with energy. The best part of all, it tastes delicious and you can whip it up in less time than it takes to stand in line at the barista.
In short, this is a cool, creamy mocha frappe with hints of mint in each sip. Yum!
Mint Mocha Frappe Ingredients
- 1 cup ice
- ½ cup organic cold brew coffee
- ½ cup coconut milk
- 1 scoop Cacao Bliss
- ¼ teaspoon Maca powder
- 3-4 mint leaves
Mint Mocha Frappe Directions
Blend until desired consistency. Top with coconut whipped cream and a mint leaf. Enjoy!
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Yours in health and happiness,
P.S. Please share this with your mocha loving friends & leave a comment below and let me what you think.