Burnout is Now Listed in The International Classification of Diseases: Here’s How to Know if it’s Affecting You

Burnout — it’s a term we’ve all become far too comfortable and familiar with. From workplace burnout to burnout occurring from chronic emotional stress — it’s something we all need to be paying more attention to. 


We’re sharing all the info you need on what burnout is and some tips to creating better overall balance, to help reduce your risk of burnout in the first place.

What is Burnout?


First, let’s talk about what burnout is. Burnout can be described as a state of pure exhaustion from a mental, physical, and emotional level. 


Burnout is generally caused by times where you are under prolonged periods of stress where demand, after demand, is put on your plate, and you are left feeling completely depleted. 


Without intervention, this can quickly lead to a state of burnout with mental and physical health repercussions. 


Signs You May be Dealing With Burnout 


Wondering if burnout is affecting you? Here are some of the red flags to watch out for. 


  • You may feel emotionally numb. 
  • Negative feelings consume your day. 
  • You feel helpless. 
  • You’re pulling yourself away from those you love. 
  • You may notice yourself feeling more irritable with less patience than usual. 
  • You feel totally exhausted even after a solid night's sleep. 
  • Feelings of complete overwhelm burdens you on a daily basis. 
  • You lose interest in things that used to bring you joy. 
  • You’re experiencing lower productivity and motivation. 
  • Physical symptoms such as headache, low immunity, and a change in appetite or sleep routine may occur with burnout.


Burnout Now Listed in the International Classification of Diseases 


Burnout is a serious issue and can lead to both physical and mental health symptoms, and can significantly impact the quality of our lives. 


And, one of the most shocking things about burnout is that The World Health Organization has even included employee burnout in their International Classification of Diseases. 


That’s a huge deal and a good reason to finally look at how we are all managing our stress levels.


5 Hacks to Better Manage Stress


Knowing what we now know about burnout, let’s look at the bright side — we all have a choice as to how we respond to the stressors we are presented with, and sometimes, changing our view on this makes a huge difference in how we tackle everything that comes our way. 


Here are five of my favorite ways to keep stress in check, even during those super busy and chaotic seasons of life. 


#1 Connect With Nature Daily 


Getting outside in nature is good for the mind, body, and soul. Plus, soaking up some vitamin D can do wonders for our overall mood. And, vitamin D has been shown to improve symptoms of fatigue, something so many with burnout deal with. 


So, get outside daily! It will do your mind and your body some good. 


#2 Cut Out the Negative 


With burnout often comes negative thinking, and inviting negative people into your life is only going to make things much worse.  


Try to limit how much negative you bring in, whether that be in relationships or watching too much negativity on TV. Whatever it is, try to keep things as upbeat as possible, especially when you are feeling depleted. 


#3 Set Boundaries 


Speaking of negativity, now’s the time to get serious about setting boundaries! It’s ok to say no — saying no does not make you a bad person. You are allowed to pass on the things that do not serve you at this time. 


Don’t be afraid to really get serious about your boundaries right now to protect your wellbeing. 


#4 Get Social 


Whether it’s workplace burnout or you’re feeling drained from everything going on in your day to day life, connection is a powerful thing! Try to get social with your coworkers, reach out to those you love, and pencil in some time for some lunch dates with friends. Connection can go a long way when you are feeling burnt out. 


#5 Establish a Work-Life Balance


Since workplace burnout has become such a widespread issue, establishing a better work-life balance may really prove to be beneficial here. As best as you can, try to leave your work at the office and allow space for downtime at home. 

Work from home? Try to set working hours and allow for time where you disconnect from your phone and emails — that 11 PM email can most likely wait until the next morning. 


Don’t Let Burnout Affect Your Quality of Life 


As we know, we are seeing cases of burnout left and right. But, now that we are so aware of how it affects us, that means we can spot the red flags and do something about it. 


So, I invite you to evaluate where your stress levels are at. Are you dealing with prolonged emotional stress or feeling totally overwhelmed at work? 


See where you stand and use these hacks to create a better balance.



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