Losing weight is pretty straightforward. Eat healthier and move more. That pretty much sums it up. However, putting these concepts into practice can be difficult.
Eating healthy and getting used to a clean diet can be tough if you are accustomed to eating common comfort foods. Exercising can be fun but many people see it is a chore that they’d rather avoid. So, it does require discipline to lose weight.
However, there are some people who are willing to put in the effort and exercise and watch what they eat. Yet, they fail to see results. The reason for this is that even if the concept is simple, there are many little nuances in the concept that need to be followed to maximize weight loss and see quicker results.
• Many people get on treadmills in the gym that have a cool feature to measure how many calories they burn. Then they obsess over the number of calories burned. This is unnecessary. All you need to do is work out as hard as you can within the allotted time you have given yourself. That’s it. Forget the calories burned.
Most machines aren’t accurate anyway. Just aim to pant and gasp for air. Keep a record of your training session and aim to beat this record the next time around. Always aim to beat your personal best.
• Lift heavier weights. Aim for a rep range of 8 to 12. Stop listening to the magazines that ask you to do 50 reps of some light weight to build tone. Stick with the heavier weight. Work done is equal to force multiplied by distance moved. More weights means more work done which equates to more calories burned.
• Have a training plan and follow it. Most people have no real plan when they go to the gym. They just wing it and do whatever they think might be beneficial. That’s like sailing out to sea without a destination. Your ship will float but it’s not going to end up anywhere.
• You need a gym to lose weight. Really? No! Your body doesn’t care where you train. People have lost weight just running on the streets, doing yoga at home and body weight exercises at playgrounds.
There are many videos of lean, fit ladies who work out at playgrounds because they can’t afford a gym membership. So, if you don’t want to get a gym membership, that’s ok. Just exercise elsewhere. A good option for many is my online personal training site that allows you to workout in the comfort of your own home with a professional instructor.
• Trying to spot reduce. Sit-ups will not make your tummy slim. Push-ups will not make you lose flab on your arms if that’s all you do. Fat loss involves cardio and full-body resistance training. You need to do high intensity cardio and resistance training.
You will burn fat all over your body and finally reach the most stubborn fat cells. You can't target a particular spot and try and lose fat there.
These are just some of the mistakes people make. There are many more. But for now, make sure you’re not guilty of any of these mistakes. If you are, stop and reassess your situation and get on the right track and you will burn off all those stubborn pounds.
Yours In Health,