If you are like most women over 35, you probably have 15 – 20 lbs (or more) you'd like to lose, but can't seem to get past the fact that you're going to have to change the way you eat.
Congratulations! you are normal 🙂
Voluntarily giving up fatty foods that once were a staple of your diet is a major decision that most people are not willing or able to make. Something you may not realize is that you don’t have to sacrifice good flavor to the god of weight loss.
* Oatmeal is a wonderful food for breakfasts. It is high in fiber, low in calories, and is very filling. You can put a variety of flavorings on the oatmeal from butter to honey, as long as it is in moderation. Overdoing anything will be bad for you. Just make sure you buy slow cooked oatmeal and NOT the instant variety.
* Leafy greens are a wonderful source of fiber and other essential nutrients that help you shed unwanted pounds. However, stay away from iceberg lettuce, though, as it has almost NO nutritional value. Green leaf, red leaf, and romaine lettuce are good options as well as spinach, kale and Swiss chard for iron sources.
* You don't have to give up many of your favorite foods if you cook them using olive oil or natural nut oils and reduce your portion sizes. Using non saturated fats can help reduce cravings for other fatty foods, as well as adding a different flavor to an already favorite dish. Studies have also shown that coconut oil has numerous benefits – one being that it reduces belly fat.
* Fish provides essential Omega-3 fatty acids. These acids promote superior brain development and mood stabilization, in addition to providing your body with healthy fats…that allow it to discard your stubborn body fat.
* Beans provide lots of fiber, protein, and help to stabilize blood sugar levels. Many vegetarians use beans as a replacement for meat. You can even mix beans and lean ground beef to make heart healthy and fat conscious taco or burrito filling.
Mixing these healthy foods with moderate amounts of your favorites will give you a healthy and enjoyable diet that yields results.
You can even go a step further and use natural flavorings and spices to add zest to your food instead of pre packaged seasoning.
Take a look at your favorite taco seasoning, for instance, and read the list of ingredients. Most of what is there that is unpronounceable or doesn’t grow on its own is mainly there as a preservative.
If you just use the spices that are in it, you can make it better and healthier. The extra effort may even make cooking enjoyable as you craft and perfect your recipes.
Fact is, eating healthy and nutritious foods doesn't have to be hard.
Simply by spicing up your “diet power foods”, with all natural spices, and reducing your portion sizes of your favorite foods you will start to see just how easy and delicious healthy eating can be.
The bottom line is you don't have to deprive yourself…and you can and SHOULD absolutely eat yummy foods every day. You just need to know what, when and how much to eat so you can get that lean and sexy you desire.
In fact, I removed all the guesswork for you in my new book Bikini Body Recipes. You'll discover over 150 of my favorite fat-burning breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack recipes you can whip up in no time on the next page…
Yours in Health,
P.S. Please share this with your family and friends and I welcome your comments below.