Time To Say Goodbye: These 4 Foods Cause Inflammation In The Body

“Inflammation” is a term you’ve probably heard a lot of lately as many of us are becoming more aware of how harmful inflammation in the body can be.

(Hint: Inflammation can cause a bunch of problems and even turn into body fat, which, I think we can all agree, definitely takes away from your health and fitness goals!) 

The hard truth is, you may be unknowingly contributing to inflammation through some of the foods you eat.

In this short video, I serve it up real about what exactly inflammation in the body can do to you, and then I share the top 4 foods to avoid in order to keep inflammation — and its ill-effects — at bay.

Click below to watch and be sure to share this with your friends so they can become more mindful of the foods they’re consuming too.

Also, at the end of the video, I share with you a way you can reprogram your eating habits and fuel your body with healing foods and ingredients. If you’d like to learn more about my 7 Day Jumpstart program, CLICK HERE.


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