I think almost all of us have tried a Fad diet at some point. Fad diets come and go, each promising miracles.
The result is always the same, they leave us feeling used an abused after new scientific evidence emerges disproving those fad diets.
The last 30 years of the “fat-free” craze is a good example.
As it turns out, fat doesn’t make us fat, but the highly processed carbs with which we replaced the fats sure did! As a result, obesity, heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s (just to mention a few diseases) have risen at epidemic rates.
While it can be tricky navigating all the research out there on what’s healthy and what’s not, one word of wisdom consistently rises to the surface and seems to satisfy “common sense.”
Nearly everyone agrees: we need to stop eating fast and processed foods and simply eat whole foods: fruits, vegetables, meats, nuts, seeds, whole grains, etc.
But some reading this no doubt tripped over “whole grains.” And once again, we find ourselves in the middle of a fad diet—this one gluten-free.
Many people are of the opinion that eating gluten-free is simply healthier. But they fail to recognize that many of the gluten-free alternatives are packed with sugar and fat.
Furthermore, a g-free diet may lack the vitamins, minerals and fiber we need.
As few as 1% of Americans actually suffer from celiac disease and a few other percent are “sensitive to gluten” and “may feel better on a diet with less gluten.”
And yet, the gluten-free market is exploding as more and more people become convinced that they are gluten intolerant.
There are a variety of theories circulating as to why gluten sensitivity is on the rise:
The way we bake bread today is different. The old-world process of lacto- fermentation yields “gluten-free” bread. With lacto-fermentation bread tested only 12 parts of gluten per million, while modern baking methods using the same wheat produced bread with 75,000 ppm!
Technically the wheat grown in the US has not been genetically modified, but super hybridization and chemical and radiological mutation has occurred.
The fat-free craze drove us to eat too many carbs, many of which are grains. One doctor refers to our modern-day wheat as “Frankenwheat.” He explains that two slices of white or whole wheat bread will raise your blood sugar more than two tablespoons of refined sugar! The super-gluten in modern breads can also cause inflammation, heart disease, obesity, diabetes and cancer.
The answer to this gluten dilemma and our need for whole grains may be beautifully met by an ancient grain called farro.
Farro is actually a classification of ancient grains including: einkorn, emmer and spelt.
Italians have enjoyed farro for centuries and caches of farro have been found in Egyptian tombs, so it’s been around for a long time! In Italy, they use farro in soups, breads, pasta, as a side dish and it also makes a great hot cereal.
With its rich, full-bodied, nutty flavor farro packs twice the protein and fiber of modern wheat. Farro also performs better than wheat in vitamins, antioxidants, essential fatty acids, phosphorous, potassium, pyridoxine, and beta-carotene.
Farro is also high in iron and other minerals including magnesium.
While farro does contain gluten, it’s found in lower amounts and is easier to digest than modern wheat.
All of this qualifies farro as a superfood.
The compounds in farro have been linked with boosting the immune system, moderating blood sugar levels, and keeping energy levels strong.
In addition to the three types of farro, you can purchase each of the varieties in three forms
♦ Whole farro, in which all the bran and nutrients are left intact. (Requires soaking overnight)
♦ Semi-pearled farro, in which part of the bran has been removed.
♦ Pearled farro, in which all of the bran (fiber) has been removed.
For many people, farro offers a delicious and wholesome way to get the health benefits of a whole grain without compromising other health concerns. You can purchase farro at natural health food stores and online.
Yours in Health,
P.S. I hope you will share this information with your friends and I always look forward to reading your comments below.