The Health Hazards of High Insulin Levels

It's hard to believe but ONE THIRD of Americans are walking around right now with elevated blood sugar.

Higher than normal blood sugar is a sign of prediabetes, metabolic syndrome and diabetes.

We always hear about the harmful effects of high blood sugar, but  for some reason we never talk about high levels of insulin. Our rigorous pursuit of a low-fat diet over the past 30 years has swung the pendulum to a diet high in carbohydrates.

This has literally overwhelmed our bodies with sugar. Our pancreas manufactures more insulin to handle the high amounts of sugar and our bloodstream becomes gorged with insulin.

Plain and simple—our lifestyle choices are killing us!

Below are 10 ways that high insulin levels harm us.

A high level of insulin in the bloodstream:

1. Makes cells insulin resistant. The pancreas pumps more insulin into the bloodstream to counter the high levels of blood sugar. Dr. Ron Rosedale, MD, explains, “Cells become insulin resistant because they are trying to protect themselves from the toxic effects of high insulin.”

2. Damages the heart. High levels of insulin cause the body to retain sodium. Consequently, we retain fluid and develop high blood pressure, all of which are very hard on the heart.

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3. Contributes to the risk of many life-threatening diseases. Dr. Rosedale clarifies, “The way to treat virtually all of the so-called chronic diseases of aging is to treat insulin itself.” Not the least of these is type 2 diabetes.

4. Causes the body to store fat. When our cells become insulin resistant, they can’t burn sugar. This further elevates blood sugar. With high levels of insulin, people become more and more insulin resistant and because their cells can’t process sugar it’s converted to fat and they put on weight.

5. Plays havoc with the sex hormones. Insulin helps regulate the sex hormones. So when insulin is out of whack, so are they, as well as nearly every other hormone in the body.

6. Fills the arteries with plaque. High levels of insulin cause the blood to clot too freely. Fatty deposits then form in the arteries, filling the body with plaque.

7. Increases the risk of prostate cancer. Research conducted by the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, MD, found that elevated insulin levels were associated with a higher risk for prostate cancer.


8. Raises the risk of breast cancer. Researchers from Albert Einstein College of Medicine have also linked high levels of insulin with increased risk of breast cancer.

9. Causes unpleasant side effect in young women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Women with PCOS often display high levels of insulin that can result in thickening and darkening of the skin on the back of the neck, under the arms, and in the groin area. In young women with PCOS, high insulin levels can also cause the ovaries to make more of the male hormones resulting in increased body hair, acne, and fewer or irregular periods.

10. Prevents the body from storing magnesium. Magnesium is an essential mineral to proper body function. When cells become insulin resistant they can’t store magnesium and it is flushed from the body through urination.

You’re probably asking yourself, “How can I lower or maintain a healthy level of insulin in my bloodstream?”


You can do this in two primary ways:

Eat fewer carbs, avoiding processed foods and sugar. The carbohydrates you eat should have fiber in them to minimize spikes in blood sugar. Carbs with high fiber include: most fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

Exercise regularly. Regular exercise lowers blood sugar and insulin levels.

Make some simple lifestyle changes today to avoid the dangers of high levels of insulin!

Your in Health,


P.S. Please share this important information with your friends and I welcome your comments below.