The MOST Important Mineral In Your Body

A lot of people don't realize it but Magnesium is the most important mineral in your body.

It's directly involved in over 300 metabolic processes. Every single cell in the body needs magnesium to function properly.

This mineral is essential for the health of our heart, muscles, joints and teeth. And even though it plays such a vital role in the human body, as many as 80% of us are deficient in magnesium.

How Deficient Are You?

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Any one of the symptoms below could be due to magnesium deficiency:

♦ Calcium deficiency  ♦Heart problems  ♦Weakness

♦Muscle cramps ♦Tremors  ♦Nausea

♦Anxiety  ♦High blood pressure  ♦Type 2 diabetes

♦Respiratory issues ♦Dizziness ♦Fatigue

♦Potassium deficiency ♦Difficulty swallowing ♦Poor memory

♦Confusion ♦Insomnia ♦Irritability

♦Headaches & migraines ♦Body odor ♦Constipation

♦Poor dental health ♦Kidney stones ♦Gut disorders

♦Abnormal heart rhythm ♦Low energy ♦Hormonal imbalances

Why so many of us are lacking this mineral

A number of issues team up to cause this widespread mineral deficiency:

  • Modern farming methods have depleted magnesium from the soil.
  • We filter the minerals out of our drinking water.
  • Processed foods lack magnesium (as well as other important minerals and nutrients).
  • Calcium supplementation depletes magnesium from the body, because we need magnesium to process calcium.
  • Insulin is required by the cells to process magnesium. But when the cells become insulin resistant they cannot take up the magnesium and it is passed as waste.
  • Nearly all prescription drugs deplete magnesium from the body.
  • High consumption of caffeine, alcohol and sugar deplete magnesium.
  • Stress and lack of sleep lower our magnesium levels.

How to get the magnesium we need

We most easily absorb magnesium through the foods we eat. But due to the above reasons, our food and water today contain only about 40% of the magnesium that they did 100 years ago.

As a result, we need to supplement with magnesium. The problem is that in pill or powder form, our bodies absorb very little of this precious mineral.


As the magnesium supplement passes through the digestive system, most of it will be eliminated, never reaching the bloodstream. The solution to this dilemma is to apply magnesium topically in the form of magnesium oil.

“Magnesium oil” is a misnomer because it actually contains no oil, but simply consists of magnesium chloride and water. But it feels somewhat oily, hence the name.

You can apply magnesium oil:

  • By massaging it directly onto the skin
  • As a spray onto your skin
  • In a bath or foot bath (Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate and are commonly used in this way.)
  • As a nebulizer for the lungs

The amount of magnesium your body absorbs will depend on the concentration of the magnesium oil, the surface area to which you apply it, and how long you allow it to absorb.


Magnesium oil is readily available in drug stores. Or you can make your own by mixing magnesium chloride flakes with distilled water in a one-to-one ratio.

Supplementing with magnesium can improve sleep, eliminate muscle cramps and twitches, relieve stress, stabilize heart rate and arrhythmia, lower cholesterol and blood sugar, improve mood and help with many other ailments.

Why not treat yourself to a good soak or use one of the other methods above so that you can start feeling the benefits right away!

Yours In Health,


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