You probably don't think about the hue of your urine very often, let alone discuss it but you might be surprised to find out how much it can tell you about your state of health – and, even your waistline.
Have you happened to notice its color lately?
While its hue can fluctuate depending on what you’re eating and drinking, the time of day and what supplements you may or may not be taking, in general, it should be clear to pale yellow, not dark yellow or gold.
While it may not be the most pleasant thing you’ll do all day, the next time you have to go, be sure and sneak a peek.
If your urine is dark yellow, while it’s likely still within a normal range, it indicates that you may not be properly hydrated. The darker it is, the more likely you’re becoming dehydrated.
Keep in mind that if you’re taking vitamins, it could result in fluorescent yellow colored urine, which means that those vitamins are not all being absorbed by your body.
Ideally, you should rely on a diverse, nutritious diet that includes plenty of whole foods, and only take whole food supplements your body can absorb.
So what does all this have to do with your waistline?
You already know that your body needs water to maintain optimal health – it makes up more than two- thirds of a healthy human body, lubricating joints and eyes, eliminating waste and toxins aiding digestion, keeping the complexion clear and healthy, and much more.
If you’re consistently becoming dehydrated it not only negatively affects numerous body functions, it also affects your efforts to maintain an ideal weight, or lose weight.
That’s because when the cells are dehydrated, they become depleted of energy. In turn, that sends a signal to the brain that most people confuse with hunger signals. Which means, while our body is crying out for water, we turn to food instead.
And, of course, unnecessary eating can lead to weight gain.
One recent study exemplified just how this works. Researchers found that by drinking 16 ounces of water before a meal, study participants ate less without even trying.
In fact, they also lost about nine more pounds over the course of 12 weeks than those who didn’t drink that amount of water before every meal.
Staying hydrated not only ensures that your body is functioning properly, but it helps fill you up and increases satiety, meaning you’ll feel fuller quicker.
That can help you make better decisions about what you eat, leading to a slimmer waistline.
If you aren’t convinced, try this test.
The next time you feel unexplainably hungry, say just an hour or so after eating a meal, trying drinking a glass of water or sipping a cup of herbal tea. Wait 10 minutes or so and see if that feeling passes.
While your goal should be to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day (herbal tea also counts), if you’re like most people who face a long list of responsibilities each day, it can be easy to lose track.
Keeping an eye on the color of your urine is a great way to ensure that you don’t allow yourself to become dehydrated, damaging your weight loss efforts and potentially your health.
Yours in Health,
P.S. I hope you will share this information with your loved ones and I always look forward to reading your comments below.