Simple Homemade Almond Milk

As promised, here's how I make my own almond milk at home.

It's so easy! You just need a blender or food processor and something to strain the almond mixture. I like to use cheese cloth but you can also use a clean kitchen towel.

Also, don't skip the first step thinking you'll save time. Soaking the almonds is key. This is an important step as it breaks down the phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors and cultures beneficial enzymes in the almonds.


homemade almond milk



So, that's it. So simple and delicious. If you like it a little sweeter, you can add some fresh vanilla beans or a little honey.

I like to save the pulp after I strain the almond mixture. I dehydrate it in my oven (lowest temp. in oven on a cookie sheet) and run it through the blender again to make my own almond flour.


Yours in Health,


P.S. Let me know how you like the almond milk in the comments below, I love hearing from all of you!

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