8 Ways Coconut Water Makes Your Body Happy

Archives for May 2016

Ever put coconut water in your smoothies? Or chug coconut water after a tough workout?

If so, you know it’s a delicious way to quench your thirst.

But did you know that it’s also one of the healthiest drinks around? Check this out, coconut water:

  • is heart healthy
  • reduces blood pressure
  • helps you lose weight
  • fights diabetes


Here are 8 more reasons you should sip some coconut water today.

1. It’s nutritious.

You may think it’s a nut, but the coconut is actually a fruit. The liquid that forms inside when it’s young turns into delicious white meat and one cup of coconut water is loaded with nutrients. They’re high in potassium, manganese, magnesium and vitamin C.

2. It tastes rich and has 2 grams of protein.

This helps fight hunger pangs and keep you feeling full longer.

3. It really quenches thirst.

Its high levels of electrolytes help you recover after exercise faster than water. Coconut water boasts more than double the electrolytes of traditional sports drinks with only half of the carbs.

4. It’s high in fiber.

One cup has three grams of fiber, and that helps digestion and fights acid reflux.

5. It's gives you antioxidants.

In one study, rats with liver damage were given coconut water and got better. They had less oxidative stress. Coconut water could very well have a similar impact for stress or injury in humans.

6. It fights diabetes.

It’s been shown to lower blood sugar levels in animals. If you're on a special meal plan for diabetes, then coconut water’s a great addition.

It has 3 grams of fiber and 6 grams of digestible carbs. Plus, it's rich in magnesium, which can improve insulin sensitivity.

7. Studies on coconut water are promising.

It's been used to successfully lower cholesterol, triglycerides, and liver fat in lab animals. Pretty impressive!

8. You need the potassium.

One cup of coconut water has 600 milligrams of potassium. That's 1/3 more potassium than a banana (less sugar too).

Potassium can help lower blood pressure and reduce anxiety and stress.

So Where Can I Get Some Coconut Water?

If you’re living in a tropical paradise, having a cup of coconut water is easy. You can just pick a young coconut off of the closest tree and stick a straw through its green shell.

If you live anywhere else, it's as easy as grabbing some from your local supermarket.

Coconut water is sold in easy-to-store cartons that should be kept in the fridge after you open them.

Just be careful – a lot of coconut water companies add sugar and flavoring. These won't do your body any favors. Steer clear.

Coconut water is easy to add to your diet. You can drink it plain or add it to a smoothie. Or try this Coconut and Chia Cooler recipe.

It’s loaded with Omega-3 antioxidants and potassium, and is the perfect cooling drink for when you’ve finished a work out!

Coconut and Chia Cooler


cup coconut water

2 tablespoons fresh squeezed pineapple juice

1 tablespoon chia seeds


Briefly blend all ingredients in a blender or shake well in a closed container and let sit for 15 minutes. (Give those chia seeds time to expand.)

Yours in health,


P.S. Please share this info. with your friends and I love reading your comments below!

 Ginger is one of my all time favorite spices. I add it to everything! I put it in my smoothies, soups, stir fry and teas (I'll share my recipe later).

It has a long history of use as a remedy for digestive issues as it soothes and relaxes the intestines.

Ginger adds zest to any recipe and it's super good for your health.

It's one of the safest remedies to end nausea and vomiting. It's so safe that it's often recommended for pregnant women to help with morning sickness.

Here are 10 stellar health benefits you'll get from ginger.

1. Anti-inflammatory & reduces pain

Ginger fights inflammation. It's good for problems like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

2. Anti-cancer

Gingerols are the components in ginger that fight cancer cells. It gives its unique pungent flavor. Gingerols prevent the growth of and kill cancer cells.

3. Detoxifies & protects liver

Ginger, protects the liver from toxins like ethanol and carbon tetrachloride. If you take prescription or over the counter drugs, you definitely want to add Ginger to your diet.

4. Helps with weight loss

Ginger generates heat in the body and increases the metabolic rate.

It's a useful component of a weight loss plan as it helps suppress appetite.

5. Improves digestion

Ginger is a carminative, meaning it eases gas and is used to treat digestive issues. It stimulates the secretion of digestive juices, bile, pancreatic and intestinal juices.

6. Antioxidants

The majority of the ginger extracts are polyphenolic compounds which are strong antioxidants.

7. Immune booster

Gingerols and shagols in ginger help boost the body's immune defense. They increase the number of  T- lymphocytes and other immune cells to fight cold and flu virus.

8. Heart health

Ginger extracts lower bad cholesterol levels and slow plaque formation.

9. Improves circulation

It is a stimulating spice that helps blood circulation. The warm sensation that happens after drinking ginger tea is proof. The warmness generated inside opens the pores of your skin and allows you to sweat. This improves the blood flow to the entire body.

10. Helps blood pressure

Ginger opens up the blood vessels carrying blood to the heart and the rest of the organs. This eases the need for high pressure to pump the blood to various organs.

How to Use Fresh Ginger

Fresh ginger is better than dried ginger powder because it is more flavorful. Fresh has more active anti-inflammatory agents than the dried form. Choose fresh, mold-free pieces of ginger.

The color of the ginger flesh is red, white or yellow, depending on the plant variety. Yet, varieties have a tan brown outer skin.

The thickness varies depending on how early it was harvested.

4 Ideas To Get More Ginger 

  • Grate ginger on rice and pasta dishes to improve digestibility.
  • Use fresh cut ginger pieces in green smoothie for an anti-inflammatory boost.
  • Use ginger paste in preparing rice risotto dishes, and vegetables cooked in coconut milk.
  • Ginger is available in other forms – dried, pickled, candied, crystallized, powdered or ground.

My favorite way to enjoy ginger is as a tea, a perfect drink to soothe and heal!

ginger tea

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this with your friends and I want to hear from you in the comments below. Do you love the taste of Ginger too?

You’ve learned so much about eating right that you probably feel confident when you go out to eat.

But are you sure you’re making healthy choices?

Turns out, a lot of menu items that people think are healthy really aren’t.

These 5 foods may sound good, but stay away from them when you’re dining out.

1. Spinach Wraps

What could be bad about a wrap made of spinach? As it turns out, a lot!

As much as we all love the green stuff, you won’t find much of it in that green wrap. It’s mostly made of enriched white flour and green food coloring.

You’re much better off choosing a salad with the same ingredients as you planned to have inside the wrap. Remember to ask for the dressing on the side.

2. Artichoke-Spinach Dip

When you’re trying to choose an appetizer, it’s easy to be fooled by one that’s full of vegetables. Unfortunately, this one is also full of unhealthy fats and salt.

If you really want to dip, order hummus with raw veggies. It’s loaded with nutrients.

3. Fast Food Salads

We know, when you pass up the burger and opt for the salad, you feel like you’re doing the right thing. But read the label and you’ll find that the croutons and toppings add up to lots of fat.

Want an unbelievable example?

McDonalds just introduced a kale salad in Canada that has more fat than a Big Mac!

If you’re in a rush, opt for chili at Wendy’s with a side salad. This is a protein rich and low fat option. Again, I would only consider this in a serious pinch. I usually keep some fresh snacks or protein bars on hand for emergencies but life happens.

4. Veggie Burgers

It’s natural to think that a veggie burger is going to be a healthier choice than a regular burger, but it may not be. Though they’re made of vegetables, they also have fillers binding them, as well as oil.

The fat and salt content on most veggie burgers is high, so if you’re not a vegetarian, ask for a turkey burger or grilled chicken instead.

If you are vegetarian, ask them to use pan spray instead of oil or butter to cook it up.

5. Sushi

Though sushi rolls feel healthy, a lot of them contain sauces or fried ingredients, and sushi rice is loaded with sugar.

When going out for sushi, skip the rolls and order sashimi instead. It’s an excellent source of protein and Omega-3 fatty acids.

3 Quick Tips For Dining Out  

  • Do your homework before you go. Most restaurants have their menus online. Take a peek before you go so that you can make smart choices.
  • Exercise portion control, even if the restaurant doesn’t. You can cut the meal in half before you start eating and ask for a carry-out container to put it in.
  • Stick to grilled chicken, lean meat or vegetables and ask that the kitchen not use sauces or butters.
  • Enjoy your food. Eat slowly and don't feel guilty if your meal isn't 100% what you strive for.

Strive for a balance of 50% vegetables, 25% healthy fats and 25% protein, and you’ll be on the right track.

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this info with your friends who like to dine out. I welcome your comments below. How often do you dine at a restaurant?

Struggling to get your 8-10 glasses of water in each day?

If so, you may think the easy solution to reach that goal is to simply add in some flavored water drops.

These drops come in a variety of flavors – peach, iced tea, coconut, berry, lemon-lime and best of all, are often touted as a weight loss aid. Fact is, it's more like drinking adult kool-aid.

But are these really helpful?

Before you squeeze those drops into your next bottle of water, there are a few things that you should consider.

I had been searching for healthy water drops but kept running into the same problems. After a lot of label reading, I finally found one I like. I'll share that with you in a minute.

4 Problems With Most Flavored Water Drops

1. Sugar-Free? not usually

You may think these are completely sugar free, but take note that not all are. Be careful about which you are buying as often, they do contain sugar and will drive your blood glucose levels up.

This can then create a rush of insulin into your system, setting you up for weight gain and even  diabetes down the road.

2. Safe And Healthy? not always

You'd think these are safe and healthy. After all, what harm could a few drops do?


Take a look at the ingredients in that bottle. Chances are, you can’t pronounce half of them (that's never a good sign!).

These flavor drops are often loaded with artificial dyes not to mention chemicals to make them taste better.

You’re basically putting a foreign substance in your body that isn't designed to be processed by your digestive tract.

That can’t be healthy.

3. Artificial Sweetener Overload? you betcha

So you’ve found one that’s made without sugar. You figure you’re home-free. Not so fast. The problem still remains that these flavor drops will then likely contain artificial sweeteners.

This can come with a lot of problems.

This includes causing headaches, joint pain, foggy brain, lack of focus, fatigue, stomach upset, and many more – just to name a few.

Artificial sweeteners are something that you should aim to avoid. They just aren’t an ideal option for someone who wants to live healthfully.

4. The Jolt Of Energy You Get? straight caffeine

Some of these flavor drops also claim that they provide fast energy when you need it. But, how are they providing this energy?

Often, it’s with a good hit of caffeine. Caffeine, used at the right times and in moderation can help produce more energy.

The fact is that too much caffeine (especially if you’re squeezing it into nearly every glass of water you drink!) will just wear your system down and make you feel worse than you felt before.

Caffeine is powerful so don’t over-estimate it. Use the drops too often and they'll have the opposite effect on your body, causing you to be more fatigued than ever before.

So don’t be too sure about the flavored water drops and read the labels carefully!

So far, I've only found one all-natural solution that I like.

I recently tried Pure Inventions (check out their site, I love the Pomegranate + Acai Berry) and loved them!

They make healthy water drops (with antioxidants) that are free from sugar, caffeine, artificial sweeteners, chemicals and dyes. I feel good about using these and I love the flavors!

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this with your flavored water loving friends and I love to read your comments below.

I tried taking charcoal for the first time and I'm not talking about the charcoal you use on your BBQ either. Activated charcoal is much different.

It's often overlooked but activated charcoal can go a long way towards helping you feel your best. If you’ve never tried charcoal, you might want to after you read this.

How does it work?

Charcoal works in the body by trapping toxins and chemicals in your system. It binds them to its surface and then flushes them out.

Think of it as a detox tool that removes toxic substances and fast.  That's why it's often used for poisoning or potential drug overdoses.

Charcoal offers a few other benefits that may surprise you too!

4 Perks You Get From Activated Charcoal

1. Teeth Whitening 

It's crazy to think this black chalky stuff could whiten teeth but it does! Putting charcoal on your teeth can do wonders for whitening.

Charcoal helps to remove stains from coffee, tea, wine and even berries. All this, while promoting healthier teeth and gums.

Simply wet a toothbrush and then dip it into powdered activated charcoal. Brush your teeth as normal, making sure that you're putting extra attention around those areas that are stained. Swish with some water and then spit out.

You’ll have pearly whites in no time.

Keep in mind if you have crowns or porcelain veneers, check with your dentist first as the charcoal could stain certain kinds of dental work.

2. Minimizes Gas/Bloating 

Feeling a little bloated or gassy after your last meal? That’s nothing that some charcoal can’t fix. Activated charcoal can help to trap the gas that your body is making and remove it from your system.


To put this to use, take 500 mg of charcoal one hour before eating with a large glass of water. Drink a second glass of water after you eat.

3. Improved Digestion

Charcoal is also excellent for aiding digestion. This leads to more fat loss as well.

Activated charcoal can remove any toxins in your digestive track that are:

  • causing you to have low energy
  • slowing down brain function
  • stopping your body from absorbing nutrients.

By adding charcoal to your day every so often, you’ll keep your digestive track in good working order. That means you get more from all the foods you eat, resulting in:

  • less hunger
  • better nutrient use
  • more weight loss

3. Lower Cholesterol Levels

Charcoal may help bring your cholesterol numbers to a safe and healthy range.

Some studies showed that charcoal can help to lower bad cholesterol by as much as 41% and bring up good cholesterol by up to 8%. That compares to prescription drugs.

It’s important to talk to your doctor before using charcoal because it can react with some medications.

You may have never thought of using charcoal to improve health, but it could give you just the boost you need. I know I liked it!

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this info. and I want to hear from you in the comments below. Have you tried activated charcoal? Would you?

Isn't the smell of fresh strawberries intoxicating?!

I know strawberry season is in full swing in many parts of the US and that means one thing will be tempting a lot of you this month….strawberry shortcake.

Strawberries are a very sugary fruit and adding a heavy, sugared short cake doesn't do the waistline any favors. It's called shortcake because it's traditionally made with shortening but this recipe uses a healthier fat and eliminates white sugar. It's gluten free too!

This is a real treat and a great tasting version of the classic. You'll want to enjoy this one in moderation if you are on a weight loss journey. It's a perfect clean dessert to celebrate a special occasion!

Strawberry Shortcake Recipe

Danette May Clean Strawberry Shortcake


For even more health benefits, find a local strawberry picking farm and harvest your own ingredients. It's a great activity for toning your legs and glutes.

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this with your strawberry loving friends and leave me a comment below. Will you try this recipe?

Mother's Day is such a special day for ALL women to honor the nurturing side of their soul. I wanted to bring you along on some of the special adventures I shared with my family this year in Bali.

We set out with no real plan and found our way to some unique Balinese hideaways. Watch to see how I ended up with a black tongue for Mother's Day!

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this and leave me a comment below. I love reading your comments! Have you been to Bali?

Always something new and fun to be seen here in Bali!

Today I'm at The Tugu Hotel and it's much more than just a hotel. Wait until you see all these cool artifacts the owner has installed everywhere!

I have a Hot Abs workout coming at you after we get inspired by a tour of this unique hotel. Stick around and heat up those abs with me!

Yours in Health,


P.S. Please share this with your friends and I welcome your comments below. Have you visited Bali too?

Vegetarians get asked all the time, ”where do you get your protein from?”

A lot of people think that they can only get enough protein if they eat meat. The truth is plants can be a GREAT source of protein and are ideal if you want to lose weight.

You may think it's complicated to combine proteins from different foods to make the protein complete. This was a concern back in the 80's and 90's. A decade ago, research proved that the idea of protein combining is a myth.

”Plant proteins can provide all essential amino acids and protein combining or the concept of complementing proteins is not necessary.” The American Heart Association

There are a TON of studies saying that plant proteins are the safest and best form of protein to eat.

Here are just 4 reasons you should be eating more plant based proteins:

1. Anti-inflammatory: Plant proteins are rich in anti-inflammatory compounds. They fight off heart diseases, tumors, certain types of cancer, arthritis and auto-immune conditions.

2. Alkaline forming: Plant proteins are alkaline formers and less of acid formers. Alkalinity of plant proteins protect from kidney stones, kidney cancer and nephrosis. It also reduces the risk of osteoporosis or bone loss.

3. Lower cholesterol: Plant proteins like nuts, seeds, legumes and beans are rich in protein. Plus, they are full of fiber and phytosterols which help lower total cholesterol levels.

4. Antioxidants: Plants provide a range of antioxidants like vitamins C, E, and bioflavonoids. These help lower the risk of a lot of degenerative diseases.

Dietary fiber, antioxidants and phytonutrients are the freebies you get with plant proteins. Another bonus is that plant proteins help to fight off inflammation and depression.

A study of a group of employees found that a plant-based diet improved mood & productivity. The study found that the group that ate plant-based meals reported positive results. Compared to the control group that did not have a specific diet, the test group showed improved mood and productivity.

Researchers noted the following at the end of the study:

  • measurable improvements in depression, anxiety, and fatigue.
  • an average of 10 pounds weight loss
  • lowered LDL cholesterol by 13 points and
  • diabetics showed improved blood sugar.

Not sure which plants yous should eat to get the most protein? No worries, I got this covered!

7 High protein plant foods

1. 2 Tablespoon hemp seed butter ( 30 g) = 9 grams protein

This is 3 grams more than an ounce of beef. Use it as spread on Ezekiel or gluten free bread.

2. An ounce of nuts ( 28 g) = 6 grams protein 

This is about a fistful of nuts. Nuts like almonds or pistachios are a convenient snack food. Also add to salads & stir fry.

3. A cup of cooked millets = 6 g protein

Use in place of regular pasta, or in soups.

4. 2 Tablespoon peanut butter = 8 g protein

That's about 3 grams more protein than an ounce of chicken.

Besides use in sandwiches, peanut butter is tasty on celery sticks and other veggies. And who could forget peanut butter cups!

5. An ounce of chia seeds ( 28 g) = 4 g protein

Best on oatmeal or in puddings and desserts.

6. An ounce of pumpkin seeds (a fistful) = 7 g protein

Snack, stir fry, salads.

7. Half a cup cooked dried beans gives 7 g protein 

Chili recipes, stir fry, salad, soups, as hummus,

in wraps. Examples include black bean, black eyed peas, chick pea etc.

Some beans with highest protein content are adzuki and lentils

½ cup adzuki beans (cooked) = 8.65 g protein

½ cup lentils ( cooked) = 9 g protein

I'm not saying you have to become a vegetarian but make do sure you have plenty of plant proteins in your meal plan. Your health will reap the rewards!

Yours in Health,


P.S. I hope you'll share this with your friends and leave me a comment below.